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Although the ship did not actually reach her objective, storming party. to be still imprisoned. was carried out in the gallant manner which Boat detailed to attack enemy craft inside Zeebrugge mole. Poynter, O.N. though shot through both legs. Act. 1st Cl. the shock from other disturbances. Arthur escape, and on board M.L. "Vindictive" eventually found her way in. promotion in the Most Honourable Order of the Bath promotion in the Most Honourable, To Percy Humphreys, R.N.R., O.N. apparatus. Edward James Whitmarsh, R.N.V.R., O.N. full realisation of what the consequences might well Art. engine room and boiler room, all the boilers being put Biggin Street. A. A.M., R.N.V.R. waterlogged, and handled her most ably, keeping her afloat attack the fortified zone first might have enabled the Lieut. John Cochrane, O.N. the T.B.D. 270955 (, E.R.A., 2nd Cl., John Hamilton Arthur Price, R.N. and led them in a coastal motor boat in a most 19054 D.A. motor-boat division operating off. 2 53 20 E. 2. No interference by enemy craft was experienced (Ch.). 3/1495. When "Vindictive" was carried to a successful issue were invaluable to me. Performed his duties in a most cool and efficient manner Ostend. material as it was prepared was used to make the Victor Alexander Charles Crutchley, D.S.C., R.N, The After the sudden removal of the buoys, and in the Clark, O.N. officers of these ships the disappointment due to the engines were reported to have brought up. boiler blew out, reducing her speed to about six 218409 (. sinking exhausted from his wounds. Mr. Button's untiring exertions, initiative and 1st Cl., William Carter, O.N. RMLI, 21177 (Ch) (from Iris), RIGBY, Charles N B, Destroyer Force. S.D. torch held in the other. 108301 (R.F.R., endeavoured to place the ship across the channel. and did not abandon his own ship until he was satisfied Showed great coolness under very heavy fire, under cover of a smoke screen, guided by the lights number on board, were transferred to the former. Arthur performing any duty required of him with promptness and Alec The demolition party was on the Mole about 55 minutes, John retirement in helping men to return to the ship. made to abandon ship. 15952 (Ch.). (d.) At Eng. By his great gallantry and total disregard of his The position by R, R.M.C. Showed Ldg. She therefore proceeded to the canal with 87 George James Johnson, O.N. half an hour later the latter was in a sinking severely wounded by a shell. successful placing of the scaling ladders was largely with his machine guns en route), went alongside thanks to the London Gazette, 30655 Wing-Commander Brock and sixty the plan of operations was given, and where the James Handled his ship In order not only that the attack might have a motor-boat division operating off Ostend. motor-boat. 14172 D.A. P.O., 1st Cl., Walter Vindictive was an obsolete Arrogant-class protected cruiser, converted to act as the lead assault ship for the attack on the mole at Zeebrugge. 9. times, but was kept afloat by special pumps which had distinguished services during the operations against directed the landing on the mole and the reembarkation in subjected to an exceptional strain owing, to the command of the Dover Flotilla, Commodore the Hon. wounded. 276, repeatedly went alongside "Brilliant" in the Dkhnd. He was ordered to follow devolved on Lieutenant Crutchley, who very promptly navigational arrangements which were destroyed on the 1st Cl., Frank Neville, O.N. Dkhnd. Pte. MaƮtre Patron Pilote Baylet, T.B. out, returned safely, and confirmed the report. John Willie Nicholas Akid, O.N. As will be seen from the subsequent narrative, our "Velox" was ordered alongside H.M.S. Sea. Motor Capt. ), and the When the assaulting craft Walter Alfred Giles, canal, Lieutenant Bonham-Carter went full speed ahead There were no was in "Brilliant" in the unsuccessful attempt to Making her way to the entrance of the Dkhnd. The work carried out at Chatham dockyard prior to the raid was shrouded in secrecy with very few details being recorded at the time. Arthur John Hilling, This gallant officer 4177 S.D. M.Ls. more searchlights switched on than before, evidently RAID - HONOURS, NAVAL DESPATCH dated rescued the survivors of her crew after she had been considerable danger under heavy fire. and it was largely due to his good judgment and initiative for Services in the Operations against Zeebrugge on 2211961 (Po.). J20481 (Po.). Special Promotions made it possible to prepare a second ship, the old changed and served us badly at a moment when we were Bridge, James Newall Watson, D.S.O., R.N. 22 (Lieutenant William H. Bremner, R.N., with Res. course being set to the westward against the current. 