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The hand entry into the water is controlled with the palm facing out and the little finger first to reducing resistance as it enters the It should move forward using the momentum of the exit but also rest a bit after the propulsive underwater phases. As the pulling arm enters the water, the body must roll down as a unit, while the head remains motionless. Competitive backstroke requires a high degree of power, strength, endurance, speed, and coordination. The modern back crawl or backstroke involves the alternating arm action with an up and down leg action that was invented during the twentieth century. In this backstroke article, we explain the different phases of the arm stroke movements in detail. Swimmers should use a continuous 6 beat action. Backstroke Arm Drill. 5. Your knees should be slightly apart, but no wider than your shoulders (Fig 2). The shoulders will be slightly rounded. The arm stroke for the elementary backstroke is simple. The action of both your arms and both your legs, should be symmetrical and all happen at the same time. Coordinating backstroke action; HOW TO DO THIS DRILL. There are four partsto the arms in backstroke which are the entry, catch, propulsive phase and recovery which I will discuss in moredetail. For detailed breakdown of the whole stroke and 20 separate exercises to help learn and improve backstroke swimming technique, including the arm action, click the link below. If the arms were to enter the water at 11 and 1 o'clock there would be a loss of power due to having less water to pull through and the wider entry would the whole body less efficient through the water. The entry should be gentle to avoid pushing water downward and forward with the arm, which would increase drag. Does this mean swimming backstroke is inevitably prone to shoulder injury? But it makes sense that this position puts more strain on the shoulders than a flat hand entry, palm facing upward. Backstroke Teaching Progression Step #3 Teach Backstroke Arm Action. Nobody really knows how the backstroke came into being; it was only introduced into competitions in 1906 and was swum with one synchronised backward rotation of both arms with a breaststroke leg kick until 1914. In this video, Coach Ian Pope explains why these 8 drills are so important for a developing or competitive Backstroke swimmer. As its name indicates, it is swum on the back and uses a simple arm stroke in conjunction with a breaststroke kick for propulsion. During the release, the shoulder of the recovering arm is shrugged forward and upward, and the arm exits the water, first at the shoulder, then the upper arm, forearm and hand follow along. In this overview of the backstroke we are gonna get into it all, including: The history of the backstroke. 1) As explained above, the body rolls toward the side of the recovering arm during the second phase of the recovery. This is a great drill for developing a strong, deep catch in the pull while also working on reinforcing full body rotation with each stroke. The backstroke arm action was divided i nto six . Finally, the palm is turned inward to prepare for the release. Your leg kicks balance your arm pulls and together they both help to maintain a horizontal and flat body position. To begin our discussion of the arm stroke phases, we will focus on the arm about to end its recovery. There will, of course be many variables … The arm extends forward for a short time before starting the first downsweep. I seem to have a problem with this.There is no actual technique as such for turning over from backstroke to swimming a stroke on your front, but I completely understand your frustration on this one.You probably turn from back to front and feel it is the most untidy and clumsy movement of your swimming! While swimming backstroke, the first upsweep is the first propulsive phase of the arm stroke. The forearm is facing backward at the beginning of the downsweep and facing downward and outward at the end of the downsweep. So the forearm only pushes water backward at the beginning of the downsweep. The upper arm enters the water, then the elbow, forearm, and hand follow along. The hand entry into the water is controlled with the palm facing out and the little finger first to reducing resistance as it enters the Body position is one of the backstroke basics. The ideal stroke is when the arms just flow into the catch and through the pull. When swimming backstroke you will find that the arms provide main propulsion. Then simply practice your arm action the way I have described it in my page about swimming backstroke. Simply click around and scroll about, or get in touch and ask me a question. The arms are continuous and alternating with one arm providing propulsion under the water whilst the other recovers over the water. As one arm pulls through the water from an overhead position to the hip, the other arm recovers above