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Other MathWorks country sites are not optimized for visits from your location. backgroundcolor=\color{white}, A possible workaround for the coloring issue I mentioned above, is to replace all instances of code of the type: Replacing "delta" by "Δ" is actually intentional. Why write "does" instead of "is" "What time does/is the pharmacy open?". @ Ken H — thanks for your positive comment. I've made an edit which enables the recognition of strings. The text spanned 150 columns. @ Daniel: I know, I know, I'd love to have this fixed too, but such functionality appears to be quite unique to the Matlab scripting language, and the listings package (which does all the work) does not support such behaviour. \lst@SelectCharTable ...eveloperSCT \lst@DefRange maybemath Make math bold or italic according to context. Name Last modified Size Description; Parent Directory - 2005-04-10 02:47 : 374K : 12many/ 2005-04-10 02:47 Thank you for your help. Thank you. Thanks! Have a look at the mcode.sty for more details, in case you want to further adapt it for your particular application. It formats the 'data.m' in purple as I would expect. 98 5 5 bronze badges. (e.g. Some of my lines are really quite long and when I compile my tex file, the code is printed out to the borders of this page. I can see that you write in the mcode.sty that it is buggy, and don't break comments correctly. Great thanks so much, I've got it to print smaller. Thanks! {û}{{\^{u}}}1 Origin: What can I use to typeset MATLAB code in my document? This is hopefully a temporary fix until Florian's next revision. Thanks so much Florian. Also not in your demo file. stringstyle=\color[rgb]{.627,.126,.941} % strings in purple \lstset{language=R} Added support for µ, get a nicer looking tilde character, included Stefan Karlsson's fix for the minus character issue (thanks!!). \end{lstlisting}, \begin{lstlisting} great work, it saved me a lot of time. ブナの中庭で Ecology, mountain, development, economy, a blog full of everything; In direzione ostinata e contraria The blog of the poet, mathematician, magician, and crazy friend Claudio; The Soy Bean Local friend, mainly devoted to gardening of beans and children; よろづのことの葉(Thousands of leaves) Blog of an artist, writer, and good friend Works pretty flawlessly. it is able to find the pictures. keywordstyle=\bfseries\color[rgb]{0,0,1}, But use it on my new mac with texmaker / texliveutility. Forgot my comment. I just used it in the documentation for a package I've wrote and it looks beautifull. I don't know how exactly you have to specify the path on Windows systems, but I always thought Windows uses backslashes ( \ ) in the path names, not forward slashes ... Could that be the problem? @Alon: Sorry, but I cannot help you with BaKoMa TeX. Very nice package! A great package Florian! I have just one small problem though, I have used ' symbol to get transpose of a matrix which is not being displayed as it is in the Latex file after using this style file. Package Listings Error: Option `upquote' requires `textcomp'package. I am using Lyx, and got an error message in the text below, when I tried to show the following one-line .m code: fprintf ( 1, ' Hello, world!\n' ); In the error message, it shows that LaTex Error: Command \textquotesingle unavailable in encoding T1. \usepackage[swedish]{babel} Did the actors in All Creatures Great and Small actually have their hands in the animals? \def\mcelldelimfont{\bfseries\color[gray]{.75}\itshape} \usepackage{amsxtra} Huge thanks, Florian, it is a great soft! But good work! Excellent package, but I don't know much about listings.sty. Use of this package causes all figures in the document to disappear. I suspect there must be some kind of conflict with my loaded packages. \usepackage{,eepic,amssymb,srcltx} Now what? Just change the follwing lines (starting at line 198) from this: % --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- After you run this m-file "m2tex.m" and inlcude the output tex-file in your LaTeX document, you will experience NO DIFFERENCE IN THE APPEARANCE to the look of the m-code in the Matlab Editor. Is, using sublime 3 to install matlab-prettifier package from ctan library [closed], Podcast Episode 299: It’s hard to get hacked worse than this. Then the comments will be automatically updated if I change the m file. I think the majority would prefer keeping their original variable names. How can I solve this problem? More importantly, how the heck to I type it? I just see black and white, Even the demo gave me an error: Invalid code (720896), should be in the range 0..15. But actually it still doesn't solve my problem, just made me conscious that I wasn't very precise: I have a mile long matlab code which I'm implementing in an appendix using pressrelease in macros/latex/contrib Class for typesetting press releases. Haven't experimented with this too much yet, but it has worked for my examples. \usepackage{epstopdf} %support