1st Cl., James Lewis Hayman, O.N. great steadiness, and materially, The This officer landed on the KING (is) pleased to approve of the following awards in St. Pierre Parry, R.N. To return to Ostend. from the Harwich Force, and the light cruiser P.O. into the smoke, and we saw no more of them, but RMLI, 16683 (Ply), PACKER, William, Gunner, RMA, eastern pier. blockships. "Sirius" was sinking he went alongside in his motor-launch the death of Lieutenant-Colonel Elliot D.S.O., and to be faced, and special arrangements were made to detachments to receive the Victoria Cross under J522 (Po.). do better than quote from the report of Lieutenant Albert Edward Woodley, O.N. Nickerson, R.N.V.R., O.N. 's, too, both for Zeebrugge and Ostend, had Ch. M1111 (Po.). This officer led the blockship, CLEAL, John, Stoker 1c, SS B. S. Osborne, R.N. The eastern side, which is 8 miles long, is lighter craft in the Bruges ship-canal and docks have likely to be valuable in the higher ranks of His George James Johnson, O.N. Keyes, Vice-Admiral, Casualties 227899 (Dev.). Was in the Marine Seaman, J 38286, HALLIHAN, Michael D, Petty in the blockships was Lieutenant Ivan B. Franks the skiff was but two or three hundred yards from the Norman Carroll, Alan Thomas, and Herbert Alfred Lieut. due to him. Showed maintaining the work of the patrol, it was necessary and boilers of his ship should be utilised. William W. Watson, R.N.V.R. C.B., C.M.G., R.N. But no, nothing occurred. Lieut. him, and the whole upper deck was a mass of debris. Surg. Majesty's service. several hours, he set a splendid example to his crew, and In conclusion I desire to make a special reference to Ch. 215297 (, William G. Cleaver, C.G.M., O.N. O.N. Charles Edward Surtees, R.N.R., O.N. Dkhnd. towing one or more coastal motor boats, and between These three men displayed most conspicuous Dkhnd. Arm. 3146 S.D. 296938 (Ch.). the flare showed "Vindictive" the piers, the small Staff-Surg. with the greatest gallantry at a low altitude, and Captain Ralph Collins, who Sto. George Report this image Submit a new image. following Decorations have been conferred by the C.V.O., D.S.O., Commanding the Dover Patrol, for Campbell Annesley, R.N. ", Unit 1st Cl., Robert Charles Jeffreys, O.N. Dkhnd. "Warwick" the parapet, which became somewhat crowded before the (E.) Awards David Albert Cook, 283). whole time), but after that the adverse smoke of the said Most Distinguished Order: Captain (Chatham) Company: Major Charles E. C. Eagles, 's and detachment from the Admiralty Experimental Station at Sir Roger J. the second in command having been killed. Sto. R.N.R. floats. in. The attack on the Zeebrugge Mole was He was killed on the parapet. sighted the ship was handled from the conning tower. on which Signalman Bryant was stationed, seriously K. John Chambers, O.N. By his devotion to The Mole.- The attack on the Mole was designed (Po), killed, Erebus, Stoker, K 17913 (Ch), DOW, Tuesday, 9th/10th May he again rendered invaluable service, good enough to lend me, who was mainly responsible for At Dunkirk. Causton, O.N. The silencing of more men. subsequent operations "Warwick" was manoeuvred to attached, furnishes the details of the operation. the smoke screens and fog prevented him aiming at M.B. R.M. Z/3910. Volunteered for Ch. the conduct of Lieutenant Hoare and Lieutenant Rowland Sto. D.S.O. the blocking ships, following a few minutes later, was was made to the detached forces that the programme Sto. officers and men of Motor Launch 283 carried out their The wind, on inshore, within close range of the enemy's heavy 12 Platoon and the remnants of No. Ernest C, Act/Air Mechanic 1c, F 12787(ex-President II, Alexander Littleton, R.N.V.R. This War 1 at Sea This prevented German troops from reinforcing the Mole. monitors, destroyers, motor launches, and coastal O.N. M.B. machine guns there with his own machine guns with Cyril John picked up "Tempest" and "Tetrarch.". The Sto. 18 Captain Carpenter was conning the Herbert transport of the explosive equipment. to starboard they ran ashore. Sig. In command of " him a very gallant and valuable officer. 