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Your marital status is either 'married' or 'single'. Can you please look into it? Raising you spirits – to do something to make you feel happier/ more cheerful. Francine’s short skirt raised a few eyebrows. Download the complete list: EC-Idioms-Intermediate-Advanced (DOC), (note: “sth” = something, “sb” = somebody), = is familiar to you but you can’t remember where you heard it, = (expression used to when considering the advantages and disadvantages of sth), = used to say you are almost able to remember something, but you can’t, = unwell from drinking too much alcohol on the previous day, = used to make sth more vague and less exact, = so angry that you can no longer tolerate any more of sth. = to get angry and begin acting like an angry child. ?? The others don’t sound like idioms to me. Most of the employees were kept in the dark about the merger until the last minute. I told the teacher that it wasn’t me who broke the window. I was going to return the library books today after work, but the thought slipped my mind. Once the school principal caught wind of the problem, she called a teachers’ meeting. If we don’t get a move on, we’ll miss the bus. And in it’s phrasal form, it means ‘won’t be around for long’ e.g. You have to love him. Hi, I might be able to shed light (help you understand) on some of these. Greg had to put his weekend plans on hold and go into the office on Saturday for a few hours. English can sound more poetic and illustrative if you use metaphors and similes (comparisons using ‘like’ or ‘as’). ‘attend to’ has a different meaning in North America. Body and soul usually means literally someone’s body and soul (e.g. See page two. This is a great page, you helped me a lot. all of the above idioms are just good to memorize but is there any common idioms which can be used in a normal conversation. Do not remove website name or URL from printable materials. this means the rooftop shook like it was in a storm. Mike is a marketing genius. It implies that unlucky things happen to you, thus your luck is bad luck, = to make a long story shorter so it takes less time to say, = to initiate social interaction/conversation. thanks a lot. Please view page two ( to make a comment or request a definition of an idiom. (A hatchet is a small axe.). Please visit our Forums to ask a question. Alan got the sack for repeatedly coming into work late. The boy learned his lesson. Don’t touch my stuff. In this site learning idioms is a piece of cake !! money in the above example) to do sth, = inappropriate; not in accordance with how sb is supposed to behave, = to persistently urge sb to do (or not to do) sth, = used to say that you would NEVER do sth, = synonym of ‘whatever you want’; anything, = a change of feeling; used to say you changed your mind about sth, = the long road; the option that takes the most time, = strong enough in character, or strong enough as a man, = the process of learning about sth so you are comfortable with it, = sth new that adds life and energy to a situation, = to assume too confidently that you’ll have sth in the future or forever, = to improvise; to not make a plan but decide what to do as you do it, = to put all of sth you have in the same area (note: generally viewed as a bad thing to do). So, I finally broke down and made my own idiom and phrases list. There’s nothing to it. Bodyguards kept the reporters at bay while the movie stars entered the theatre. Our resume examples are appropriate for people in all stages of their careers. When his father died, Mark was given free rein to do whatever he liked with the family business. According to the web, it means a night that is so cold you need to sleep with 3 dogs in your bed to keep you warm. Afterward, Roger found his dream job. Finding a fifty-dollar bill on the ground made my day. Jim was happy when his ex-girlfriend moved out of his apartment — out of sight, out of mind. I’m not sure I can help. The Phrase Thesaurus is a writers' resource that stimulates ideas for headlines, copy, song lyrics, fiction writing etc. “pay attention” instead of “attend to” – Why “Pay”? I finished it in 20 minutes. He shouldn’t have said that to a client. I tried to begin the list with the easiest/most common expressions and then finish it with slightly more specific/advanced idioms. BY Mark Peters. When it comes to memorable quotations, many prominent people save the best until last. Six dollars for a cup of coffee?! I’d never heard of the expression. We do this to congratulate someone. dot definition: 1. a very small round mark: 2. the spoken form of a full stop in an internet or email address, or…. I’d avoid talking with Bob today. The kids poked fun at George because he was wearing his t-shirt backwards. Thank you very much for sharing! The professor told his students to keep in mind that they only have 50 minutes to complete the test. “I’ve had it up to here with this mess! For example, donating $10 dollars to Africa is just a drop in a bucket (it’s such a little amount compared to the amount of help that is needed). Susan and Mike agreed that it was time to bury the hatchet. Thank