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2. International Agencies and Development Banks : A number of international agencies and development banks have emerged over the years to finance international trade and business. 2. 10:00 AM to 7:00 PM IST all days. Frequently capitalization of reserves may result in over capitalization. It is also called probability sampling.The counterpart of this sampling is Non-probability sampling or Non-random sampling. It is one of those measures which are rigidity defined. These claims are the GDRs and such shares are called depository shares. There is no fixed commitment to pay dividend on such funds. (b) American Depository Receipts (ADRs) : The depository receipts issued by a company in the USA are known as American Depository Receipts. Retained Earnings. The maturity period is relatively short. know the relative merits and demerits of different sources so that choice of an appropriate source can be made. CLASS XI There will be two papers in the subject. The ICICI is a unique institution in several ways. Share with your friends. (ii) High Opportunity Cost. For carrying out various activities, business requires money. 1800-212-7858 / 9372462318. The primary types of this sampling are simple random sampling, stratified sampling, cluster sampling, and multistage sampling. The management of a company may not always use the retained earnings in the best interest of shareholders. But a dividend on a share can never be paid out of capital. It does not depend on the investors’ preference and market conditions. 3. (i) Ready Availability. 4. It is one of the units into which the share capital of a company can be divided. Objects : The purpose of IFCI is “to make medium and long-term credits more readily available to industrial concerns in India, particularly incircumstances “Where normal banking accommodation is inappropriate or recourse to capital issue method is impractiable.” The corporation provides financial assistance for the setting up new ventures as well as the modernisation and expansion of existing enterprises. Thus there are fewer administrative costs for deposits. Advertisement. these rights are not available to the debenture holders. 4. (ii) Cheaper than External Equity. Debentures are known as creditor securities. The continuously growing retained earnings show that company is making profit and building good fundamentals. It is only specialised financing institution working exclusively for the private sector. Thus the assets are free to be used as mortgage in future, if need be. 1 answer. 4. Those who invest money in debentures are known as ‘debenture holders’. (d) Projects having potential for exports and import substitution. The merits and demerits of harmonic mean are as follows: Merits: 1. Bonus and rights issue, ESOP and Sweat Equity Shares - meaning. Become our . Due to the presence of more than one owner, the partnership firm has the advantage of having more manpower as compared to sole proprietorship firms. Debentures do not carry voting rights, and therefore, debenture holders are not in position to exercise any control over the affairs of the company. (b) Projects promoted by new entrepreneurs and technocrats. As a result, the … Academic Partner. 1. It was set up as a statutory corporation under Industrial Development Bank of India Act, 1964. 2. It is based on all observation 3. More Manpower - In a partnership firm, there are more than one owners. Loans from financial institutions : A number of financial institutions have been set up by government with the main object of promoting industrial development. Distinction between shares and debentures. Use of retained profit does not involve any cost to be incurred for raising the funds,. 3. Class-11-commerce » BBA. (2) There is always danger of over capitalisation, if the company goes on retaining profit every year. Debentures may be secured debentures, insecured debentures convertible debentures and non-convertible debentures. asked Aug 1, 2018 in Business Studies by Sakil Alam ( 64.0k points) sources of business finance State the merits and demerits of public deposits and retained earnings as methods of business finance. Since, use of equity and debt in the capital structure has both its merits and demerits, a judicious mix of both are used in the capital structure. Retained earnings are cheaper than external equity because the floatation costs, brokerage costs, underwriting commission are other issue expenses are eliminated. The needs of rapid industrialisation, long-term financial needs of heavy industry beyond the resources of the then existing Institutions, absence of a central agency to coordinate the activities of other financial institutions and gaps in the financial and promotional services were the main causes behind the establishment of the IDBI. Interests on debentures is a debt and may be paid even out of capital. Being an internal source, these earnings are readily available to the management and directors don't have to ask outsiders for finance. Preference shares carry a fixed rate of dividend to be paid if there are profits, where as equity shares do not carry a fixed rate of dividend. Debentures – meaning; kinds of debentures; advantages and disadvantages of debentures. Answer: The merits of raising funds through debentures: Debentures are an important source of long-term fiance for a company. 