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I was 5'8 in the 6th grade. When I look down all I see is midgets! Its nearer to average in the US, short in the Netherlands, but somewhere like China you would be considered quite tall. Also is it to tall to wear heels, cause I always feel like a giant when I do. HAHAHAH NO WAY. I don't think there is a "too tall." i always see my shorter friends being called "so cute and small" and nobody ever says that to mee! im 5'9 so 5'6 is good height for a girl to me. Girls don’t get comments about being tall until they’re 5’9-5’10. In the U.S., a 5'6" woman (anyone 18 or over) is considered tall, or at least tall-ish. Ed the Jetpacking Headbanger Idon't consider 5'6" tall. I'm 21 and I'm 5'8 now. im only 5' and im almost 14. What do you boys out here look for in a girl? 5 ft 5 in is average height of white women 20 to 40 years old in the US. Notably, this excludes 10% of men who say there is no such thing as too short and 9% who say no height is too tall. Can you get enough protein from yogurt, nuts, and eggs? I'm 5'6 (and a half lol) and I'm a girl. Relevance. 8 years ago. The normal weight for a girl that is 56 inches tall is roughly 77 pounds. I love women this height, anyone over 5'8" looks odd and gawky. Heyyy. I was 5'6 in 7th grade. 5'6" is just perfect for a girl - not too tall, not too short. Notice that the majority of websites uses one of the methos below. Is 5'6 too tall for a girl? 5'6" is by no means 'SHORT' it's a rather perfect height, and I am a male 6'5". Or do you need meat? But i've noticed that girls are definately taller than 10/15 yrs ago. "Too " gives the impression that there's something that can be done about it. Posted by 7 hours ago. No comments | | | 0 No comments. Plus there’s nothing wrong with being a tall girl, models usually have to be 5’10 Am I considered tall, short or normal?? a lot of my friends are shorter than me, around 5"3 or 5"4, and i just feel like they are so much CUTER than me. Here are other values based in other methods. Look at the supermodels, the really gorgeous ones making the top money. More advice Like a tall … Lv 5. Answer for question: Your name: Answers. im a girl and im 5"6/5"6.5 . :) you're at a perfect height. Do you like skinny girls or chunky girls. Girls don’t get comments about being tall until they’re 5’9-5’10. is 5”6 tall for a girl? Plus there’s nothing wrong with being a tall girl, models usually have to be 5’10 Answer Save. A little taller than average. I just grew faster than the others. Answer #2 | 27/12 2013 16:05 I'm a girl and I'm 5'7". In school, (being 33 now) i was considered tall. Oh and I'm in high school btw. Dear Prudence. did I spell that right? Its above average. everyone is different:D. what kind of porn do girls watch because like guys watch girl on girl? jtolb65 . It is a tad smaller in other western Caucasian societies but only by an inch or so, so you are not out of the average range. These values apply for a 25 years old 5 ' 6" heigh woman. Sara . Tall is beautiful! Petite women are more feminine and almost always more petite frame sexier bodies! it is tall for an girl . I've dated guys that ranged from 5'2 to 6'4 and I still feel tall, no matter the height of who I'm with. Do guys think about girls as much as girls think about their guys? 5"6,,is not tall...I am 5"9,,I am 17 years old,,and I am tall but I never feel like a giant ,,5"6,,is considered short to me, it ok. People in general are growing taller now days. Oh yeah I am 19. but now I dont care and love wearin my heels! Think it's because of whats put in our foods today, i.e to make bread last longer, milk also. ( stand to be corrected). Today it's 5' 9". And i also know for a fact that guys love tall girls. I don't think you are tall, 1,67m it's an average height in U.S You are taller than average South-Asians girls of your age but below average height … I am about 5'5" - 5'6", and nearly every woman I know is shorter than I am. Oh and I'm in high school btw. Am I considered tall, short or normal?? 5'8 is not that tall for a girl. He thinks a 5'7" woman would be considered rather tall. Unless you live in an area with women under like 5'3 probably, but even then there are a ton of 5'6 women. If you're tall then I must be a giant lol. its around average. Most of them are 5'9", or even taller than that, because they look great at that height, and the clothes look great on a tall girl. In the US, the average height for women is just under 5'4 (around 5'3.75). Get answers by asking now. I don't know where you're from but 5'4" is average for women in america. (young women from the Netherlands have an average of 5'8 !). I'm a 5'6 22 year old and I'm self conscious of my height. 5'6 isn't tall at all, you just have short friends. And 5'6 ain't that tall, lol I'm 13 and 5 ft 8..x its fine hun don't wori bwt it I wear heels sometimes:P Girls come in different sizes, and you just happened to end up taller. What would happen if I, a 405 pound man, lost 250 pounds? is 5'6 too tall for a girl? I'm 5'6 (and a half lol) and I'm a girl. I'm almost 5'9. Please, see detailed information below. The only time that's considered tall is if you're in elementary school & that height or even jr. high school. 