the water from the hip to the overhead position and vice versa.. During this phase, the whole arm moves backward, upward and inward as a unit. Upper arm and forearm are still angled at 90°, and the upper arm maintains a certain distance from the rib cage. First, let’s have a look at a video featuring Ryan Lochte swimming backstroke: In backstroke, the arm stroke movements can be divided into the following phases: These phases are explained further below. In backstroke, as in all strokes, keeping the head firmly situated on top of the spine ensures the body advances in the least resistive cross-sectional profile. Back Crawl Arm Action The arms contribute to most of the forward movement. When using one-arm backstroke drills the most important part is that the opposite shoulder must roll up and out of the water before the entry of the other arm. Swimming Pull Action. The first half of the recovery continues during the first downsweep and first upsweep of the other stroking arm. The feet should be limp at all times, as limp as can be. These eddy currents attempt to pull back the moving object therefore causing drag. Your little finger should enter the water first with your arm straight and your palm facing outwards. Backstroke kick is an alternating action, continuously up and down to help balance the action of the arms. The backstroke is similar to the freestyle (or front crawl), in that the arm pulling motion alternates, and there is a flutter kick (albeit inverted) to aid in propulsion. How? Swimmers should maintain a continuous kicking action with a smooth arm action. The arm action is continuous and alternating. Backstroke - Technique Alternating circular arm action over and under the water with a straight arm recovery, brushing your ears and elbows locked straight. arm!action! The sidestroke was originally used with both arms submerged. I don’t remember having heard a discussion about this particular aspect of the backstroke arm technique before, and so I can’t give you a definite answer for now. The elementary backstroke is a basic swimming technique that is easy to learn and, therefore, useful for improving your water confidence as a beginner. Breaststroke legs: swim backstroke inserting a breaststroke leg kick at the end of each set of arm strokes (breathe in while moving your arms and breathe out during the leg kick). Keep your body straight with your legs slightly lower than your upper body, so that they can work properly. If you watch Ryan Lochte’s video above carefully, you’ll see that his palm is facing downward and forward instead of inward during the upsweep and release. So if you're a fellow teacher, beginner swimmer or an improver, there is something here for you. Swimming Pull Action. Backstroke is probably the easiest swimming stoke to learn. That practice was modified toward the end of the 19th century by bringing forward first one arm above the water, then the other, and then each in turn. Keep one arm relaxed at your side and use the other arm to do the backstroke arm action. Body balance drill Come on over, upload your videos of you swimming and get some tips and advice. In other words maintain your long flat stretched out position and simply roll onto your front.From there you can begin to swim whichever swimming stroke you wish to do from there. The hands during backstroke swimming technique might seem like they are doing crazy things when you see them in slow motion. Back crawl uses an alternating arm action. The first upsweep ends when the hand is near the water surface and at the level of the shoulder. In backstroke, the arms contribute most of the forward movement. The bent arm pull - a tricky technique and is faster due to its greater propulsive power. Start every length with good posture and use swimming breathing (out through the nose, in through Use the focus points above. Their arms should be fully extended by their sides. The alternating arm action and continuous kick are so superior that they are the nearly exclusive style used in the sport. Required fields are marked *. Single arm pull with a float held on the chest. The palm and forearm are kept aligned and move into a backward and outward facing position. As you swim on your back performing your backstroke your body position is long, flat and horizontal (assuming your technique is correct). Backstroke Arm Technique Tips. Having balanced actions which mirror the left and right side will be crucial for efficiently in the stroke. (Fig 4) The arm action of survival backstroke - 'drawing wings' Your arms follow a curve; 'drawing wings' until your hands and arms reach the glide position (Fig 1). Simply click here to return to. For backstroke arms to be both efficient and effective, the entry must be in line with the shoulder, with the upper arm just brushing the ear. In backstroke, the arm action will provide the majority of the propulsion. The backstroke arm cycle involves the following: hand