3. This sacrifice increases the opportunity cost of retained earnings. (c) provide direct finance to industry to bridge the gap between demand and supply of long-term and medium-term finance and industrial concerns in both public and private sectors. This bank receives dividends, notices and reports and issues negotiable certificates as claims against these shares. (c) Promotion, meaning, role and types of promoters. Download the PDF Question Papers Free for off line practice and view the Solutions online. 2. (f) Projects that provide machinery, fertilisers, pesticides and other inputs for agriculture. know the relative merits and demerits of different sources so that choice of an appropriate source can be made. Loans from commercial banksand Financial Institutions - meaning, GDRs are non voting equity holdings. Contact us on below numbers. The procedure for obtaining public deposits is much simpler than equity and debenture issues. 6. 3. International Capital Markets : Modern organisations including multinational companies depend upon sizeable borrowings in rupees as well as in foreign currency. Merits- 1. It is rigidly defined. Syllabus. Debentures usually have a charge on the assets of the company as distinguished from shares which have no such charge. Name any three special financial institutions and state their objectives. It is capable of further algebraic treatment. (iii) No Ownership Dilution. 5. Financing through debentures is less costly as compared to cost of preference or equity capital as the interest payment on debentures is tax deductibel. The prominent financial instruments used for this purpose are : (a)Global Depository Receipts (GDRs) : GDRs are issued to tap the global capital markets by way of global equity offerings. Contact. Write a short note on (a) Retained earnings (b) Trade credit. Equity shares - features, advantages and disadvantages. ADVERTISEMENTS: 3. For Study plan details. Article Shared by Pooja Mehta. 4.Optimal Capital Structure A capital structure is said to be optimal when the proportion of debt and equity is such that it results in the increase of shareholders’ wealth. 4. (c) Loans from commercial banks and Financial Institutions. Debentures carry a fixed rate of interest. Meaning of retained earnings; Merits and limitations of Retained Earnings; If you would like to contribute notes or other learning material, please submit them using the button below. Important Solutions 12. The IFCI gives priority to dispersal of industry development of backward areas, growth of industries in the co-operative sector, etc. Under the retained earnings sources of finance, a part of the total profits is transferred to various reserves such as general reserve, replacement fund, reserve for repairs and renewals, reserve funds and secrete reserves, etc. It is preferred by investors who want fixed income at lesser risk; 2. 8. asked Feb 2 in Business Studies by Ujjawal01 (65.2k points) class-11; 0 votes. Education Franchise × Contact Us. Textbook Solutions 7836. ADRs are bought and sold in American markets like regular stocks. Differentiate between Shares and Debentures. 2. As you can see in the statement of Retained Earnings showed earlier, the second figure in it is the net income. Although retained earnings are not noted on the Income Statement, a Statement of Retained Earnings cannot be created without the first one. Mathematics English Science Physics Hindi; More. This number is taken from the Income Statement after all expenses and taxes are deducted from the revenues. Also, deposits may be withdrawn whenever the depositors feel shaky about the financial health of the company. Merits or Uses: 1. Ltd. Download books and chapters from book store. A company can easily raise fund though debentures even during depression when capital market sentiment is low. 3. 2. Debenture holders are creditors of the company. This method is also known as pay out, pay off or recoupment period method. Interest paid on public deposits is tax deductible. Notice I said cumulative. 2. 5. Debentures are more liquid than … The types of loans and services provided by banks vary from country to country. The Bank represent an attempt to combine in a single institution the requirements of and expanding economy and need for a coordinate approach to industrial financing. Commercial Banks : Commercial banks all over the world extend foreign currency loans for business purposes. 5. Shareholders are owners of the company. Merits and Demerits of Harmonic Mean. 2. Discuss the sources from which a large industrial enterprise can raise capital for financing modernisation and expansion. As debentures do not carry voting rights, financing through debentures does not dilute control of equity shareholders on management. The amount of funds that can be raised by way of public deposits is limited, because of legal restriction. Issue of Debentures : A debenture is the instrument of certificate issued by a company to acknowledge is debt. The retained earnings are nothing but sacrifice of profits made by equity shareholders. 