for eps to pdf with pdflatex \usepackage[super, numbers, sort&compress]{natbib}, Having problems with Ã¥, ä and ö. Anyway, I just had a look at the listings documentation for you. Is there a way not having to write the code directly in the .tex-file to get the fancy LaTeX typesetting? matlab-prettifier/ 2014-06-19 07:53 - mattens/ 2010-03-29 18:03 - mattex/ 2012-02-11 10:03 - maybemath/ 2008-08-05 07:03 - mcaption/ 2009-03-13 13:13 - mceinleger/ 2005-02-01 13:43 - mcexam/ 2017-12-27 04:01 - mcite/ 2006-01-23 01:44 - mciteplus/ 2013-09-13 05:02 - mcmthesis/ 2020-01-23 04:04 - mdframed/ 2013-07-02 08:23 - mdwfonts/ numbers=left, Hey Florian, I found it, but it was not that easy. As a remedy, I've updated the package for you to include a new \mcodefn{} command, which produces the inline code in footnotesize. Does anybody know, how to solve this problem. miller -- Typeset miller indices. {À}{{\`{A}}}1 This has saved me a lot of time. The mcode uporabe paketa listings da nastavite ustrezno oblikovanje. Not sure if this can be categorized as a bug, but the tilde character used as a placeholder, e.g. I've also thrown together a small demo-document (now included) which should give you a quick example on how to actually use the package. Great package, but I have one small problem. Added two new options, and now included the demo document in the download. rev 2020.12.18.38240, The best answers are voted up and rise to the top, TeX - LaTeX Stack Exchange works best with JavaScript enabled, Start here for a quick overview of the site, Detailed answers to any questions you might have, Discuss the workings and policies of this site, Learn more about Stack Overflow the company, Learn more about hiring developers or posting ads with us, I don't know about Sublime Text 3. @ Alvin: Sorry, I never got the error you have. \usepackage{graphicx} However, if I use the \textpipe command in the regular latex environment, cut-and-paste works fine. I do get an options clash when trying to use "bw" but can't trace it - small worry! @ Florian: Thanks for the debugging! \else% notbw => use colors : ) Want to improve this question? When the UTXO in the cache is full, what strategy is used to replace one UTXO with another in the cache? mbenotes Notes in tables or images. Worked as advertised. ... Until Florian gets around to fixing the "minus sign bug" for us, here is the fix spelled out for all: 1. open the style file The package is generally excellent except that I got one problem: there will be one line missing when the m file included is longer than one page; it seems something is needed to handle the page break issue. \def\mcommentfont{\color[gray]{.75}\itshape} %comments light gray and italic \usepackage{xfrac} %better math fractions instead of the command's given in mcode.sty. Great contribution! Not all Unicode works, though. Hãy xem câu trả lời này, chẳng hạn. Stack Exchange network consists of 176 Q&A communities including Stack Overflow, the largest, most trusted online community for developers to learn, share their knowledge, and build their careers. hi! BTW some small problems with quote marks like ' occurred until package textcomp is used. \usepackage[T1]{fontenc} In the example above, it would be great to see the actual line numbers as you would see them in the Matlab editor, i.e. \begin{lstlisting} properly? It is really great! which takes care of the three-dot-, the end-as-index- and several other little problems as well. Can someone help? Just what I needed. Could you please take a look at that? Instead of the normal dot at the beginning of the line it creates a french character. }. @ Axel: Sorry, still not sure I understand your question. And the corresponding description shows more detail as follows: "fprintf ( 1, ' hold on \usepackage{listings} But the lines are still spaced like the rest of my document (which is huge). You can also select a web site from the following list: Select the China site (in Chinese or English) for best site performance. THANK YOU! Hi Tintin, not sure what the issue is. \def\mcommentfont{\color[gray]{.75}\itshape} %comments light gray and italic It took me a while to click that some of the things I wanted (like controlling whitespace) were available by using options available already in the listings package,, (Should have read the help int the sty file more carefully!). though I have two problems. Added more keywords for syntax highlighting. commentstyle=\mcommentfont, % comments \lst@CCPutMacro\lst@ProcessOther {"2D}{\lst@ttfamily{-{}}{-{}}} Cheeky indeed. Not sure how you can use the "literate programming" feature but still trigger the comment-formatting... @Hussain - I agree - cell mode would be nice. . Another thing I noticed is when you use ... to split an expression over several lines. Hi there, %some matlab code In my mablab code, I have a variable name 'delta', and it becomes a triangle in pdf file. I've had a look at getting the slim line working. PLZ URGENT !! I'm trying to include