you very much for this. 1) "I'm way ahead of you in the game of life" means that I'm at a higher stage/level than you are in life. For example, if I say that you are "all ears", it doesn't mean that you are literally completely ears. Mark’s comment was out of line. This is by far the best compilation of idioms i have come across online and its downloadble!! I am a language and soft skills trainer in India. along the way to be about to be fed up with to be up to sb every now and then to get on with sb just as well there are left, please give me the list of phrases with their meanings and examples, will u get me to know an example for “odds and ends”. This is not a list of all idioms in the world (that would take hundreds of pages). As a rule of thumb, I don’t eat food that smells bad. I guess birds of a feather flock together. telling a joke, or doing a warm-up activity)), = to take extra time to make an additional effort to do sth, = to speak for too long about sth uninteresting, = used to say that YOU now have control of the situation. However, I did not provide idiom definitions in the downloadable list two reasons. Many of the idioms on the last few pages are work-related. this idiom really help me alot thanks to the person who wrote it am really grateful what is the meaning of body and soul,and a pat at the back. The two boys had some common ground: they both loved football. Can you be more specific? It's really good one!!! It leads to a dead end. Although Jim is against the death penalty, he told his friend he was for it just to play devil’s advocate. I’m starting to have second thoughts about my new apartment. Categories of phrases - expressions and sayings grouped under topic headings. Kate is a waitress at a run-of-the-mill bar and restaurant in London. I plan to move into my own apartment in September. About English Current . It would have been so much better if the downloaded doc could show the meanings too and not just the idioms and their usages. Always review the idioms you studied in the previous class. Maybe there is an English conversation group. Luckily for her, the policeman let Jane off the hook for parking her car in a no-parking zone. Background. You break the ice by beginning to speak or starting an activity (e.g. What a rip off! R M Jha. After scoring their fourth goal, the victory was in the bag. One man kept punching the other again and again and again–. Can you please guide me with that. Only cover 7-8 idioms with your students (you don’t have to do a whole page) or they won’t remember them well. I love him, body and soul.) The designer handbag cost her an arm and a leg. off the top of your head        He asked me to tell him a joke, but I couldn’t think of one off the top of my head. If you do, you’ll pay the price. The online list contains definitions. be some credit to….. can you help me with this idiom 1 still in fig leaves 2 another bone for the brutes 3 greedy dog by the society 4 straightening up the world 5 wear a straight jacket 6 half a century apart 7 keeping the lions share of oneself 8 go to the end of the earth 9 dragonflies of their dreams 10 bury myself. Want to study more? = this means that if you do not see someone regularly, you will stop thinking about them. You’re pulling my leg!”. Wow! =  similar to “that can’t be possible!” / “I don’t believe you!”. After seeing a mouse on the floor, I had a change of heart about eating at the restaurant. 5= ‘to fall prey to something’ means to become the victim of something. Darryl’s ex-wife is a total basket case. Tina knew that one day her parents would see her tattoo and then she’d have to face the music. A: Daddy, can I have anything on the menu? The History of Idiom. The governments of Portugal and Greece are in the same boat. Hi Mikey. I hope u can…………….. rettled isn’t a word. = expression that means that you definitely agree with what was just said. They are “divided” (in opinion). The meaning is that it is lucky/fortunate that you didn't go because if he had gone, he would have met his ex-girlfriend (the alternative), who he dislikes. it was one of the most interesting and informative sites i have ever visited. It’s already 6 pm. Please view page two ( for the definition of that idiom. I learned so many things about the meaning of idioms. Roger is an up-and-coming hockey player from Toronto. The Office will not register individual words or brief combina-tions of words, even if the word or short phrase is novel, distinctive, or lends itself to a play on words. This means it will not last long; soon the house will fall or the people will become unhappy. Clean your room now!”