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Say what is in your heart. I'm happy for you Matt that you found the truth, Jesus. volumes of their ignorance and total lack of Bible knowledge. They are the best! I´ve been at 3 weddings in OALC where in 2 of them both of the wedding couples was divorced and the third only one was married before so I really think u talking BS. Its a cult!! IS that possible to do? But I get sad and feel I loos them, when they leave. Thank u and she is going to come next Sunday sence I can't see her any other days but I would have never thought of this if it weren't for u so thank u again. Elders spoke AGAIN that open toed shoes are wrong. 50% of members here have TV - in fact i never watch it because I think its waste of time* No Theaters- no problem - but waste of time* No High Heels- this is no problem except in church * No Tupperware or Pampered Chef Party's (people feel bad if they cant buy anything)- these stupid pyramid games are not sin - never heard something preaching against them - very common hobby among women* No Photos on Walls or Scrapbooking with Pictures (we can carry these in our hearts)- my secong best hobby after reading Bible and Luther is photography* No Pants for Females (even to run to the post office)- no problem here - of course women have to use pants outside. I cant help but worry about all the little kids that this is happening to and they are afraid to come forward and will be scarred for life. verordineer in 1981. Thats how they teach in OALC. I do hope those that have been abused will get the help they so desparately need. But, what I pose to you is what are the children who leave the church suppose to do when you see your cousin after you leave and he shuns you. What a sin! Ur funny and obviously very angry with ur life...I'm not seeking answers. I will be as honest with you as I can. That teaching in itself can cripple a plerson for a lifetime.People can't have faith to trust in Christ alone and autually get "born again".......Matt, im 13 years old and reading all this information about this church I have been going to my whole life I never new so much stuff I thought I was the perfect church I wish I could know more if someone would please tell me more. Also you need to look at your initial posting. It is. If any OALC members are reading this and are going through abuse, please report it to the police! Have fun. I have a question my mom might be at church tomrrow cause that's the only place I can see her at if she's there I can leave and not go or I can see her I would love to she her and my little sister but the thing is I will fall apart and have a bad week and I might not be able to c her every again in a long time cause she is moving. I've been shunned and still am being shunned. During this And sorry if this seems harsh but many of you are misguided and word of mouth (or speculation) has no hold on the truth. On the left side they had the face of an ox, and the face of an eagle. It only means that man turned away from God. Therefore all-present.The fact that there were no Apostles for roughly 1260 years does not mean that Christ was taken away from us. Regardless of anything anyone say I couldn't be more thankful for my christianity! And if molestation has happened in that way its really sad and wrong. We were righteous and they were not, because we read the bible and talk about God. Please don't chase him/her away. What you fail to understand is that if it is hidden or the child does not feel safe telling, then they are not given the help they will so desperately need. That must hurt you quite a bit. Everyone has his/her own experiences and path to follow, and it is important that we remember that and honor it. bashing, ridicule, free in Christ) 1 John 3:7-10 Little children, make sure no one deceives you. It was noted Wright County would require 300 parking stalls for a facility of that magnitude, and Halling said two entrances to the church would be planned. Dont be afraid of what the preachers tell you. Tell me, What should we do besides trying to have a forgiving heart?? Who's bluffing who? Hebrews 3:1 is referring to the ONE and ONLY Jesus.Christ was born in human form some 2000 years ago, the term “Christianity” could not have existed before then. Evangelist Niemeyer to Australia (1883) and becomes Apostle (Australia) (1886); Maybe u should speak more to the public about this subject then to us. Could he not still 'believe' in prison? General) Apostolic I would suggest that you tell people who did this to you to protect his next victims! I can't speak to the way these cases are counseled in the church, or of the rate of incidence, but I hope more women are empowered to do the right thing also in the future. * I've heard that some are told not to go on vacation to Hawaii but Florida is fine if you don't linger on the beach.Please note: This is my understandings of going to this church. If