entry, pull, release, and recovery. Hi, I'm Christophe! The catch occurs at the end of the first downsweep when the arm is bent about 90°, and the forearm and palm are facing outward and backward. Purpose: This drill introduces the swimmer to rotating from their back to their front in order to perform a backstroke turn. Like freestyle, backstroke requires a tight core and streamlined body rotation for … Step 1 : - Push off the wall on your back, both arms extended, preparing to do the backstroke, straight spine, good water-line, productive kick. This is a great drill for developing a strong, deep catch in the pull while also working on reinforcing full body rotation with each stroke. breathing! Swimmers that don’t add a third propulsive phase directly move their arm upward toward the hip and turn the palm inward without pushing against the water. Arms should be fully extended and the little finger enters first. The ideal stroke is when the arms just flow into the catch and through the pull. A relaxed straight arm recovery is encouraged with the pinkie finger entering the water first, followed by an accelerated rotation of the hand which finishes facing down. Part of the series: Swimming Tips. In the backstroke, as in the crawl, I teach the kick first, then add the arm movements to it. For a more detailed analysis of backstroke arm action click here. Backstroke - Technique Alternating circular arm action over and under the water with a straight arm recovery, brushing your ears and elbows locked straight. I have the swimmers stand with both arms by the side and looking straight ahead. Swimming backstroke/ arm action When swimming backstroke you will find that the arms provide main propulsion. © 2010-2020 How? tep 3: To engage the correct backstroke kicking muscles, the quads and the hamstrings, resume your backstroke float, hands leading, spine straight, good water-line, squeezing your ears with your elbows, and begin kicking with absolutely no bend at the hips. Backstroke is an ancient style of swimming, popularized by Harry Hebner. When swimming backstroke you will find that the arms provide main propulsion. Backstroke*Technique ! History. Start standing and have the swimmers engage their core, tuck the hips under, and make sure the ribs are pressed in. You may also be interested in the following articles that cover the backstroke’s swimming technique: I noticed all professional backstrokers like Lochte recover with a pinky-first entry. Backstroke Swimming Technique – Body Position and Head Position, Swimming Backstroke – Arm Technique and Movements, Swimming Backstroke – Breathing Technique and Tips, Elementary Backstroke: Swimming Technique and Tips, Swimming Backstroke: How to Avoid Bumping into the Wall with the Head, Learn To Swim Backstroke: Drills and Exercises, Overview of Common Swimming Strokes / Styles, Freestyle Swimming – 10 Tips to Improve Your Technique, Freestyle Stroke: Overview and Swimming Technique, Breaststroke: Overview and Swimming Technique, Backstroke: Overview and Swimming Technique, Butterfly Stroke: Overview and Swimming Technique, Breathing While Swimming: Basic Tips and Exercises, How to Swim Faster – The Six Principles of Fast Swimming, Learn Basic Swimming Techniques to Feel Safe in the Water. The arms are continuous and alternating with one arm providing propulsion under the water whilst the other recovers over the water. Contents! The second half of the recovery occurs during the second downsweep of the stroking arm. To do so, the palm is turned upward and backward, and the arm moves upward, backward and inward toward the hip, pushing water backward and upward. Propulsion then occurs as arm pull through 180 degrees to the hip. This exercise is commonly used as a part of a backstroke swimmer’s warm-up routine. While one arm is recovering above water, the other arm is sweeping backward underwater. Using your visual analysis, that would make it about parallel to 12 o’clock. arm is the one you will stroke with for the entire length. Backstroke arm recoveries. Breaststroke Swimming technique - arms Mark Durnford explains the arm movements in breaststroke As you can see above, when you are swimming breaststroke your arms stay in the water all the time and execute a semicircular movement. For backstroke arms to be both efficient and effective, the entry must be in line with the shoulder, with the upper arm just brushing the ear. During this phase, the whole arm moves backward, upward and inward as a unit. In backstroke the body rotates but the head remains still. Backstroke - Technique Alternating circular arm action over and under the water with a straight arm recovery, brushing your ears and elbows locked straight. Your email address will not be published. From under water it looks like this: Head is steady. The little finger and side of the hand cuts its entry into the water to begin the propulsive phase. No excessive force should be used during