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And so, that here is this growing group of people that are moving away from the faith, some of whom would even identify as no longer being believers – of being atheists – because of either what they've been taught about God that wasn't true. I think the world – at least the American perception of the world – radically changed in 9/11. [15] For an extended explanation of God as a metaphysical thesis, see the chapter on God in Richard Taylor, Metaphysics , 4th ed. But I think there are ways to – as you mentioned, accountability to a Holy God, God's longsuffering, His patience. Why doesn't God do something? And that, somehow, we can all just get along, when every world religion claims – and, in fact, if we add atheism in to the mix, as a religious system –. There are no gods, no purposes, and no goal-directed forces of any kind. And I wonder what that looks like in the future. He and Janice enjoy live music, good stories, bold coffee, and their five rescue dogs—two pugs, a chihuahua, a terrier named Chloe, and a black lab, Carlile. Dennett hints at a different objection to the Bible by remarking that anybody can quote the Bible to prove anything. The scientific investigation of religion of the sort Dennett recommends has prompted a larger interdisciplinary conversation that includes both theists and non-theists with academic specialties in science, philosophy, and theology (see Schloss and Murray 2009 for an important example of this sort of collaboration). Harris comes closest to providing an explicit answer to that question in stating that questions of right and wrong are really questions about the happiness and suffering of sentient creatures. He is often an expert for the media on NT issues. There is a lot of buzz that goes around with regard to how some are publicly challenging the Christian faith. What is the relationship between atheism and the philosophy of materialism?The close association between atheism and materialism is evident in Christopher Hitchens’ edited volume The Portable Atheist: Essential Readings for the Nonbeliever which includes as its first entry a collection of excerpts from the great Roman philosopher Lucretius’ magisterial two thousand-year-old poetic work … Now, whether that response is to the threat of violence at the end of a gun, or whether that response is to the threat of violent rhetoric, I think the Christian response is not a response that is in kind. Atheism is too often defined incorrectly as a belief system. So, you know, maybe we learn how to love our enemies, to love people who are angry and fearful, by actually loving those who are close to us. Dennett goes on to engage in a relatively extensive speculation about how religion and religious belief evolved from these purely natural beginnings. This moral component sets them apart from other prominent historical atheists such as Nietzsche and Sartre, and it plays a pivotal role in their arguments because it is used to conclude that religion is bad in various ways, although Dennett is more reserved than the other three. Graduates of the seminary, people who have professed faith in Christ and who have been in ministry, who reach a point, for whatever reason – I'm trying to think through the similarities of the stories that I keep hearing. Dawkins does devote a chapter apiece to each of these tasks in the process of making a case for his claim that there almost certainly is no God. Westmont College How do we actually learn to do that? They also anticipate the reply that the moral consequences of atheism are worse than those of theism. As a matter of fact, he says, “The God of the Old Testament is arguably the most unpleasant character in all of fiction” (Dawkins 2006, p. 31). Dawkins speculates that this cognitive disposition, which tends to help inexperienced children to avoid harm, also tends to make them susceptible to acquiring their elders’ irrational and harmful religious beliefs. The fourth philosophical question raised by the New Atheists is one they address themselves: “Why should we be moral?” Harris’s answer is that being moral tends to contribute to one’s happiness. Their arguments for this conclusion focus on what they take to be the moral deficiencies and factual errors of these books. Let us consider the content of theism & atheism. Similarly, Harris follows Dawkins’ in arguing that the notion of a creator God leads to an infinite regress because such a being would have to have been created. Dennett, Daniel. McCarthyism reached its peak and began its decline during the … What seems to have happened in recent memory is that there is an increasing awareness of the conflict between a militant religion, and then the fear of conflict with another militant religion. Schloss, Jeffrey and Michael Murray, eds. But then there are a lot of others who are much more sober minded, much sadder about losing faith in the possibility of the existence of God. Hitchens hints at his own source of secular satisfaction by claiming that the natural is wondrous enough for anyone. But at the conferences where the surviving New Atheists spoke and on the online forums where their books were debated, shouting matches regularly broke out over accusations that they were Islamophobic apologists for American empire. In this way, the New Atheists link their epistemological critique of religious belief with their moral criticism of religion. (Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 2006). That is a statement about an evil so deep and so poisonous and so destructive that it needs to be eradicated. And it creates a culture of fear. And one of the similarities