3. As a result, the variability of profit after tax is substantially transmitted to retained earnings. Merits and Demerits of Accounting Some of the advantages of accounting are Maintenance of business records, Preparation of financial statements , Comparison of results, Decision making, Evidence in legal matters, Provides information to related parties. Merits of Retained earnings 1. Unlike debentures, no charge is created against the assets and no restrictions are put on the management. If company leaders don't plan to reinvest the earnings for growth, holding high balances in simple-interest savings accounts often limits return potential. Finance, therefore, is called the … Debentures can not be issued at discount but a share can be issued at a discount, unless the company satisfies the conditions of section 79 of the Companies Act. If the quantum of retained earnings is too high, the management may issue bonus shares to equity shareholders. Merits and Demerits of Range. Question Bank Solutions 6793. 4. Unlike shares, debentures can be purchased and redeemed by the company unless they are perpetual or irredeemable. The depositors may not respond when conditions in the economy are uncertain. It is least affected by fluctuation in sampling. 5. Need assistance? (a) Joint Stock Company: meaning, features, merits, demerits and objectives. or own an. Class 12 Tuition Class 11 Tuition Class 10 Tuition Class 9 Tuition Class 8 Tuition; Class 7 Tuition Class 6 Tuition Class 1 to 5 Tuition Nursery-KG Tuition; College. A shareholder enjoys all the rights of membership of a company such as right to vote, etc. Interest on debentures is payable whether there are profit or not, but dividends on share are paid only where the company had earned profits. However these are indirect equity offerings and the shares issued. Industrial Credit and Investment Corporation of India (ICICI) : The ICICI was set up on January 5, 1955 as a public limited company under the Company Act. It gives us the total picture of the problem even with a single glance. There is no dilution of shareholders’ control because the depositors have no voting rights. Explain any three merits and demerits of 'Retained earnings' as a source of business finance. Large retention of earnings over a long period of time may cause dissatisfaction among shareholders as they do not receive the expected rate of dividend. Delhi - 110058. 1. There is no fixed commitment to pay dividend on such funds. description. 2020 Zigya Technology Labs Pvt. Retained earnings meaning, merits and – demerits. (e) Projects likely to meet growing demand for essential commodities. Long-term sources of funds. What advantages does issue of debentures provide over the issue of equity shares ? Profit re-invested as retained earnings is profit that could have been paid as a dividend. Shares are parts of the capital of the company. what are the merits of mendeleev s periodic table - Chemistry - | 7sd26fq99. (b) enlarge the usefulness of these institutions by supplementing their resources and by widening the scope of their assitance. State the merits and demerits of public deposits and retained earnings as methods of business finance. 2. It refers to a share in the share capital of the company. (iv) Positive Connotation. It was registered as a public limited company, not as a statutory corporation. They are the important source of financing non-trade international operations. Debentures are a debt instrument used by companies and government to issue the loan.The loan is issued to corporates based on their reputation at a fixed rate of interest.Debentures are also known as a bond which serves as an IOU between issuers and purchaser. The amount which can be raised by way of retained earnings will be limited to an extent only. Payment of fixed interest on debentures shall be made prior to payment of any dividend to the shareholders out of the profits of the company. Franchisee/Partner … Two types of shares may be issued : (i) Preference shares and (ii) Equity shares. State the mertis and demerits of public deposits and retained earnings as methods of business finance. Keeping in view a stable dividend policy, the directors can't exhaust the whole balance retained. Self-explanatory. Control over the management of the company remains unaffected as there is no addition to the number of shareholders. (c) Projects based on indigenous technology. Issue of shares : Issue of shares is the most important source of raising long-term finance. In other words, it’s the cumulative amount of money left over after all of the expenses and dividends are paid. (d) locate and fill up gaps in the industrial structure of the country. The amount which can be raised by way of retained earnings will be limited to an extent only. 2. 2. 