. = to be thinking well and reacting quickly, = ruin a relationship, resulting in you being unable to return somewhere, = to become nervous/frightened right before sth you had planned to do, = to be in the lowest situation, e.g. Thankfully, he gave me the benefit of the doubt. Please view page two ( for the definitions of those idioms. Jack tried to be kind to his boss when he quit in job because he didn’t want to burn his bridges. Lisa bent over backwards to get her brother a job in her company, so she was surprised to learn he quit today. Against his better judgement, Jim let his friend drive home drunk. B: So is she. New versatile tool lets you search for keywords and phrases in over 20 years of EDGAR filings, and filter by date, company, person, filing category, or location. the train is passing through the station. (Note: the ‘ice’ is that cold feeling when no one is talking or people don’t know each other. However, if you said that (“Only a jeweller knows the worth of a diamond.”), it would make complete sense (and it sounds nice). Such a house, which is full of disagreement, cannot “stand”. The media blew the story out of proportion. She said she wasn’t sure what to say. Tyler was too hung-over from last night’s party to go to work. Greg isn’t on the ball today. I cannot do all of your homework for you. All of these idioms can be studied in a game! My students often tell me that they want to learn idioms. At the start of the meeting, Mike tried to break the ice by telling a joke. The old man went on about his school days for nearly an hour. These idioms aren’t peculiar to North America, as the author seems to suggest, they are also commonly used in the United Kingdom. Ken was in hot water about forgetting his wedding anniversary. I’m not a British English speaker so I will leave that to the British to do ;), can you help me with these idioms 1.bits and pieces in the street 3.raising spirit 4.pass through 5.fall a prey. They will be very useful for my exams in may! this is good page i got today after 3 hours searching  should i learn by heart for speaking in english. expecting more notes from you. Can you give me a full sentence as an example? EDGAR full text search. Famous Last Words. A pat on the back is also usually literally patting someone on the back. Jim has been a mechanic for 20 years. Thank you. When the boss told me to come in to work on Saturday, that was the last straw. Mike and his father don’t see eye to eye on the issue of abortion. Larry has mixed feelings about his new job. = a piece of cake; something so easy a child could do it, = used to say that sth will inevitably happen (sooner or later), = to make people slightly shocked or surprised, = expression that means “even though that is true” / “even so, ..”, = if/when the situation becomes difficult/intense, = sth you did even though, at that time, you thought it was wrong thing to do, = to make an insulting situation even worse, = the final thing that causes sth to collapse or sb to lose their temper/get angry, = an additional thing that makes sth good become great, = to join the crowd; to do what most other people are doing, = the information typed in a smaller font, usually on a contract, = to be in a situation in which you cannot make any progress, = to take responsibility for what you have done, = to keep a threat away from coming too near, = to refrain from saying sth because you don’t think it would be a good idea, = away from the area most people visit/go, = to ask someone many questions so you can learn from him/her, = to make people want more; to stimulate your appetite so you desire more, = expression that means something was said out of jealousy, = a good thing that first appears as a bad thing, = to choose to believe sth good about sb instead of believing sth bad (when you have the choice to believe either), = at a deficit; running at a loss; losing money, = to be updated; to not be behind; to have all the current information, = to argue against sb just so you can hear your opponent’s reasoning, = to make a great effort to do sth or help sb, = begin an important/difficult task that you’ve been thinking about for a long time (note: to plunge is into dive into something), = to make sb prove that what they are saying is true, = to have anger about sth that happened in the past, = to watch sb very closely (often in an annoying way), = to advance in a company by being promoted to the top, = rules and regulations that prevent you from achieving sth easily, = the only thing that matters; sth so good that it will end the search for sth better, = exaggerate sth; to make sth seem much more significant that it really is, =  to stop fighting and become friendly. Privacy Policy . A: You should get a girlfriend who’s beautiful AND kind. After his wife divorced him, Victor’s life really went downhill. I get a kick out of reading science fiction novels. Wow. For the purposes of paragraphs (g)(1) through (g)(4), there is a distinction between the phrases explosive articles and explosive substances. = used to say that the more of sth there is, the better it will be. They both need financial assistance. Otherwise, the expressions will lose their meanings. = told the secret so other people found out too early. Learn Spanish with our free online tutorials with audio, cultural notes, grammar, vocabulary, verbs drills, and links to helpful sites. One day, out of the blue, I received a letter from my former schoolmate. Lloyd comes from a well-to-do family. Lisa had to work extra hard because a few members of the team weren’t pulling their weight. His friends often ask to borrow money from him. I WANTED TO ASK YOU, DO ALL SENTENCES HAVE IDIOMS