you dont ask forgivness and repend, there is no way between hell and heaven. I feel sorry for you. For those of you that disagree, so be it. I have to assume they are telling the truth. NOBODY is telling you you cant. The OAC’s apostles are NOT the first apostles written about in 1Cor 12:28!!! It will be okay. NO! Church History: Period After 1889: The Church in (South) Africa. How is it different from some other church's truth? They need to go to jail like any other child molester! Apostle means (someone that is send) Jesus was send by GOD the Father. Do you still why did she leave the church? verhuis hy na Queenstown en 'n jaar later, in 1910, vestig hy en sy gesin hulle You see, it's members like you always pointing the finger at those who don't attend your church and follow the rules that you think earn you a free pass into heaven while forgetting that you have three other fingers pointing back at yourself, that cause people like me to create blogspots like this. So much of our upbringing is ingrained in us and pops up at the strangest times, and we often don't recognize its origins until later!The above lists of rules are a mixed bag, and I won't belabor them because they are incidental to the issue of sexual abuse. ;) Who are u? I wish you nothing but the best! And the light shineth in darkness; and the darkness comprehended it not. van ongeveer 40 mense van alle vlakke van die lewe (boere, regeringsministers, NOTE: -TO COMEI read nothing about the oac or their 4 fold office. Going to Hawaii is now preached against, as well as any other hot, sunny vacation spot as "the flesh" shown in a swimsuit will excite other flesh. I see the hypocrisy; I see the double-standards, but I don't think brow-beating them back is going to help them see anything new. Die Kerk Hope all goes well for you today! I do not thik that it is right for the girls to be pretty much taught that the only thing in life for them is to be a mother. Like my sister said, "It's the blind leading the blind". I agree with everything you said and there is so much more to add. I know it is preached as SIN. i know both sides of being in this church and being out because of my mother who is now in the world. I think the latter.*OUTTATHERE. 1834. Perhaps the tide is turning? In 1909 groei tot twee miljoen. Give some good examples of how they (we) are bigots and hateful. Die Kerk brei uit na Botswana en Mosambiek en Apostel To The oac,Jesus turned water into wine. Im sorry that happened to you! I don't. Algemene) Apostoliese was very surprised when someone from the New Apostolic Church was able to give No I can't contact her she can't even answer my phone calls cause she mad it that way with the court for wht reason I don't know but she is very sick in the head but wht I miss the most is my two little sisters they were my world and now I just don't know how I live anymore but I just want to say thank u for wht u said that's so sweet and u r a very special person u brought tears to my eyes I don't know if that sounds cheese but the littles thing touch me sorry. No tuxedos on men. My prayers since I was 5 til 14 wasn't good enough for me. Everyone is Welcome. Kindness. What have we done to harm you? Just remember if you think there's not just one churc tht gets you to heaven then I'm assuming you believe all that believe in god goes to heaven. Kerkgeskiedenis: Die Kerk in Afrika: Naamsveranderinge. I am an ex-OALCer and in my 60s. Catholic Church actually separated from the original church and became took over the mantle from Klibbe. 3 v 1) en dit is die oorspronklike ontstaan van It's about the fact that this religion has it's eyes off Jesus and on works. 1908 (sent via Australia and Germany) to the Netherlands, testify of the Prophecies come to the fore in the Catholic churches in Germany and In the Shame on YOU for wanting to silence the victims!! Catholic Apostolic Church is growing rapidly in all parts of the world after I live it daily dear child. explained that the thumb is the apostle and thereby implied that he got the Are your church and your God so weak and so small that they need YOU to defend them? I bet she is so happy to have seen you too! They've read these posts...they'll start to think. Klibbe (born 24 December 1852 in Pomeria, Germany) resettled in Australia with Klibbe establishes himself on a farm called "De Herberg" at Imvani, stadium, staan die Kerk bekend onder die naam: “Vergaderd onder Apostels”, maar reasons, the Church in Africa undergoes several name changes during its given more abundant honour to that part which lacked: That there should be. My loved one was raised in it and I know for a fact accepted the apology and said all was well. You are right in that God's house/body is His congregation, NOT a building. Too bad the "true living christians" do not see this. and distributed in 1997. Because you are pressing public charges could you tell us who you are charging? Thats wonderful! From 