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Of note, UDS of viral samples often also implies an additional initial step of reverse transcription of viral RNA into cDNA (e.g., plasma HIV). Archaea from soil. Simons, P.A. Inflammatory and oncogenic roles of a tumor stem cell marker doublecortin-like kinase (DCLK1) in virus-induced chronic liver diseases. 13, 5 February 2014 | Human Mutation, Vol. Furthermore, because accuracy of the DNA polymerase is vital for reliable UDS results, a comparative analysis of error profiles from seven different DNA polymerases was performed and experimentally as-sessed in parallel by 454 sequencing. The Chromatin Fingerprint of Gene Enhancer Elements. Low, P.K. Baxter, C. Huang, C. Lubeski, Low-abundance drug-resistant viral variants in chronically HIV-infected, antiretroviral treatment-naive patients significantly impact treatment outcomes. Vinters, G.W. Toggle navigation. Although extensively used already for sequencing of genomes, relatively few applications of massively parallel pyrosequencing to transcriptome analysis have been reported. 10, Current Opinion in HIV and AIDS, Vol. We collected three species of butterflies (Eurema hecabe, Eurema laeta, and Tongeia fischeri) common to Korea and screened them for Wolbachia STs. Khalil R.M. If reads are ending in a nonspecifically bounded primer and contain only a few nucleotides of the primer, it is even more challenging to distinguish between genuine sequence variations and nonspecific priming. This step, however, can be insufficient when large amounts of dimers are present. 기존 생어 염기서열 분석(Sanger sequencing)과 달리 많은 수의 DNA조각을 병렬로 처리하는 데 특징이 있다. Chromatin regulators with tumor suppressor properties and their alterations in human cancers. Loss of expression of the SWI/SNF chromatin remodeling subunit BRG1/SMARCA4 is frequently observed in intraductal papillary mucinous neoplasms of the pancreas. Bintrim SB, Donohue TJ, Handelsman J, Roberts GP, Goodman RM (1997) Molecular phylogeny of. Wilkin, T.J., Z. Su, D.R. 15, 13 November 2014 | Plant Biotechnology Journal, Vol. The Amplicon Variant Analyzer software, used for the alignment of reads and the variant calling, automatically corrects for this type of errors by trimming the reads (Figure 1A). The variability in and around this V3 region necessitated us to design a reverse primer located 330 bp downstream of the target region, which was the closest conserved region. (2008) Allelotyping by massively parallel pyrosequencing of SNP-carrying trinucleotide threads. SWI/SNF Chromatin Remodelling and Human Cancer. Over the past years, we have built experience in the design and optimization of UDS assays on amplicons using 454 massive parallel pyrosequencing technology, primarily with applications in virology and oncology. Academy of Sciences of the United States of. Pleasance, P.J. We found pathogenic mutations and variants with unknown clinical … 11, 2 October 2013 | PLoS ONE, Vol. Cabrera L.C. Next, the primer sequences are trimmed from these reads in order to avoid the erroneous calling of variations within this sequence region, resulting in a more correct alignment (Figure 1B). Remodeling the cancer epigenome: mutations in the SWI/SNF complex offer new therapeutic opportunities. Nuclear Signaling Pathways and Targeting Transcription in Cancer. With UDS becoming more widely available, the relevance of minor mutations in the context of different antiretroviral therapy regimens might help define the clinical benefit of low-frequency resistance testing. We show here that massive parallel pyrosequencing can be used as a diagnostic strategy to test for BRCA1 and BRCA2 mutations meeting very stringent sensitivity and specificity parameters replacing traditional Sanger sequencing with a lower cost. Insertions of more than one base at a certain position were counted as one insertion. Not Available Practical Tools to Implement Massive Parallel Pyrosequencing of PCR Products in Next Generation Molecular Diagnostics Practical Tools to Implement Massive Parallel Pyrosequencing of PCR Products in Next Generation Molecular Diagnostics Kim De Leeneer1*, Joachim De Schrijver3, Lieven Clement4, Machteld Baetens1, Steve Lefever1, Sarah De Keulenaer2, Wim Van Criekinge2,3, Dieter Deforce2,5, Filip Van Nieuwerburgh2,5, Sofie Bekaert2, Filip Pattyn1, Bram De Wilde1, Paul Coucke1,2, Jo Vandesompele1,2, … Although high fidelity reverse transcriptase enzymes are used in this step, it cannot be excluded that errors can be introduced, albeit that it is difficult to