8 years ago. Average, I dont know where you're living but most women are usually around that height. They supposed to be healthy skinny and tall at your age not short and chubby... just my opinion ^_^. :) Think it's because of whats put in our foods today, i.e to make bread last longer, milk also. Favorite Answer. The average North American fully grown female is just a hair under 5"4", so for those of you who seem to think a full 5'6" is anywhere near short, you're wrong. I was 5'6" in 6th grade, and was the tallest girl in my class. I'm 5'8" myself, and the rest of my friends are shorter. 0 0. hysttericglamour . I was 5'6 when I was 11. One inch above the average height in the USA. Of course this number can be higher or lower depending on how the child's skeletal system is made. youre not too tall..maybe to girls youre too tall but not to a guy. I am 5'5 and I wish i was just a little bit taller/. Answer for question: Your name: Answers. There's no such thing as too tall or too short. 5'6 isn't tall at all.. you just have short friends :]. Most children will reach an adult height within 4 inches (10 centimeters) of this estimation. But eh some guys like short girls and some guys like tall girls. No thats not tall for a girl I´m 5´9 so no thats not tall Other methods to calculate IBW. I am really self conscious. share. The average for a 13 year old is about 5' 4" so your not way up there. Hence it's relative. The latest you would grow is about 23 after that you stay pretty much the same size. In the U.S., a 5'6" woman (anyone 18 or over) is considered tall, or at least tall-ish. At most, I have one female friend that is taller, and then most of my guy friends are taller. Lv 4. My brother is 6'4, my other brother is 5'11, my oldest sister is 5'8, another sister is 5'4 and another is around 5'2-5'3 (All full grown) My friends are like 5'2 5'5 5'8 (I have more then three but this is around the average) Guys, and girls is 5'6 WAY to tall? I'd say women who are 5'8 or taller can be considered tall. I used to feel awkward about it since every other girl was like 5'1-5'2 but I've learned to love my height. 1. is 5"6 too tall for a girl? Cassie. However, by 8th grade, the rest of the kids pretty much caught up with me. For the younger generation, it's fairly average. Are vegetables to be eaten about once a month or less? Devon. save. Likewise, every reliable source I find tells me that the average woman is between 5'3" and 5'4". I'm from India, it would be considered on the taller side here. 8 years ago. However let's say in Sweden, it would be considered short. I even want 2 grow to 5'9 or 5'10 hopefulli!!! its slightly above average but its not tall 5'7 is equal to 6'0 for a guy.i think 5'8+ is tall. Divide by two. Still have questions? And she is very happy being tall. Haven't grown since 8th grade. 2 | 0 Over 5'8" is tall for a woman. 27 Answers. Don't listen to what he says. and can i still be considered cute by a guy? Its like living in a munchcan land! Am I Tall - you may ask! But I'm also mostly of scandinavian descent, and their average for women AND men is slightly taller than the American average. Well we have the answer for you to determine whether or not you are tall or not, right here. Add 5 inches (13 centimeters) for boys or subtract 5 inches (13 centimeters) for girls. It depends on your age and weight...I would say that's average height for a woman. 14 Answers. No way is that height too tall for a girl, at least not in most countries. Average. Short is relative, but I don't really think cuteness has to do with height all the time. 4. Girls usually continue to grow until they are 14-15 years old, so 5'6 (1,67 m) it would be your adult height. Home Love & Relationships. It's a full 2 inches taller than average, folks. It’s above average, but girls aren’t considered tall until they’re 5’7-5’8, and that’s only moderately tall. I date up to 5'9" + heels. You can sign in to give your opinion on the answer. ----- Our main goal is creating educational content. girls are growing taller though each decade and 5-10 is I think the actual norm today. I just turned 16 and I have been 5'9 and the way people call me names I do feel like a giant but you know what? i feel too tall and awkward. It's at least above average. Girls usually stop around 16-19. 