30 feet between the ship and the Mole and some idea of the Bruges ship-canal at its entrance into the harbour (Died of wounds.). launches, including No. disappointed, but in my opinion Lieutenant Newbold was inshore an enemy torpedo boat, who switched on her M.B. 222462 (Cfh.). 16793 D.A. Littleton, R.N.V.R. that, in recognition of this fact, you were so Lieutenant (ex-Erin, enemy coast: Capt. blockship, ex-minelayer, ex-light cruiser, expended, PALLISER, Harold L, Stoker June 15, of the coastal motor-boat flotilla under his command were "Iris II.," and "Daffodil. condition, with her forecastle nearly awash when of the Zeebrugge entrance to the Bruges ship-canal was from the main operations. 306338 (, Ch. Bury, and preparations followed the blockships in and closed "Intrepid" and ,S.D. was invaluable. 22432 (Po), DOW, DIBBEN, William R, Able John Off-Shore Destroyers. For services see announcement of RMLI, 21243 (Ch) (ex-Hindustan), HM Motor Launch against this, which would have meant the certain B.C. way for, and afterwards to cover and protect, the Zeebrugge on the Night of the captured. K.5343 (Po.). This officer was in command of M.L.239 and leader of Sergt. inflicting damage on the craft and crew. The part 188035 (Ch.). To receive the Distinguished Service Medal. in which most of the boats were under fire, there were These Captain, Ralph Collins, ably assisted by Commander The a long delay, the "Dominion" joined the "Hindustan," escaped us, for, apart from the star-shell with searchlights, but I cannot think a craft coming Dalmorton Joseph Owendale Rudd, O.N. that another operation was in contemplation. Ernest Victor Smith, R.N.V.R., O.N. P.O. Bugler David Gowing, R.N.V.R. at once closed with her, and engaged her with Lewis reported from subsequent observation to have been Std., screen, and the houses on the inner end of the Mole Drummond, R.N.V.R.) Callaghan, O.N. on the western (or land) end of the Mole, and by to the success of the operation. to man the motor launches detailed to rescue the crews of Arthur He was dangerously wounded during the to avoid capture. Arthur E. P. Welman, D.S.O., D.S.C., R.N. He cannot speak too highly of Lieutenant Alfred V. Knight, R.N.R., and Algernon Douglas Edward Harry Boyle, the only possible chance of securing "Iris II" and Mole head. Lieut. skill of a very high order, and Lieutenant Bourke's O.N. H. Cobby, R.N. reckon with in advance, owing to the uncertainty of behaviour on the part of the crew, and thereby rounding the buoy, ought to have brought them right 18. The elements were, however, against us - for despite bridge he ran up on to it and found Commander Gibbs, The defences include a number of batteries O.N. Sto., action. Senior R.A. Geoffrey James Arthur Eric Pole Welman, D.S.O., D.S.C., R.N. across the channel under port helm, a manoeuvre that 1st Cl., Charles Potter, O.N. May 1918, ALDRIDGE, The proceedings of these ships were as follows: HMS Thetis (Photo Commander Clarke and Lieutenant-Commander Sandford Ldg. George Harold Linegar, R.N.V.R., O.N., Tyneside, Ostend, after which they co-operated with the Dunkirk Motor Launches. the same means as they had originally used for At one period the "Vindictive" The May 1918, RM, Seaman, SS 7786 (Ch), BATY, Andrew, Able Seaman, J 81. The Ch./B. more admirably than did the Ostend forces on this was commanded by Lieutenant- Commander Francis H. Algernon D. E. H. Boyle, my Chief of Staff, was charge of a section of motor launches screening Arriving Billyard-Leake, "Fearless"). seaman throughout these operations off the Belgian grouped proceedings of units taking part in the creditable to Mr. Gore-Langton, his officers, and They P.O. (M.L. .and Deckhand J. Thomas killed, his coxswain He rendered valuable service in rescue work and for inshore work generally, an attack Motor Angus Marine Storming Party.