account for. … 4, 11 December 2014 | PLoS Genetics, Vol. Deletion of Brg1 causes abnormal hair cell planer polarity, hair cell anchorage, and scar formation in mouse cochlea. Momozawa et al. The SWI/SNF genetic blockade: effects in cell differentiation, cancer and developmental diseases. The 454 run was designed to allow identification of minor variants at 1% frequency (i.e., 5000 reads/sample). Simons, K.H. 3, 14 March 2016 | Open Forum Infectious Diseases, Vol. Rhee, C. Wang, B. Gharizadeh, M. Ronaghi, R.W. Here, we discuss and illustrate by means of case studies from our laboratory different sources of errors that may occur during UDS. The inclusion of different exons in our experimental setup allowed us to assess the influence of the sequence context on the error profile. The described case studies demonstrate that many of the sequencing errors sources can be avoided, solved, or controlled, but continuous attention in all UDS experiments is recommended, especially when newly developed amplicon assays are used. 7, No. 6, no. Enter your email address below and we will send you the reset instructions. The design and selection of a primer set that specifically targets the region of interest, thereby avoiding the formation of primer dimers and nonspecific primer binding, is a prerequisite toward high-quality amplicon based deep sequencing. Targeting the epigenome for treatment of cancer. 5, 2 January 2014 | Bioinformatics, Vol. UDS has also been applied to search for rare mutations in samples from patients suffering from tuberous sclerosis complex, an autosomal dominant neurocutaneous syndrome (18), and in samples from B cell chronic lymphocytic leukemia patients (19). Intrahost genetic variability along the whole genome was calculated and coreceptor usage of viral quasispecies was predicted. The advantage with pyrosequencing is that it can be automated in a massively parallel manner that enables hundreds of thousands of sequences to be obtained at once, perhaps as much as 1000 Mb in a single run. 6, No. To view the supplementary data that accompany this paper please visit the journal website at:, 13 February 2019 | PLOS ONE, Vol. It is well known that homopolymeric DNA stretches are the major source of erroneous base calls when using the 454 technology due to resolution difficulties and the appearance of carry forward incomplete extension (CAFIE) errors. Over the past years, we have built experience in the design and optimization of UDS assays on amplicons using 454 massive parallel pyrosequencing technology, primarily with applications in virology and oncology. Our results demonstrate that the DNA polymerase, as well as the sequence context, influence the type of errors observed (Figure 3). View/ Open: Thesis (872.1Kb) Spikblad (20.39Kb) Abstract. Diverse functions of ATP-dependent chromatin remodeling complexes in development and cancer. An important factor in any minor variant detection approach is the sensitivity for detecting DNA sequence variants or mutations in an excess of nonmutated genomes. CaFAD2 Green, Subclonal phylogenetic structures in cancer revealed by ultra-deep sequencing, The crown and stem of the V3 loop play distinct roles in human immunodeficiency virus type 1 envelope glycoprotein interactions with the CCR5 coreceptor, Sander, O., T. Sing, I. Sommer, A.J. Kwiatkowski, Analysis of TSC cortical tubers by deep sequencing of TSC1, TSC2 and KRAS demonstrates that small second-hit mutations in these genes are rare events. 9, 16 April 2014 | Journal of Clinical Microbiology, Vol. Roe North Carolina State University, Department of Entomology Raleigh, … Massive parallel pyrosequencing means that the compositions of more than 300,000 sequences can be determined simultaneously, and it does not require cloning of the samples, thus eliminating many of the problems associated with this step of metagenomic methods . Molecular Analysis of the Breast Cancer Genes BRCA1 and BRCA2 Using Amplicon-Based Massive Parallel Pyrosequencing Geneviève Michils,* Silke Hollants,* Luc Dehaspe,* Jeroen Van Houdt,* Yannick Bidet,† Nancy Uhrhammer,‡ Yves-Jean Bignon,†‡ Joris R. … Today, little is known about the differences between polymerases from various sources and the impact of such errors introduced during PCR on 454 sequencing outcome. SMARCE1 suppresses EGFR expression and controls responses to MET and ALK inhibitors in lung cancer. K. De Leeneer et al., “Practical tools to implement massive parallel pyrosequencing of PCR products in next generation molecular diagnostics,” PLOS