5 Answers. In 1864 the average height for a male was 5' 4" tall. Comment. lol you are the perfect height actually its normal because girls today arent growing right. no thats actually average.. plus everything depends on the proportion of your body.. that actually a perfect hight.. hey! Similarly, there is no "too short" for 4% of women and no "too tall" for 7%. If everyone around you asks if you play these "tall girl" sports, then it may be a sign that you are taller than average. Answer #1 | 27/12 2013 15:54 I think 5'6 is a perfect height. The ideal height for a woman, according to the average man, is 5’6”. That's average. Of course, some guys, usually the gigantic 6'6" ones want a gal 4'11". Is 5'6 too tall for a girl, it seems that I am taller than all my friends. This can be annoying if you don't actually play those sports -- or any sports at all! Relevance. It's at least above average. I am 5'7 Positive: 100 %. Your pretty tall but not like crazy tall. Most girls I know are between 5'0" and 5'4". Stand tall and be proud! In Finland it is 5ft 6 in. Answer #1 | 21/03 2016 11:22 yes for girl Positive: 75 %. 8 years ago . report. To put into perspective you are nearly in the 79 percentile… Well, i'm 5' 6ft. It’s above average, but girls aren’t considered tall until they’re 5’7-5’8, and that’s only moderately tall. is 5”6 tall for a girl? 1 decade ago. Yes, though not too tall 5'6 is definitely above average for a girl's height. 0 0. See if you're taller than 5'6". Why do tall people usually date tall people? Positive: 66.666666666667 %. Of course I tend to like taller girls, but 5'6" is definitely not tall. I did 20 burpees and 20 push-ups is that sufficient . It's above average but I wouldn't say it's tall I'm 16 and 5'8.5 and to me it seems like most of the guys my age want to go out with shorter girls. I am 5'6" tall, and feel like I am too tall, do you feel the same way? But i've noticed that girls are definately taller than 10/15 yrs ago. But ever one is built differently. I know a girl that 6'2. So yeah go ahead and flaunt your stuff in those heels, you're a perfect height, especially for your age. It's a full 2 inches taller than average, folks. 1 decade ago. The average height for women in the Western world is between 5'3" and 5'4". so don't worry about it. In school, (being 33 now) i was considered tall. im 5'9 I used to hate it but the older i get the more confident i … Answer #2 | 21/03 2016 07:19 Depends on her ethnicity actually. Medium height for a girl, in between short and tall, just right and you should have no qualms mixing. Favourite answer. Relevance. Also the average age span was 47 years old! Not only are you well-educated, but you are also extremely successful. Tall is about 5'7. 60% Upvoted. Its not unusually tall. 5 5. comments. A lot of girls are way taller. That's pretty short actually, well no. 2 1. That makes it a tall height. I'm 5'6" aswell(im 15 tho_) and I used to hate it and never wear heels because my friends wer all shorter!! Favourite answer. But don't worry about your height: Chances are, your friends will have a growth spurt and catch up with you if not pass you up. A co worker and I somehow got into a debate over whether a woman who is 5'7" would be considered tall. I'm 5'7", which is above average for girls where I live, but I'm not by any means the tallest girl I know. Log in or sign up to leave a comment Log In Sign Up. Sort by. Is 5'6 tall for a girl? I think 5' 6… That makes it a tall height. So, I wouldn't say 5'7 is particularly tall for a woman. Would you say it's short, short-medium, average, a little taller than average, or tall? Close. Is 5'6 tall for a girl? But it depends where you live. Source(s): Me. :) Answer Save. Join Yahoo Answers and get 100 points today. People love to assume things about others because of their looks, and you shouldn't get too discouraged by this. There are many ways (formulas) to calculate the ideal weight. Heyyy. It's a full 2 inches taller than average, folks. I feel really tall sometimes and then other times really short. A 5'7 woman is the equivalent of a 6 foot man. My nickname was "Sasquatch." Hey everyone! That's definitely not tall. The average height for an American woman is 5'4" but most women I see are at least 5'6". Tall Girl Quotes • Is being 5'6 tall for a girl? The survey also illuminates just what it is to be an “average” man or woman when it comes to height. I'm only an inch taller than the average in canada (I'm Caucasian), but for some reason I feel extremely tall all the time. hide. Answer Save. I love being tall. My mom is 5'10". What do you think of the answers? Anonymous. In the US, the average height for women is just under 5'4 (around 5'3.75) Fairly average not too tall but not like crazy tall. date up leave. Of your body.. that actually a perfect height, anyone over '... And that’s only moderately tall. short and tall at your age!!!!!!!... Giant when I was 5 ' 6 ( and a half lol ) and I wish I was tall! Then most of my friends websites uses one of the kids pretty much the same size of uses... 1864 the average height for a girl eaten about once a month or?. U.S., a 5 ' 3 '' and 5 ' 6 '' not too short for. Foods today, i.e to make bread last longer, milk also or. But you are the perfect height guys like short girls and some like... You should n't get too discouraged by this for you to determine whether or you! The time the rest of my height though each decade and 5-10 I! ' 5 and I wish I was 5 ' 8 in the USA within 4 inches ( 13 centimeters of! 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