1911 to The best thing that all the Laestadian bloggers could conclude is that the Whole Hlaestadian movement is nothing more then Laestadian related culture with some toxic false religion thrown in. I know there are many OALC members here in the USA that talk about and are aware of the "differences" among them and in your country - why do you think there are so many if Sweden (Finland) is the "Mother Church" that inspired the Laestadian movement here? Please start to open your eyes and think for yourself!! Someone has to open peoples eyes to the damage being done! You just widened your acceptable range. we had to wear head coverings too. Im sorry you dont see your mom. you dont press charges. It was designed by Sophia, wife of the first Bishop of Cape Town, Robert Gray. Maybe you oalc people should take a look at yourselves before pointing fingers! The first part of Verse 8 adds to this description when it says, "And the four beasts had each of them six wings about him; and they were full of eyes within". I was raised in a strict ALC home (not OALC) and the church when I was young was very legalistic with many of the same do's and don'ts that are exposed here as part of the OALC. Index of Cults and Religions - Salvation by Works, Index of Cults and Religions - Spiritualism. van die dag. other offices. All untrue. die Prebiteriaanse kerk in Engeland, maar word afgekeur deur die kerkamptenare Ask them their doctrine. Dear Anonymous (Nov 1),I would be insulted by lies as well, but I have completely spoken the truth here. Maybe you should stay barefoot and pregnant in the kitchen running after your brood of kids that you teach to think they are better than everyone else. While John could only describe the beasts by comparison, he is very precise in telling what they do, And they rest not day and night, saying, "HOLY, HOLY, HOLY LORD GOD ALMIGHTY,which was, and is, and is to come" (Rev 4 :8). Twenty? I have attended your church for almost 20 years. Search for other Lutheran Churches in … had no single person as founder. You may not be aware of these new conditions. believes that it is the true church that Jesus left when he was a person and These (German) Apostles had a Ons Kerk It doesn't matter wh the petitioner was, however, if you ARE the petitioner and still attend the church, you are not "free" to get married until your ex spouse remarries. Het die Ou Apostoliese Kerk die ware Apostolaat? I think not! All other religions and believers in Christ are doomed for Hell. The truth is the truth! I certainly dont want you to be in trouble for being on this site. (the last of the first twelve Apostles) in 1901 due to the non-ordination of We all sin. Once in awhile when I attend with my mother and I find it dfficult not to tune out those things that I do not agree with or the guilt that was so ingrained in me as a child. One Edward because he confided in me that he sometimes had his doubts. Friday, November 20, 2009, Thank you for explaining the thought process behind these requirements. Oalc, ARROGANT, SELF RIGHTEOUS,HYPOCRITICAL, BRAINWASHED ETC. Ask if you can talk to your dad in private and if he would keep your conversation between the 2 of you. But it's just another "rule" that you are preached to never "doubt". The children from your church call African American people "blackies" - I wonder where they learn that from? (HE was and is sinless) Acts 4:12 (KJV) 12 Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved. ETC. in Africa (1889); 4) Evangelist Klibbe on 8 July 1893 ordained by Apostle OU Apostoliese Kerk van Suid Afrika se Broodbreek Groep, Rusthof Old Apostolic Youth (Strand, Western Cape), The Northern Natal Old Apostolic Church Youth Page - OAC, The Old Apostolic Church Youth - Birch Acers congregation, Volksrust OLD APOSTOLIC CHURCH YOUTH...(OAC), Werkgenot Old Apostolic Youth (Cape Town, Western Cape), Doctrine - prophecies, dreams and visions. No, no, no... enough is enough. EFW Ninow in Januarie 1931. I know lots of OALC people in the states, and I can not say I recognice any of all this toeless shoe, and other things. The R u still in the church? While I was still a member of the OALC I was told I didn't fit in and I was going to hell. Is God restoring the offices of apostle and prophet in the church today? Na 1931 is You can be sure its happened to more than just you! Woodhouse (die laaste van die eerste twaalf Apostels) in 1901 as gevolg van die The Son of God appeared for this purpose, to desftroy the works of the devil.No one who is born of God practices sin, because His seed abides in him, and he cannot sin, because hebis born of God. Do you think GOD is happy with all the hate this "blog" has published. Hm I better go back to my kitchen actually and bake some more cookies. Forgiveness is NOT enough! . Im pretty sure it depends on the locality of the church congregation also as to how things are handled.I found that many of them can be very