ONE, vol. 6, 24 September 2014 | Viruses, Vol. 10, No. Expression inactivation of SMARCA4 by microRNAs in lung tumors. Targeted sequencing-based analyses of candidate gene variants in ulcerative colitis-associated colorectal neoplasia. If this occurs at a low frequency, it remains unnoticed after quality check of the amplicon, and sequencing of this amplicon will lead to the erroneously reporting of a deletion in those reads passing the breakpoint (Figure 2). This thesis deals with the extended diagnosis of KIT and PDGFRA positive gastrointestinal stromal tumors (GIST) using molecular methods, like sequencing by Sanger or the so called next generation sequencing (NGS), a massive parallel sequencing technology (MPS). PLoS ONE 2(2): e197. In order to capture all the variability and obtain a good representation of the diversity in the initial sample, PCR primers must be designed toward conserved regions. We evaluated the variability of the 454 UDS amplicon protocol, thereby excluding errors introduced during the upfront PCR, by means of an experiment designed to detect resistance mutations in the HIV-1 reverse transcriptase gene. The faded out bars represent samples of amplicons with a sequence coverage much lower (<200 reads) than from the run design (average coverage of 4111 reads) and should not be considered representative. Read "Massive parallel DNA pyrosequencing analysis of the tumor suppressor BRG1/SMARCA4 in lung primary tumors, Human Mutation" on DeepDyve, the largest online rental service for scholarly research with thousands of academic publications available at your fingertips. Shafer, and N. Beerenwinkel, Viral population estimation using pyrosequencing, Prosperi, M.C., L. Prosperi, A. Bruselles, I. Abbate, G. Rozera, D. Vincenti, M.C. However this is not the case for larger amplicons that are processed using the 454 shotgun procedure (as was used in the HIV-1 PR-RT assay). Massive parallel 16S rRNA gene pyrosequencing reveals highly diverse fecal bacterial and fungal communities in healthy dogs and cats. Nonspecific binding of one of the primers either within, up or downstream of the region of interest, will lead to shorter or larger amplicons as compared with the intended region. Novak, R.D. Overall, the error rate varied between 0.11% and 0.34%, consisting of insertions (0.07%–0.14%), deletions (0.02%–0.08%), substitutions (0.01%–0.07%), and dots (0.01%–0.05%; dot: three successive negative flows during 454 sequencing) (Table 2). Massively parallel sequencing of DNA by pyrosequencing technology offers much higher throughput and lower cost than conventional Sanger sequencing. 5, 24 January 2012 | DNA Research, Vol. Sanger sequencing (1) has long been regarded as the gold standard for mutation detection, because prior knowledge of mutations is not required and assay development is limited only by sequencing primer design and read length. ow using massive parallel pyrosequencing in a bench top GS Junior sequencer together with homopolymer scanning to screen for muta-tions in the BRCA and BRCA genes. America 94: 277-282. For example, Thomas et al. It is well known that DNA polymerases introduce random errors at low frequency in nucleotide sequences due to base misincorporation during amplification. Here, we discuss and illustrate by means of case studies from our laboratory different sources of errors that may occur during UDS. Detection of Low-Frequency HIV Type 1 Reverse Transcriptase Drug Resistance Mutations by Ultradeep Sequencing in Naive HIV Type 1-Infected individuals, Prevalence and Evolution of Low Frequency HIV Drug Resistance Mutations Detected by Ultra Deep Sequencing in Patients Experiencing First Line Antiretroviral Therapy Failure, Ultra-Deep Pyrosequencing (UDPS) Data Treatment to Study Amplicon HCV Minor Variants, Routine performance and errors of 454 HLA exon sequencing in diagnostics, Analysis of 454 sequencing error rate, error sources, and artifact recombination for detection of Low-frequency drug resistance mutations in HIV-1 DNA, A Novel Approach to Tracking Antigen-Experienced CD4 T Cells into Functional Compartments via Tandem Deep and Shallow TCR Clonotyping, Improved Detection of Rare HIV-1 Variants using 454 Pyrosequencing, Indel and Carryforward Correction (ICC): a new analysis approach for processing 454 pyrosequencing data, Next-Generation Sequencing of HIV-1 RNA Genomes: Determination of Error Rates and Minimizing Artificial Recombination, Unraveling the complexity of tyrosine kinase inhibitor–resistant populations by ultra-deep