2. The institutions play on important role as sources of company finance. (c) Evaluation of partnership; merits and demerits. Concept Notes & Videos 295. A company with large reserves can face unforeseen contingencies, trade cycles and any other crisis. Definition: Retained earnings is the cumulative profits and losses of a corporation less its dividends paid to shareholders. These bodies were set up by the Governments of developed countries of the world at national, regional and international levels for funding various projects. The setting up to the IDBI is thus an important landmark in the history of institutional financing in the country. As an internal source, it is more dependable than external sources. Relying on retained earnings eliminates the fear of ownership dilution and loss of control by the existing shareholders. They are the owners of the company. Insustrial Development Bank of India (IDBI) : The Industrial Development Bank of India was set up as an apex institution and it started its operations with effect from July 1, 1964. Retained earnings carry positive connotation as compared to equity issue as far as stock market is concerned. It is the only special financial institution which was set up as a privately owned institution. Use of retained profit does not involve any cost to be incurred for raising the funds,. created as stockholder claims against the corporation because it has achieved profits Public deposits are an uncertain and unreliable source of finance. 3. (c)Foreign Currency Convertible Bonds (FCCB’s): Foreign currency convertible bonds are equity linked debt securities that are to be converted into equity or depository receipts after a specific period. As an internal source, it is more dependable than external sources. There are no expenses on prospectus, advertising etc.3. Public deposits are unsecured. Dec 11, 2020 - Sole Proprietorship- Meaning, Features, Merits, Demerits (In hindi) - Class 11 Commerce Video | EduRev is made by best teachers of Commerce. ADVERTISEMENTS: A. Keeping in view a stable dividend policy, the directors can't exhaust the whole balance retained. asked Feb 19 in Business Studies by Ranjeet02 (51.4k points) sources of business finance; class-11; 0 votes. Debentures are fixed charge funds and do not participate in profits of the company. Copyright © 2020 Applect Learning Systems Pvt. The unfavourable views of retained earnings are as follows : (i) Limited Finance. It may issue them by investing in unprofitable or undesirable channels. Understanding Payback Period method. Differences between debentures and shares : 1. Retained earnings are usually held in some sort of business savings accounts. © Retained earnings are the result of conservative dividend policy of the company and are associated with following demerits: i. In short, GDRs are dollar denominated instruments usually representing a certain number of equity shares denominated in rupees. 232, Block C-3, Janakpuri, New Delhi, Hence, it helps in bringing down the tax liability. Image: Payback period method – Formula, Merits, Demerits, Suitability. Excessive reserves may make the management wasteful and extravagant. Retained earnings carry positive connotation as compared to equity issue as far as stock market is concerned. Demerits: 1. Retained earnings. It is similar to a GDR except that it can be issued to the USA citizens only and can be listed and traded on a stock exchange of USA. Besides, they also assist companies to raise funds from other sources. Explain any three merits and demerits of 'Retained earnings' as a source of business finance. by the firm are held by an international bank referred to as a depository. It is easiest to calculate and simplest to understand even for a beginner. Shareholders as members of the company, enjoy right to yote in general meetings and thus, can exercise control over the management of the company. Class-11-Business-Studies, class-11-business-studies-unit-8 Prev ques Next ques Q.4:- State the merits and demerits of public deposits and retained earnings as methods of business finance. Joint Family Culture in India: Meaning, Characteristics, Merits, Demerits! Question 11. Merits of Retained Earnings: I companies point of view: 1. It pays special attention to the following types of projects : (a) Projects located in backward regions. 6. (e) adopt and enforce a system of priorities so as to diversiby and speed up the process of industrial growth. Even with regard to return of principal, debentures will have prior claim over share capital. Preference shares - features, types advantages and disadvantages; distinction between equity shares and preference shares. Acts as a shock Absorber: Rational earnings enable the company to face the business fluctuation and the period of depressions that is inevitable. Under this method, the original investment of the project should be received back out of the implementation of the project as early as possible. They are the creditors of the company. It gives to greater importance to small items. Franchisee/Partner Enquiry (North) 8356912811. Debentures carry a fixed rate of interest while dividends given to the shareholders may fluctuate from year to year according to the amount of profit. 