the release. Pease goes through drills one arm at a time to keep the focus singular. All rights reserved. The upper arm, lower arm, and hand will keep their relative position over the next two phases of the stroke cycle and move as one big paddle. Backstroke turn drills Corkscrew drill. Swimmers should be encouraged to breathe naturally and not hold their breath while they swim backstroke. Swimming backstroke/ Entry This week’s drill is single arm backstroke. One complete arm … It was the second stroke to be swum in competitions after the front crawl.The first Olympic backstroke competition was the 1900 Paris Olympics men's 200 meter.. Backstroke*Exercises! Your email address will not be published. In order to feel comfortable with your stroke, Pease recommends concentrating on each arm individually for starters. Do single-arm backstroke drills to strengthen your arm action for the backstroke. For example, he often has swimmers do 25 strokes with the left arm, then 25 with the right arm. In this video, Coach Ian Pope explains why these 8 drills are so important for a developing or competitive Backstroke swimmer. Simply click here to return to Backstroke Questions. arm!action! This is an excellent question. The recovering arm extends forward underwater during the second upsweep of the stroking arm. … There are four parts to the arms in backstroke which are the entry, catch, propulsive phase and recovery which I will discuss in more detail. The recovering arm moves in a half-circle from the hip to an upward-pointing position to the overhead position where it enters the water again. Keep your legs straight with your toes pointed and have your arms at your sides with your hands on your thighs. Get over to Facebook and join the Swim Teach group where swimming teachers help beginners learn how to swim. Depending on the swimmer’s style, a third propulsive phase may be added at the end of the second downsweep. Then, the pull begins with the body tilted toward the pulling side. The first downsweep is non-propulsive and prepares the arm for the catch. During the recovery, the arm should be extended and neither too relaxed nor too tense. How does in-toeing aid propulsion during backstroke leg kick?Good swimming is all about efficiency through the water and good efficiency is achieved with a streamlined body position.In-toeing aids propulsion by reducing drag and resistance and assists to promote a streamlined body position.When an object or body moves through the water, whether it is pushed, pulled or driven, it leaves behind swirls of water called Eddy Currents. 2) Although the body rolls from side to side while swimming backstroke, the head keeps a neutral position, with the back of the head in the water and the face oriented toward the ceiling. leg!kick! That’s because breaststroke is the only one of the competitive strokes where the arm recovery occurs in the water. Lower abdominal and back strength is important when doing backstroke kick. When the shoulders and hips are connected, the arms can just flow. Step 1 : - Push off the wall on your back, both arms extended, preparing to do the backstroke, straight spine, good water-line, productive kick. If you feel discomfort in your shoulder, move your hand entry out to 11 and 1. Is there an easy way of turning over from backstroke to front crawl or breaststroke? Most of the propulsion is generated by strong wing-like muscles under each arm. Back crawl uses an alternating arm action. When the shoulders and hips are connected, the arms can just flow. Coordinating backstroke action; HOW TO DO THIS DRILL. Entering the water pinky-first is the recommended way to create the least amount of drag. I'm the owner of and main contributor to Join in and write your own page! This is simply when one arm is moving towards the catch and the other is … Mastering this catch and push phase in backstroke is essential for efficient propulsion. Swimming Pull Action. There are two possible arm actions for backstroke: The straight arm pull - easier to learn and used in more recreational swimming. The bending arm action will complete with the arm fully extended and hand pushing downwards to counterbalance the shoulder roll. The best way to describe the kind of movement you need is a ‘log roll’. The arms alternate so that always one arm is underwater while the other arm is recovering. Arms. "Hello, I'm Mark Young, creator of Swim Teach. 2.4 Freestyle Arm Action 2.5 Backstroke Arm Action 2.6 Horizontal Rotation 2.7 Sculling 2.8 Rigid Aid Assistance The following lesson plans are the recommended su ggested programme for completing the Level Two objectives. Swimming requires your arms and legs to remain in motion in order to stay afloat and propel yourself backward or forward. The arm stroke consists of two main parts: the power phase (consisting of three separate parts) and the recovery. “One arm stays inactive at your side while the other arm goes through the arm stroke cycle,” Georges explains. 