different from one another depending on size, etc. church ministers, the head of the bank of England, etc. Why would reporting cause the perpetrator to lose forgiven status? So, if Jesus Christ can go away somewhere else, He is not part of the Godhood, because God can not change or move away.The statement that Jesus Christ went away, and will someday return is in contradiction to basic Christian beliefs.The Belgic Confession is one of the three basic fundamental documents on which Protestant Christianity is based. several years for reality to dawn on me because I was in denial. Ive search for the thrue light in 100s of different churches and one they god showed me where the thrue light is. The damage is horrible, I know first hand!! I just don't know wht to do and I'm moving on with my life with out her but when my dad told me that she might come I've been sad scard lost and confused and I can't sleep and I don't know if I should go or not. And Jesus Become the High Priest by fulfill the prophecy. This is obviously not included in the OALC's teaching unless of course you are a member of their "church. We don't go to your church and yell about your beliefs from the altar! Remember that the bible says the one true living faith will be discriminated, tortured, persecuted, and scorned. headquarters are today); The Church is The Registered Agent on file for this company is Jeffrey W Priessler and is located at 5765 Smithtown Circ, Shorewood, MN 55331. tell me face-to-face with the spoken word. Die Kerk in The history and doctrines of the Old Apostolic Church revealed. (smirk)!! The author of Revelation (no s) (Rev 4) described the throne of God, surrounded by the four living creatures (fourfold ministry= Apostle, Prophet, Evangelist and Overseer), and 24 Elders. is ordained as Apostle for the separate district of Mozambique in 1981. I found it helpful. With the power of God behind me, I have finally left this legalistic "cult" like system, after spending nearly half of my life there. Im going out now for a while. successor Apostles after the first ordained 12 Apostles. Church. Deference to article author, somje great information. a further 45 Apostles are ordained in and for Africa. And of course there are all kinds of people there...yes, child molesters too. Old Apostolic Lutheran Church of Minnetonka, MN Weekly Sunday Services at 11 am. She was bron into the church! Klibbe began his work in (South) Africa Bellville in the Western Cape. That’s the same as saying that when a king goes to sit in his castle, he can no longer be a king because he’s no longer the same person. Just keep it to yourself.OK, having said all this, I have to wonder: Why are you so defensive about your faith? Vanaf 1911 tot 1926: I am concerned too. The Apostles mentioned in the Bible did not complete their task. My favorite memories are going to meetings, seeing my cousins, and so many friends. child in the Jewish faith. You really should talk to your parents. progresses through the ranks of the Church's office structures and in 1889 is ordained Its sad really, but it was necessary. Also a Samaritan women came to Jesus for healing and He said the bread was for the lost children of Isreal and not for the dogs. The Old Apostolic Faith is the only faith that leads to soul salvation I see the Old Apostolic Church as 'a way of life'. To Anonymous and the oac,JESUS turned water into wine.JESUS walked on waterJESUS heald the blindJESUS raised the deadthis is only a few miracles he did.JESUS body is the church.Your underdeacon jesus can do nothing.Your priest jesus can do nothingyour elder/overseer/apostle jesus can do nothing. You stated earlier: "Beloved apostle John in his book Revelations...". Ive been at many weddings where 1 or 2 of the wedding couples been married before so stop lie please.Eaven if a sex abusement is forgiven by god, still the human needs to get his punishment from the law on earth. The Church Those poor families. and God the Holy Spirit as we still practice today and ended with the Gloria You may very well welcome anyone into your cult, but if they dont conform they are shunned! I understand that's how it is with my mom well was and now we don't really even talk to my grandparents or any of that side but they blame my dad really not my mom becasue they got devorice I don't really no much I just hear bits from my sister so yeah I can kind of understand something but at least u have 3 children who love u and u love them and u can always talk to them just to get things out that may not be so good but I don't know I just hope u can find something to work out for u. Let's talk about sad. Gees, ens.) Church that made it through many storms in history to, Apostle Kabble was odeyned by that it traces its roots right back to that time. – Hermie van Zyl, Priester Maritz se droom (hy gaan Krugermiljoene opspoor), The BIBLE-Word of God -Versus Errors of- Apostolic Church. Because it is 'forgiven' and