OR ARE IDIOMS SENTENCES THEMSELVES? It is a quote from The Holy Bible- Jeremiah 13:23. got another, money doesn’t grow on trees, ‘Money doesn’t grow on trees’ means that you have to work for money- it’s not free. im way ahead of u in the gam of thought you were in first place but im way ahead of you you just forgot i was there, my boyfriend said that to me ..marital satis. All the selected phrases written by you are very useful for me as well as all the readers, teachers and the students of English Literature and Language. Or are you just interested in IPA and teaching pronunciation? George was the only one man enough to admit he had made a mistake. Hello. Firstly, students are more interested when they can try to figure out the idiomatic expression and guess its meaning by themselves. When you use Amazon Alexa with Roku Voice, you can speak commands like “Alexa, show me action movies on bedroom Roku”, or “Alexa, launch Disney plus on living room Roku” to help find entertainment and control your compatible Roku device.If you have a Roku TV ™, you can also use your voice to adjust volume, switch inputs, and turn the TV screen … Mike and Mary had dinner a quiet restaurant off the beaten track in Paris. Below is the result of hours of idiom compilation and writing. = similar people tend to spend time with each other. It is not meant to be a list of all the idioms in the English language. indicated a short breath after a short phrase, a mid-dot '・' meant a longer breath after a longer passage, and a high dot '˙' marked a full stop at the end of a completed thought." Also, a special form of last words - notable suicide notes. can you help with the expression "pull the plug" and "walking disaster" ? Copyright Matthew Barton, July 2011, of Eric has his heart set on participating in the Olympics. Their car broke down in the middle of nowhere. The link is before the first idiom. Sentences contain a subject and a verb. very interesting and so useful to all of the students in malaysia.i like to find this like page to improve my english.i can learn so many new words such as face the music and be in the red.i also say happy deepavali to all the indians in the world, thanks….. can you help me with this idioms; To break the ice To sell like hot cakes Lion’s share From a to z Red letter day To bury the hatchet. Alan has his heart set on participating in the 2020 Olympics. I want the meaning of 1)A hard and fast rule 2)Through thick and thin 3)Back to the drawing board 4)Beat around the bush 5)Best of both worlds 6)Hit the nail on the head 7)A hard nut to crack. His name was on the tip of my tongue… but I couldn’t remember it. The baby threw a fit when I took his toy away. My manager is on my back about being at work on time. He keeps making silly mistakes. The 30-second trailer was designed to whet people’s appetites. But generally, a drop in a bucket is used to describe something that is very small and almost insignifican (compared to the size of the bucket). = a sarcastic expression meaning that sth is actually NOT a big deal. The boss told Janet to call the shots while he was away. Perfect, very usefull, but how can I save to my computer. He’s in it for the long haul. 2  O Romeo, Romeo! = discussion about light topics such as the weather, = something held in common; a common interest or trait, = politically correct = worded in a sensitive way that will not harm the audience, = I’m fed up; I’ve had enough; something said when you cannot handle anymore of something that is aggravating you, = expression that means you have a lot of work to do in little time, = to understand what is being illustrated or explained, = to agree on sth; to have the same views on sth, = expression said near the end of a day which means “That’s enough for today. On the other hand, he’s quite messy. It’s time we start the ball rolling on the new project. The success of your job search depends on this. Why don’t you make a simple website for your business? The film on global warming was a real eye-opener for Tom. Could you help to find the meaning of “perhaps, its just as well”? I get the picture. If push comes to shove, I’ll be here to support you. Take the idioms quiz. Although their enemy outnumbered them, the soldiers stood their ground. where  have learned English phrases and idoms. would help me with these idioms: make greart fuss about. Paula enjoyed the concert, and getting to meet the artist backstage after the show was the icing on the cake. This is a special meaning. Janice took a position as an administrative assistant to get her foot in the door at the famous fashion company. Examples of these: - ) so, i gave it my all that cold feeling no! Actually not a list of * useful * idioms for people in all stages of their careers must’ve out... Agreed that it was going to happen today letter from my former schoolmate was when... More immediate problem and Mary had dinner a quiet restaurant off the team weren’t pulling their.... My link in Google drive: https: // ) for the long haul with a pen in... Broken up into small pieces idiom here is a good, after you have so... 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