sequencing of the BCR-ABL kinase domain, PCR-Induced Transitions Are the Major Source of Error in Cleaned Ultra-Deep Pyrosequencing Data, Rapid Detection of Human Cytomegalovirus UL97 and UL54 Mutations Directly from Patient Samples, Population-Sequencing as a Biomarker of A consensus sequence was established to perform subtype assignment, phylogenetic analysis, and recombination recombination Subject Category: Miscellaneous Hirsch, M.S., H.F. Gunthard, J.M. and Shafer, Characterization of mutation spectra with ultra-deep pyrosequencing: application to HIV-1 drug resistance. Panel C shows the correct alignment of this sequence read. This was obtained by a multiplex approach, which outperformed pooling of singleplex PCRs. 1, 13 February 2013 | Retrovirology, Vol. Burkholderia pseudomallei This can result in different outcomes in replicate reactions, especially for low frequency variants (24). 9, 15 May 2013 | Journal of Clinical Microbiology, Vol. Use the link below to share a full-text version of this article with your friends and colleagues. is a term used to describe several revolutionary approaches to DNA sequencing, the so called next generation sequencing (NGS) technologies or second generation sequencing. Mol Ecol 18: 1818–1820. A consensus sequence was established to perform subtype assignment, phylogenetic analysis, and recombination tests. We show here that massive parallel pyrosequencing can be used as a diagnostic strategy to test for BRCA1 and BRCA2 mutations meeting very stringent sensitivity and specificity parameters replacing traditional Sanger sequencing with a lower cost. Ultra‐deep sequencing technologies provide a promising alternative to achieve a sensitivity superior to that of current sequencing strategies. Franz, B.E. White squares, read count before cleaning; black crosses, read count after cleaning for nonspecific priming. Such incorrect bases are present in individual DNA strands as a small minority in the PCR product. Massive parallel pyrosequencing was used with the shotgun approach. Massive parallel amplicon sequencing of the breast cancer genes BRCA1&2: opportunities, challenges and limitations. Rhabdoid Tumors: An Initial Clue to the Role of Chromatin Remodeling in Cancer. Pyrosequencing has become one of the low levels. This calls for a somewhat higher cut-off value than the error threshold calculated based on plasmid sequences for distinguishing authentic variants from errors in viral RNA plasma samples. Thereto, optimal primer design is imperative because primer selection, primer dimer formation, and nonspecific binding may all affect the quality and outcome of amplicon-based deep sequencing. Rather than developing our own algorithms and software to enable data analysis tailored to specific applications of deep sequencing, as has been proposed and described by several investigators as an attractive solution (27–30), our data analyses have been largely based on the alignments derived from the standard data analysis software (Amplicon Variant Analysis; AVA) that is developed and supported by the technology provider (454 Life Sciences, Roche Applied Science). Mammalian SWI/SNF complexes in cancer: emerging therapeutic opportunities. Here, we discuss and illustrate by means of case studies from our laboratory different sources of errors that may occur during UDS. Endocervical-type Mucinous Borderline Tumors are Related to Endometrioid Tumors Based on Mutation and Loss of Expression of ARID1A. McLellan, K. Cibulskis, C. Sougnez, H. Greulich, Somatic mutations affect key pathways in lung adenocarcinoma, Qin, W., J.A. It obtains sequences up to 75 nt. Enter your email address below and we will send you your username, If the address matches an existing account you will receive an email with instructions to retrieve your username, By continuing to browse this site, you agree to its use of cookies as described in our, I have read and accept the Wiley Online Library Terms and Conditions of Use. Minor variant detection methods that rely on subcloning of PCR products, in conjunction with conventional sequencing, are expensive, time-consuming, and suffer from the drawback that PCR-based errors are propagated into the cloned DNA and cannot be discriminated from bona fide mutations. 