4. For the Indian students of Sociology, the study of the Indian family system deserves special attention, not only because they are born in Indian families but also for here the family system differs … Discuss the financial instruments used in international financing. For the first time in INDIA, textbook in Economics, Accountancy & Business Studies with FREE Video Lectures by Eminent Authors/Subject Expert. 1. Retained earnings have the following four components: Last Year Reserves: as we know, retained earnings is a cumulative part of net profit means every year company makes profit and retains a portion of it rather than distributing. Some of the advantages of retained earning include. In other words, retained earnings is dividend foregone by equity shareholders. Retained Earnings are viewed as a favourable internal source of finance because of. It is also an undertaking to repay the specified sum with interest to its holder. (3) The management can misuse the funds available as undistributed profit. 1. 1. 1. The company can not depend on them for long term financing requirements. These bodies provide long and medium term loans and grants promote to development economically backward areas in the world. Those who subscribe to the share capital becomes member of the company and also called shareholders. 2. Objectives : (a) co-ordinate, regulate and supervise the activities of all financial institutions providing long-term finance to industry. Retained Earnings: For any company, the amount of earnings retained within the business has a direct impact on the amount of dividends. Share 0 Advantages of Retained Earnings : Retained Earnings are viewed as a favourable internal source of finance because of (i) Ready Availability. The corporation was set up as a privately owned institution but later on the Life Insurance Corporation of India (a statutory corporation) become its major shareholder. It does not depend on the investors’ preference and market conditions. 8.2 MEANING, NATURE AND SIGNIFICANCE OF BUSINESS FINANCE Business is concerned with the production and distribution of goods and services for the satisfaction of needs of society. Finance, therefore, is called the … Retained earnings add to the financial strength and improved credibility of the company. The objectives of the ICICI are to : (a) assist in the promotion expansion and modernisation of induatrial enterprises in the private sector, (b) encourage and promote the participation of private capital, both Indian and foreign and (c) encourage and promote private ownerships of industrial investments and expansion of investment markets. There are no expenses on prospectus, advertising etc.3. 1. Debentures constitute loan to the company. This video is highly rated by Commerce students and has been viewed 109 times. CBSE CBSE (Arts) Class 11. demerits: The unfavorable views of retained earnings are as follows : (i) Limited Finance. Self-explanatory (iv) Corporate Organizations. 8.2 MEANING, NATUREAND SIGNIFICANCE OF BUSINESS FINANCE Business is concerned with the production and distribution of goods and services for the satisfaction of needs of society. For carrying out various activities, business requires money. 1 answer. Improper Utilization of Funds: If the purpose for utilization of retained earnings is not clearly stated, it may lead to careless spending of funds. It is international both in ownership and operation. 3. BTech Tuition BCom Tuition Engineering Diploma Tuition BBA Tuition BSc Tuition; Subject. Thus, a holder of FCCB has to option of either converting them into equity shares at a predetermined price or exchange rate, or retaining the bonds. Explain the merits and demerits of raising funds through debentures. Random sampling is a method of choosing a sample of observations from a population to make assumptions about the population. (b) Stages of Formation of a Company. Ltd. All rights reserved. (b) Loan capital: debentures. The management of many companies believes that retained earnings are funds which do not cost anything, although this is not true. The issue of debentures is suitable in the situation when the sales and earning are relatively stable; 4. (d) Comparison of sole proprietorship and partnership. 7. ii. Retained Earnings Definition: The Retained Earnings represent that portion of the equity earnings (left after deducting the tax and preference dividends), which is sacrificed by the equity shareholders and is ploughed back into the firm to reinvest these in the core business operations, such as paying off the debt obligations or purchasing a capital asset. DEMERITS OF RETAINED EARNINGS : (1) Retaining profit deprive shareholders from their due share, so it is misuse of the profit. , 1964 gives priority to dispersal of industry development of backward areas, growth of industries in the extend! Foreign currency be purchased and redeemed by the company as distinguished from shares which no! Of a company debentures and non-convertible debentures the capital of a company with large reserves can unforeseen! Companies point of view: 1 btech Tuition BCom Tuition Engineering Diploma BBA! 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