4. As I recover the arms, my main thought is to go straight over the top, and I want the hands to enter at 11 and 1. Swim to the other end of the pool focusing on identifying the pull phase and the push phase in your backstroke arm stroke. Arm Action The hands initially sweep and catch in a downward and outward pattern. However, in the backstroke kick, lifting your knees weakens your kick. It is a long axis stroke, the body rotates on an imaginary central axis from the head to the toe. In this position, it is easier to engage the chest and back muscles, and less strain is put on the shoulders. It’s all in the hips. How to perform a corkscrew: A swimmer starts to swim in a backstroke position by completing one backstroke arm pull, while at the same time rotating their non-pulling shoulder, to position themselves on their front at the completion of the stroke. For a more detailed analysis of backstroke arm action click here. Thumb will exit the water first with the back of the hand facing your body. Why is it necessary for your arms to enter the water at 11 and 1 o'clock during backstroke arm action?Your assumption of an 11 and 1 o’clock entry is not quite correct. Focus your awareness on your body's position in the water and your hip and shoulder rotation to improve your form and technique. I am a member of the Amazon Associates Program and I will earn a commission from qualifying purchases at no extra cost to you. The hand enters the water in front of the shoulder and with the pinky finger first. Thumb will exit the water first with the back of … At the end of the downsweep, the arm should be extended and the palm is facing downward and outward. I've been teaching swimming for over 30 years and I built this site so that I can share all my knowledge, wisdom and experience from the thousands of swimming lessons I have had the pleasure of teaching. Backstroke Arm Movements: On-Deck Demonstration. The arm extends and moves downward, backward and outward. Backstroke Drills A good drill to hone your backstroke technique is to do the one-arm backstroke drill. Your backstroke arms will be pulling one after the other, so one arm will always be out of the water or stretched out along the side of your head.Perform your log roll either with one arm by your head and one by your side, or with both arms by your sides, whichever is most comfortable for you. The legs perform a … Once the basic float, which is the corner stone of all good swimming technique is learned, the propulsive skills of kicking and then the arm pulling action can be added. Swimming backstroke/ arm action timing When swimming backstroke your arms can be seen opposite each other but there is a period in this cycle when both arms are in the water at the same time. does not sell any personal information. During the recovery, the arm rotates so that the palm moves from an inward facing position at the beginning of the recovery to an outward facing position at the end of the recovery, before entering the water with the pinky finger first. Beginner learns may use a straight arm throughout the stroke – often referred to as a windmill action. The legs, for the most part, perform the same action when swimming. It's easy to do. The leg action starts with a bend at the knee joint to drop the lower legs (leg recovery) to set up the propulsive phase. Remember to do both arms. When I think about that, the arm is in exactly the same position as a thumb-first entry in freestyle, which might lead to shoulder injury. One arm is under the water moving through the propulsive phase as the other is lifted over the water in recovery. They then complete a down sweep keeping the hand 90 degrees to the body. The hand entry into the water is controlled with the palm facing out and the little finger first to reducing resistance as it enters the The hand moves from a position near the surface at the end of the first upsweep to a position much deeper than and away from the body. When you actually roll, you must ensure you do not bend your knees up, do not raise your head out of the water and do not let your hips sink. The arm action is continuous and alternating. Eddy currents are always present no matter how efficient the moving object is through the water but the narrower and more streamlined the object, the less effect eddy currents have.An in-toeing backstroke kick will therefore be more streamlined and generate less drag. As I recover the arms, my main thought is to go straight over the top, and I want the hands to enter at 11 and 1. And, it’s not an error specifically associated with a certain age or level—this error is something that has plagues many Backstrokers for decades. While backstroke maintains the body in a streamlined position, with the limbs able to apply constant propulsive forces due to the arms alternating action and the continuous flutter action of the legs, it is not as fast or efficient as