12, Biopreservation and Biobanking, Vol. For example, for the development of a sensitive HIV-1 resistance test for the region of the reverse transcriptase gene that covers amino acids 59–190, an in-house database of aligned Sanger sequences from 266,781 samples was interrogated to achieve a good primer design. The aim of this study was to implement the massively parallel sequencing technology for diagnostic applications. Massive parallel resequencing is proving to be especially useful for identifying gene variants in viruses of infected patients [Wang et al., 2007]. Cite . 8, No. While automatic‐fluorescence‐based sequencing detected one somatic mutation (p.K586X), the pyrosequencing revealed additional variants, thus increasing the sensitivity. 454 Parallel Sequencing. A first evaluation relied on the analysis of DNA … A consensus sequence was established to perform subtype assignment, phylogenetic analysis, and recombination recombination Subject Category: Miscellaneous Reads containing a sufficiently large gap (at least 10 nucleotides) are subsequently removed from the data set, and the cleaned data can be further processed for full alignment and variant calling (see Supplementary materials for more details). Date: 2014-05-27. A brief and slightly simplified animation on next-generation sequencing, featuring Justin Bieber and Chuck Norris. Loss of function of SWI/SNF chromatin remodeling genes leads to genome instability of human lung cancer. A1_F, amplicon 1 forward read; A2_F, amplicon 2 forward read; A3_F, amplicon 3 forward read; A4_F, amplicon 4 forward read; A1_R, amplicon 1 reverse read; A2_R, amplicon 2 reverse read; A3_R, amplicon 3 reverse read; A4_R, amplicon 4 reverse read. As a solution to this problem, a software scripting tool was developed that specifically recognizes the reads containing secondary structure artifacts and removes these from the analysis. OpenUrl CrossRef PubMed Web of Science 9, 2011. Pyrosequencing is categorised as NGS technology generating massive short reads per reaction. Van Laethem, K., K. Van Vaerenbergh, J.C. Schmit, S. Sprecher, P. Hermans, V. De Vroey, R. Schuurman, T. Harrer, Phenotypic assays and sequencing are less sensitve than point mutation assays for detection of resistance in mixed HIV-1 genotypic populations, Milbury, C.A., J. Li, and G.M. 13, No. This amplicon remained undetectable after size confirmation by agarose electrophoresis, but resulted in erroneous variant calling in the region of interest. This in silico analysis revealed numerous variable positions in the region that was targeted for primer selection. (B) Error rate for deletions: number of deleted bases divided by the number of bases. Rhee, T. Liu, B.B. Since 454 pyrosequencing relies on PCR-driven target amplification, it is key to differentiate errors introduced during the amplification step from genuine minority variants. Janne, T. Tengs, Y. Yuza, L.A. Garraway, T. LaFramboise, Sensitive mutation detection in heterogeneous cancer specimens by massively parallel picoliter reactor sequencing. Sorenson J.S. One of the variants, which affected a consensus splice site, was confirmed by individual cloning of PCR products, ruling out the possibility of PCR or pyrosequencing artifacts. These lengthy primers make primer dimer formation more likely to occur. Although our experiences and results show that our data analysis approach works for deep sequencing applications in general, there might be specific applications of 454-based deep sequencing that could benefit from the implementation of more tailored/developed algorithms and software (27–30), but these were not considered in the scope of this manuscript. To test the ability of this … If you do not receive an email within 10 minutes, your email address may not be registered, and you may need to create a new Wiley Online Library account. © 2010 Wiley‐Liss, Inc. The sample was subsequently purified using AMPure beads, which, as expected, significantly reduced the primer dimer peak, although a very minor peak remained visible. BibTex; Full citation; Publisher: Wiley. OpenUrl CrossRef PubMed Web of Science. Vandamme, A.M., A. Sonnerborg, M. Ait-Khaled, J. Albert, B. Asjo, L. Bacheler, D. Banhegyi, C. Boucher, Updated European recommendations for the clinical use of HIV drug resistance testing, Balduin, M., M. Oette, M.P. 51, No. (C) Error rate for insertions: number of inserted bases divided by the number of bases. 88, No. Here, we outline different PCR amplification based strategies for the screening of a multitude of genes in a patient cohort. 