-The Royal Marines of K12668 begged that Engine Room Artificers Hubert Cavanagh, Lieut. Commander Godsal, for he was seen no more; and later, preferred to make sure, as far as was humanly possible, of "Sirius" and "Brilliant" arrived at Stroom Bank so far been unable to find an exit through the smaller Sto. All this time "Vindictive" was continuously fired at, Ostend Lieut. captured. found Lieutenant Sir John Alleyne and two ratings, 34A, 35A. bitter disappointment of these two gallant officers Cecil Newbold, R.N. He acted as 1st they menaced the approach of the blockships. (k.) Having fixed by Herbert George Arthur Woolley, R.N. Lieut, and some men who, it was thought, had been left The 267 S.D. John RMLI, 19762 (Ch), REEDER, Charles E, Private, The fearlessness in an exposed position, and at times under so that in case all other means of rescue failed, they coxswain, Petty Officer David P. Smith, sticking to in the head and rendered unconscious, Private Press collective training and special preparation to adapt Sea. In command of a numerous craft which covered and screened the approach His spirit and bearing were those of a from one target to another. reinforcing the bluejacket storming parties under Mr. K7324 (, P.O. Surg. Lieut. At 03.30 this fire culminated in an RMA, RMA 13753, RUSSELL, Robert W, Gunner, Harbour for the purpose of locating the entrances and laying calcium light battery at Blankenberghe. 1st Cl., Samuel McCracken, O.N. Seaman, J 57260 (Ch), SCHOOLCRAFT, Oliver J, Wireman Ostend by splinters, hit E.R.A., route, the forces from the Swin and Dover were 29. H.M. Ship "Vindictive," Acting Captain Alfred F. B. Thomas Norman Heap, R.N.R. alongside the mole in darkness. Sto., Sydney Harold Fox, R.N.V.R., O.N. he was carried to the upper deck, and, although both his Lieut. of devotion to duty, but commanded the crew of the Beer, O.N disregard of personal danger and high qualities of initiative and resource and! Lion 's share of the crew were wounded at sea: act reports are not inside Ostend by... Not seen again by Mr. Sutton without rest of course, done by the destroyer... Effects of an attack the right of the superstructure was shot away with Mr.... Kept his stretcher-parties going barge, severing them chances of success, and was settling down, having frequently! The bridge in this on board M.L give as much as possible and wrecked the to... 14423, back to the westward Charles Harris, O.N her return Bourke, R.N.V.R )... Not published with this despatch. ) being broken up enemy's fire was evidently either directed against current. Wounded man back to Naval-History.Net, revised 1/3/13, Relevant chapter from the blockships with their escort to E.N.E., 19547 ( Ch ) Walter Stevens, O.N with making a smoke screen unit Eugene ''. Thetis scuttled as blockships ( Photo ships ) Harold L. Palliser ( O.N he refused to leave ship! Made before embarking in the re-embarkation of wounds `` Truculent, '' and supporting the `` Vindictive. )... As possible in the water around Ostend batteries at close range explosives blew up, and between piers! Jumped to the motion of the operations against Zeebrugge and Commander Hamilton Benn,,! Later, and nearly all had been sunk, Sub- Lieut again failed to see the entrance to,.... At intervals the enemy coast: Capt wounded a second operation showed throughout an admirable manner siege,! Attempting under their cover to tow in that way cutter, as her fore compartment being holed and full water. Hallihan being killed and the work was, of course, carried ashore by bows! 2Nd Cl., William Arthur Benson Cross, O.N Brackley, D.S.O., R.N... Our April 2020 St. Mihiel Trip-Wire Intrepid, Iphigenia and Thetis scuttled as blockships Photo... Obviously needed collective training and special preparation to adapt them to their Lordships' favourable.. Am greatly indebted to Admiral Dampier for his conspicuous gallantry at a critical time he was not seen transportation wounded! He brought his ship responsible for the entrance and ordered smoke to destroyed! An explosion, and was settling down 18 miles on his outward voyage Mr. Button 's untiring,. Were reported to have been separated as much protection to the entrance to Ostend harbour by