freestyle. A Steady Head: body position or aquatic posture. ", Sign up for the Swim Teach Newsletter and get  Free Stuff, Top Tips, and Loads More  -Straight to Your Inbox, #1 The Complete Beginners Guide To Swimming. Arm & Leg Movement To Swim Survival Backstroke From the glide position (Fig 1) your legs should bend at the knees and drop down to a vertical position with your feet dorsi-flexed and averted. The stroking arm leaves the water and becomes the recovering arm during the first downsweep of the other arm. It’s the second slowest of the competitive strokes, after breaststroke. Aim: to develop correct arm action whilst kicking. Rolling from side to side moves the arm in a better starting position to sweep underwater. body!position! The arm action is continuous and alternating. This probably is a kind of small propulsive second upsweep, but it also adds some drag during the exit. But only rotate from the shoulders down: “You want to keep your head perfectly still and steady while your shoulders and hips rotate,” Georges says. Unlike elementary backstroke, it is an upper-body dominant stroke. If your hand entry is at 12 o’clock, above your head rather than above the same shoulder, then you are inviting shoulder injury. phases (Chollet et al., 2008): (i) entry and catch, from the . The log roll is the best way to move from back to front or indeed from front to back quickly and decisively, whilst at the same time maintaining stability in the water.The moment you raise your head, bend your knees or allow your hips to drop the result will be that unstable sinking feeling! Hand Entry The hand enters directly in front of the shoulder. The action of the backstroke kick, like that of the crawl kick, emanates from the hips, one leg lifting up as the other drops down. Swim to the other end of the pool focusing on identifying the pull phase and the push phase in your backstroke arm stroke. The bending arm action will complete with the arm fully extended and hand pushing downwards to counterbalance the shoulder roll. This week’s drill is single arm backstroke. BODY. Backstroke Arm Technique Tips In backstroke, the arm action will provide the majority of the propulsion. There are four partsto the arms in backstroke which are the entry, catch, propulsive phase and recovery which I will discuss in moredetail. Backstroke is the only competitive stroke performed on the back. Swimming - Swimming - Strokes: The earliest strokes to be used were the sidestroke and the breaststroke. Arms without floats. I am a member of the Amazon Associates Program and I will earn a, Swim Teach group where swimming teachers help beginners learn how to swim. Improper Breathing. I work first on the recovery. The arm action will then sweeps inwards towards the thigh with the palm facing downwards. leg!kick! what!are!they?! If you feel overwhelmed by the water when you try to breathe, your form is off. Beginner learns may use a straight arm throughout the stroke – often referred to as a windmill action. Using your visual analysis, that would make it about parallel to 12 o’clock. This technique error is something I’ve seen repeated over and over. The amount of propulsion generated from the kick will depend on the size of the feet, ankle mobility and strength of the legs. During the cross-over entry, the hand that is entering into the water behind the head, actually over-reaches up top and crosses the swimmer’s midline (prior to entering the water). Join in and write your own page! From under water it looks like this: Head is … Maintain a flat position for a smooth transition from back to front and this will maintain the rhythm of your swimming stroke. entry of the hand into the water to the beginning of its . It's easy to do. body!position! The arm action will then sweeps inwards towards the thigh with the palm facing downwards. The catch is the phase of the arm stroke where the swimmer starts to apply propulsive force. There are four fundamental strokes in swimming, all of which use the arms in a different manner. The kicking action is generated from the hips and upper legs with feet below surface. The wrist flexes during the downsweep, so the palm is facing backward, and the hand is pushing water backward for as long as possible. This exercise should be performed with an alternate right arm/left leg and left arm/right leg action. Instead, naturally rotate your body through the shoulders and hips with your arm action, rotating to the left as your left arm enters the water and vice versa. Example, he often has swimmers do 25 strokes with the body rotates but the remains... ’ ve seen repeated over and over hand follow along hand is near the and... Was originally used with both arms submerged left arm/right leg action phase of the arm stroke the size the... Forearm, and the push phase in backstroke, the arm fully extended and hand pushing downwards counterbalance... 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