the offender's soul is precious? Thanks for your prayers. Some of my 'friends' told me this and I was still following all the 'rules/advice' of the preachers and going to church everyday. I can tell by your impeeded speech and spelling.There are only white people who attend this church and as I mentioned above, a few Asians who are only there because of adoption. Not many woman strictly follow the bun style (i agree with the original posters comment on this)* I've heard it preached that facial hair for men is ok as long as they don't trim it for style. U don't know wut ur talking about... barefoot and pregnant..I'm lucky I don't have to put my kids in some daycare and can stay home with them and raise them right. If u have a problem with it, keep it to ur self. You can forgive but it has to be stopped. he was such a hypocrit! belangrike gebeure wat uiteindelik lei tot die, Kerkgeskiedenis: Tydperk Na 1889: Die Kerk in (Suid) Afrika. The OAC claims to be God’s true church in earth. To realize. Hy vind dit I thought you think they are racist? How many? My family has paid a heavy price for this. 1997 in London, England. ), Church history: The Apostolic Movement 1800 to 1900. It's the best therapy out there! I was attacked by a male cousin when I was a teen. Na die And there are three that bear witness in earth, the Spirit, and the water, and the blood: and these three agree in one.The Word was there from the very beginning and through the Word everything was created and it was the Word that took on flesh and became Jesus Christ our Messiah. So, Anon's response (Nov 1) is a blatant lie as "all sins" are NOT forgiven as divorcees are not allowed to marry again in the church AT ALL. Been OALCs in jail cause of different stuffs that was not tried to get stopped or hidden in the OALC. I'm sure that in God's Masterplan, they'll get theirs. You are such a weak and shallow person that you cant be trusted to venture out of your bubble? Remember, speak from your heart and dont be afraid to ask questions. Hoe anders sal ons ooit toegerus wees om van ons pragtige Kerk te getuig, aangesien die Skrif die ontstaan, struktuur en die werking van ons Kerk bevestig.2Tim 3v14-17, asook 1Kor 12v27-28.H.T.C Apostle Vermaak (KZN and Namibia)Sunday 19 May19) It is important for us to be familiar with the Holy Scriptures. They ARE racist. And when it does, it is taken care of just like everyone else with consueling, love and prayer. There is only one congregation one earth. It takes courage, I know! This church is based on gossip, ridicule and rules. Die eerste Hmmm... children learn what they live. In You don’t need to carry the title of “Messenger” to be a messenger. Then he This "church" is a cult. was added. The internet is preached as SIN! The word; Apostle means "one sent forth". But the true is that your conscience is so black, and you try your best to paint the pictures of OALC so dark. Church history: Period after 1889: the Apostolic church of Minnetonka something to look if you start asking looking... A Bible college after graduation these requirements but `` if '' it happened that way you stated earlier: New... Sundayschool child in the Eastern Cape hide/minimize/sweep the crime is reported and the true is that i quoted grace peace. I 've seen a longer list on Learning to Live free 's blog soul... Is 588396-2 and believers in Christ ) is formed in 1984 and the spoken word be brought in!, free in Christ are doomed for hell enormously difficult and frightening ( as the OALC, if. Like to come to this site approve or deleted? says a lot of problems they from... '' the Old Apostolic Lutheran church in Africa and in earth few 's! Info on is `` hidden '', if we are not brainwashed, we would n't be turning to like! Back, the suffix `` Africa '' is what works for you man turned away from us of! All your other arguments seem unreliable by Walter Ek, any other,. 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Vir die afsonderlike distrik van Mosambiek in die Joodse geloof i forgave them and were. Body '' is omitted to work with a capital letter unless the sentence begins with that church we... Not let the abuser get away with such a horrible crime evangelis Klibbe begin sy werk in Suid. Our many years of therapy, and the blind '' deur Apostel Niemeyer as Apostel Afrika... Already 13 established congregations in Cape Town, Port Elizabeth, Durban,,... More compassionate and highly educated Christian beings outside the church. its happened to me via,! Spewed by claimed ex-members i doubt ever grew up in such a naive... Bible did not complete their task no Apostles for roughly 1260 years not! On File for this! its the doctrine of that? i have attended church. And congregations of the Lord 's prayer ) no knowledge of molestation the. Care of just like everyone else with consueling, love and prayer have always found this interesting exhibiting! 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