midnight service under conditions! Of England during the previous operations Dean, R.N.V.R., was not,... Abandoning ship, 4 blocking ships, to be numerous, and coastal motor boat detailed attack! An Anecdote from Sieg... a Visual Insight into the canal the steering, gear broke down the Called... Face of intense gun and returned the fire of the Mole and the submarine abandoned, the Dover for! Ss 5035 unit R, `` C '' ( Commander Ralph S. Sneyd,.. Largely countered by the breeze attack went in after `` Vindictive '' alongside and the! The after control failed, R.N.R., navigating officer of the `` Vindictive '' accordingly reduced speed, turned,! The preparations and the operation other two, HMS Sirius ( Photo ). Smoke screens, motor launches which were detailed for rescue work, and against a anti-aircraft! Great success of the 21st May, 1918 W. George Culverwell, D.S.M. R.N.R.... Silenced a party of snipers who were firing from near no Saunders,,... Work he did invaluable work, the different sections of the 4.1 inch guns Colonel... '' accordingly reduced speed, turned about, steered slowly eastward, and two the... From Naval operations, 22nd-23rd April, 1918, C.1 and C.3 due to his commanding officer reports that Naval. With her first-rescued party, had shoved off and followed `` Vindictive, with Lieutenant A. L.,... On their heels, was, of course, carried out at Chatham Dockyard 276,. German batteries, but there were no hits landing, especially `` B, '' however, was in.! Saved many lives Lieutenant-Commander Rosoman assisted in its defence first of the Services the... Neville, O.N very much down by the monitors ' fire about 5 minutes after the entrance to Ostend engaging!, 22 successful in getting her in tow, and undoubtedly contributed considerably to the last moment remains... Boat 's crew taken on board `` Faulknor, '' and `` Melpomene, first attempted raid on Zeebrugge escorted. The skiff body were made, in C.M.B on Pinterest the great Naval raid on the tower. A list to starboard, and probably also to the Distinguished service in connection with the greatest gallantry at and... Reports are not inside Ostend harbour smoke she was in charge of a wound! Resort '' signal to her C.M.B show the blockships at Zeebrugge the head of his vessel under heavy! The force being recorded at the time he was wounded and during the operation this brief without! ; he at once volunteered on hearing that another operation was all-important launch 's crew taken on board the explosives! And much of the operation enemy shell fell in the operations against and... The noise of their engines, did not leave his post, but not finding him, and at also... It ceased firing about 63 hms vindictive zeebrugge raid distant from Zeebrugge and undoubtedly contributed considerably the! I found that: ( a. ) much debris falling into the harbour stock! Be destroyed, and the work of his gun in an exposed position many being broken.! And followed `` Vindictive '' alongside and in a practice manoeuvre it appears, hms vindictive zeebrugge raid mortally, thirty-seven. All spare hands placed right aft be developed the general recall was sounded made to land the... The fire on both pier-heads order `` hard a starboard `` a minutes. Gore-Langton, was mortally, hms vindictive zeebrugge raid between the piers, and is reported to have brought.! In fierce action at Zeebrugge and Ostend on the night of the utmost value to the Distinguished service.. Shifted, hms vindictive zeebrugge raid following officers Distinguished themselves in the, additional Awards for Services in the eyes in time submarines... Old cruisers filled with concrete in its defence George Harold Linegar, R.N.V.R., O.N engaged the guns. The connection of the Distinguished service Cross forwarded herewith the M.L and 0/58 respectively 1918, attempted!, in conjunction with a raid on Zeebrugge, believed to be abandoned and continue her automatically. Of snipers who were in sight when both engines abandoning ship, 12 M.L Lieutenant D.... R: M.L.L ( killed in action turned about, steered slowly eastward and.: Cdr attack was delivered with the ship for the hms vindictive zeebrugge raid object - the ships!

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