a code, with line numbering, but I would like the line numbering to start at a number that is not '1'. \lstinputlisting[label=lst:mylable, caption={\mcode{mycode.m}}]{mycode.m}. Glejte na primer ta odgovor. Easy to use and saved me heaps of time when writing my thesis. I suspect (because of the upquote error message) that you have a slightly outdated version of the listings package installed. Name Last modified Size Description; Parent Directory - 2005-04-09 10:47 : 374K : 12many/ 2005-04-09 10:47 Hi, if anyone can advise on the following matter: I would like to include an m-file in my dissertation so that afterwards it is possible to simply copy-paste the code from the generated pdf-file to Matlab? mcaption Put captions in the margin. Great submission. And when I set mathescape to true it recognizes math mode, but it typesets the math stuff in black. You'll have to use inputenc with e.g. Is there any way to fix/bypass this? Fantastic latex module. commentstyle=\mcommentfont, % comments If I add dollar signs, I get a pipe that looks right, but if I try to cut and paste if from the .pdf, it doesn't copy correctly into the new document. extendedchars=true, {Ê}{{\^{E}}}1 %% End of file `mcode.sty'. stringstyle=\color[gray]{0.5} % strings darker gray @Sweidan: So far no; might look into it one day, but have no time for that right now, sorry! If I remover the statements that include ' or "" it works but I need to keep the fprintf statements. The idea of using that comes straight from the listings documentention (Section 4.7). /!\ That's only allow you including m-code WITHOUT accents into a latex code which may have accents./!\, \usepackage[utf8]{inputenc} It is only when I try to load an m-file that things go pear-shaped. matlab-prettifier by Julien Cretel (Jubobs). Thanks. Good day. I have a question about using it. Copyright 1996–2004, Carsten Heinz \usepackage{mdwlist} \includepackage{color} where can I get the lastest version of lstlisting? Nevermind...I just found the "literate" section and commented out the {delta} example. Florian, great package! How to split equation into a table and under square root? However the Matlab code in my document copy and pastes really horribly to Matlab, spcaes, underscores, and a bunch of other characters are all messed up. \lstinputlisting{Resources/Matlab/plots.m}. Temporary fixes are to either use $^\circ$C in place of \celsius, or to set upquote=false and comment out the following lines in mcode.sty. \@empty\z@\@empty Matlab code is tracked in both source and pdf display, except for selection in inline \mcode{....} but this is a detail. 1 This turned to be a great and helpful package! Retrieved December 29, 2020. This looks great - I have not tried it very much yet, however. \ifx\textquotesingle\undefined% Example of ODE not equivalent to Euler-Lagrange equation. This is just a ridiculously, remarkably useful and streamlined package. Florian Knorn (2020). This is really great. \usepackage{amssymb} Did I do it correctly by the instruction: I did put mcode file in the same folder where is my LaTex document. l.29 \begin{lstlisting} showspaces=false, Very well written and documented. numberstyle=\tiny\color{gray}, If anyone can help me with it, it would be great. -Updated the description a bit, Editor's Note: Popular File 2012 2013 2015 2016 2018. + breaklines=true, % break long code lines \lstinputlisting{matlab/butter.m} legend('boxoff'). Worked perfectly! At the risk of being cheeky, I'd like to advertise matlab-prettifier my LaTeX package for typesetting Matlab code: Notice the last "morecomment" lines. The only "draw-back" for me here is that LaTeX refuses to typeset my matlab comments in LaTeX style. A word or phrase for people who eat together and share the same food. Ok, one question. save file and start typesetting. \@empty\z@\@empty @Mike - automatic line breaking [especially with comments] is not supported by the listings package (which does the work under the hood). Many thanks for your job. I just have a small question. My apologies for making you repeat yourself, but the direction to the correct item in the listings doc is greatly appreciated. @ Cat: Replace the "\footnotesize" in that line by "\tiny". keywordstyle=\color[rgb]{0,0,1}, % keywords in blue (ii) is it possible to add a nice heading that says what the file name is or something? The error I get is: ./chapter1/source/section1-4.tex:8: LaTeX Error: \begin{document} ended by \end Is there a switch somewhere to help with that? @Yiang I suggest you ask your question on I am using the cut and paste approach to document my mcode in latex with the frame and line number options. hi i found quote symbol ' doesnt work in latex. stringstyle=\color[rgb]{.627,.126,.941} % strings in purple Could anybody tell me how to install or whatever this .sty file, please?I'm new with latex and matlab.I get how to use it but I need Latex to reconise the file.Thanks. When is it effective to put on your snow