30, No. As an example, we developed an assay for the hypervariable V3 region in the envelope gene of HIV-1, which is the major determinant for coreceptor usage (20,21). More specifically, the substitution error rate was primarily associated with the polymerase rather than the sequencing context (Figure 3A). genes by next-generation sequencing leading to the production of improved oil composition in Solanum lycopersicum and Solanum habrochaites (f. typicum) accession PI127826 emit a variety of sesquiterpenes. Fusion of the 454-specific adaptors (called A and B) and barcodes (multiplex identifiers or MIDs) to the gene-specific primers increases the length of the primer with an extra 29 bp, resulting in primers of 50 bp or longer. Bacheler S.M.S. Our analyses suggest that prudence is called for in UDS experiments targeting the identification of sequence variations at frequencies far below 0.5%, as the overall error rate inherent to PCR amplification was found at 0.11%–0.34%, depending on the enzyme used. Intrahost genetic variability along the whole genome was calculated and coreceptor usage of viral quasispecies was predicted. To test this method we use two commercial honeys, one from a regional origin and one composed of a worldwide mix of different honeys. 12, No. Dynamic regulation of glucocorticoid signalling in health and disease. Kuritzkes, Antiretrovral drug resistance testing in adult HIV-1 infection: 2008 recommendations of an International AIDS Society—USA panel. During sequence extension of the DNA strand by the polymerase, a region with a strong secondary structure might be skipped due to the looping-out of this region, which will then be excluded from further amplification in the next PCR cycles. : a web server for multilocus genotyping using next-generation amplicon sequencing data, A Follow-Up of the Multicenter Collaborative Study on HIV-1 Drug Resistance and Tropism Testing Using 454 Ultra Deep Pyrosequencing, Darwinian Principles Acting on Highly Mutable Viruses, Evaluation of Automatic Analysis of Ultradeep Pyrosequencing Raw Data to Determine Percentages of HIV Resistance Mutations in Patients Followed-Up in Hospital, Performance assessment of the Illumina massively parallel sequencing platform for deep sequencing analysis of viral minority variants, A comparison of 454 sequencing and clonal sequencing for the characterization of hepatitis C virus NS3 variants, High-Throughput, Amplicon-Based Sequencing of the CREBBP Gene as a Tool to Develop a Universal Platform-Independent Assay, Mutations in the BCR-ABL1 Kinase Domain and Elsewhere in Chronic Myeloid Leukemia, Detection of induced mutations in The PCR error rate can also vary according to the nucleotide sequence context of the target DNA fragment that is amplified. The formation of nonspecific PCR products that are completely off-target usually poses relatively minor problems during data analysis, because their sequences do not align with the target sequence and can easily be filtered. View Item KI Open Archive Home; Avhandlingar / Theses Learn more. Chan, H.V. Department: Inst för mikrobiologi, tumör- och cellbiologi / Dept of Microbiology, Tumor and Cell Biology. Complementing this primer pair with two partially overlapping primers (one forward and one reverse) in the PCR mixture increased the amplification success of this assay to 83%. Accurate prediction of coreceptor usage is essential to establish patient eligibility to treatment with coreceptor antagonists (22,23). Moreover, these short products are preferentially amplified during emulsion PCR in the 454 process, leading to an overrepresentation of short sequence reads (containing mainly primer sequences) and reducing the number of useful sequence reads obtained. Subsequently, patients with familial breast and ovarian cancer were studied. We evaluated an amplicon-based method for the analysis of the BRCA1 and BRCA2 genes on the Roche 454 GS-FLX sequencer, to identify disease-causing mutations in breast and/or ovarian cancer patients. (16) reported the presence of low-abundance oncogene mutations in complex samples with low tumor content for which conventional Sanger sequencing was not informative. ( 22,23 ) with CDK4/6 inhibition in non-small cell lung carcinoma, respectively the GREEN STINK BUG: gene. Arrows represent nonspecific primer binding is shown as a small minority in the error. During amplicon synthesis and/or GS FLX sequencing human lung cancer retinoids and corticoids to drugs... After massive parallel pyrosequencing analysis can be considered errors introduced during the amplification step from sequence! Black crosses, read count after cleaning for nonspecific priming region differentiation, cancer and diseases. 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