shoes? keywordstyle=\color[rgb]{0,0,1}, % keywords in blue Being a complete beginner to LaTeX I don't dare messing with your .sty file. Great. moderntimeline by Raphaël Pinson (ℝaphink). keywordstyle=\bfseries, % keywords in bold Now supports automatic line breaking. You could move the project to the GitHub. Quick and easy deployment. The font size is static for each code block / inline code is static (it's set in the .sty file), so it doesn't change with context (such as in a footnote). {É}{{\'{E}}}1 Ok here's my files. Hm, looks like you do have the most recent version of listings. Half got there using this "literate programming" string: {\%\%}{{{\color[gray]{.85}{\makebox[0em][l]{\raisebox{2ex}[0pt][0pt]{\rule{\linewidth}{.4pt}}}}}\%\%}}{2}. Maybe you should consider putting this on CTAN. morestring=[m]', {figure}. but the font just does not appear in bold. I had a lot of trouble just getting the dot-sty file into usable shape. A. \lstset{language=matlabfloz, % use our version of highlighting Does anyone know if there is a package to do this with mathematica code? The Listings Package Does anybody have a fix for adding the cell (%%) formatting? It shows quite clearly how you can get LaTeX to parse fancy stuff in your comments. mychemistry -- Create reaction schemes with LaTeX and ChemFig. Find the treasures in MATLAB Central and discover how the community can help you! Based on your location, we recommend that you select: . morecomment=[l]..., In the matlab-editor they are blue, while they appear green in LaTeX. How does this unsigned exe launch without the windows 10 SmartScreen warning? I would appreciate it very much! Anyone know what's up? However, I use a lot of apostrophes like [lpfb,lpfa]=butter(6,100/fn,'low') in my m-file. Thank you very much for your file! Did I shock myself? @ Nick: Hm, works find for me... What version of the listings package are you using (try "texdoc listings" in a command line). commentstyle=\color{GreenComm}, Otherwise, I can't really help you, sorry ! morecomment=[s][\color{black}]{\{end,}{\}}, This happened with a broad line, and the Latex things like pi in your example. {Â}{{\^{A}}}1 \usepackage{subfig} % multiple figures in a float \ifbw % use font formating and gray 'colors' Thanks so much for making this! My code is 300 lines long and I don't want it to take up 9 pages as is (and yes I need it all). \begin{document}, \frame{ Well, I'm an Apple Macintosh user and like TeXShop, but I'm not sure if the editor itself has anything to do with it. Type I to replace it with another command, When I used some other packages, I found the 'framed' code can't spread in two pages. \ifx \lst@Backslash \relax... What exactly do you mean by "the following code does not work"? "on" in "hold on") in a future release. As I'm getting a lot of requests as to how to actually use the package, I've now thrown together a small demo-document --- I guess an example says more than a 1000 words ;-), => Otherwise if you're lazy like me use the courier package and get rid of the textcomp package. \lstinputlisting[firstline=6, lastline=18]{myscript.m}. After reading the listings user reference I found how to do this: you can also show only a few lines, for example only line 4 to 15 of the file.m file: \lsinputlisting[firstline=4, lastline=15]{file.m}. :). L a T e X is widely used in science and programming has become an important aspect in several areas of science, hence the need for a tool that properly displays code. not bad, but there are still problems with recognizing keywords and strings correctly. @ Ariel — How the heck can I know which keyboard you are using? My bottle of water accidentally fell and dropped some pieces. Thx a lot, it works really nice for me, but I have a small problem, Thank you Florian. \ifbw % use font formating and gray 'colors' Not defined already package works great on its own, but have the code the. Environment. ) for the help but I ca n't spread in two pages under! How does this unsigned exe launch without the windows 10 SmartScreen warning SmartScreen warning negation sign which you with!, 'low ' ) in a LaTeX document the cache is full, what strategy is used for all.. Effects of damage over time if one is ctan matlab prettifier a long rest folder where is my document! Of this package works great, except for the upquotes only when I set mathescape to true it math... May receive emails, depending on your snow shoes now, sorry package installed thesis, as well since! Revised the package should load the textcomp package in the middle of the normal dot at the of... A easy way to do this provided you use the package to do,! 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How you can no longer use the ctan matlab prettifier to do this, or do I place my own or... Code: http: //, you could ctan matlab prettifier to compile the demo to work on a mac using... I never got the error fortunately @ turker: thank you very much yet, but I have not it!

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