that I keep hearing over and over again is that, "Christianity doesn't work for me. They draw on science for recommended alternatives to religion. Their approach is very distinctive, it's very belligerent. Harris is much more willing to affirm that there are certain benefits of religion, but it's not necessary, we don't need it. What makes it particularly distinctive is not that He exhorted people to distinguish the world between those who are righteous and those who are sinners, and to treat the righteous one way and sinners another. You know, when you think about what makes the Sermon on the Mount particularly distinctive. Arguments for and against God’s Existence. Has called Mother Teresa a fraud, and – He really is – he makes Dawkins [laughs] look like a nice guy. But to be fair, the New Atheists have done a rather good job of collecting, itemising and classifying the various sins of religion. He's much more – maybe because he's a philosopher, but – and he looks like Santa Clause. If there are no divine revelations, then every sacred book is a merely human book. Dawkins is less committed to this specific hypothesis than he is to the general hypothesis, and he is open to other specific hypotheses of the same kind. The examples they provide of such objectionable behaviors range from the uncontroversial (suicide bombings, the Inquisition, “religious” wars, witch hunts, homophobia, etc.) So what I'm gonna do is, I'm gonna invite you back. While atheists can't typically deny that a person believes in some god, they can deny that believers have sufficient justification for their belief. There never has been. At the foundation of Dennett’s “proto-theory” about the origin of religion and religious belief is his appeal to the evolution in humans (and other animals) of a “hyperactive agent detection device” (HADD), which is the disposition to attribute agency—beliefs and desires and other mental states—to anything complicated that moves. So the problem of evil – and, you might say, so how does that lead to atheism? The New Atheists agree that, while religion may have been a byproduct of certain human qualities that proved important for survival, religion itself is not necessarily a beneficial social and cultural phenomenon on balance at present. This Western Philosophical tradition can be said to begin with Augustine and to include a number of prominent Western philosophers up to the present (including Anselm, Aquinas, Descartes, Pascal, and more recently, Alvin Plantinga and Richard Swinburne). Dr. Bock has been a New York Times best-selling author in nonfiction and is elder emeritus at Trinity Fellowship Church in Dallas. There have always been atheists. William Provine says atheists have no free will, no moral accountability and no moral significance: Let me summarize my views on what modern evolutionary biology tells us loud and clear — and these are basically Darwin’s views. In its primary usage — the one relevant to living beings — purpose is striving for a goal, an intentional aiming at a target. The New Atheists make substantial use of the natural sciences in both their criticisms of theistic belief and in their proposed explanations of its origin and evolution. Breaking the Spell: Religion as a Natural Phenomenon (New York: Penguin, 2006). But the flipside of this is the question, well, then, what do you do? to the controversial (prohibition of “victimless crimes” such as drug use and prostitution, criminalization of abortion and euthanasia, “child abuse” due to identification of children as members of their parents’ religious communities, etc.). Their conclusion is that science fails to show that there is a God and even supports the claim that such a being probably does not exist. A critical engagement with the arguments set out in Dawkins 2006. He expresses his hope for a renewed Enlightenment focused on human beings, based on unrestricted scientific inquiry, and eventually productive of a new humane civilization. And we look forward to having you back with us when we finish our conversation on atheism. Everyone in Medieval Europe was Christian. That part of the story has to be told, too. But it really doesn't address the issues that are particularly facing us at the present time. If God is good, how can there be this kind of evil? I don't know how else to say it. Dawkins’ argument for the probable non-existence of God is the most explicit and thorough attempt at an atheistic argument amongst the four. The New Atheists are not philosophers of religion, and none of them addresses either theistic or atheistic arguments to any great extent. So that, although it is true from our perspective – and it is true from anybody's perspective – that some of the rhetoric is harsh and dismissive and judgmental and provocative, Christians, of course, would never engage that kind of [crosstalk] _____. Some critics, like William Lane Craig, reply that, at best, Dawkins’ argument could show only that the God hypothesis does not explain the appearance of design in the universe but could not demonstrate that God probably doesn’t exist. If atheism is the lack of belief, it is purely an epistemic position, not … Copan, Paul. That's one step away from the church. Where was He when the Christian organization that hired me treated me unjustly? A collection of essays by Christian apologists that addresses challenges from New Atheists and other contemporary critics of Christianity. Contending with Christianity’s Critics (Nashville, Tenn.: Broadman and Holman, 2009). A journalistic case against religion and religious belief. Where was He when I was raped? He thinks that scientific exploration into the nature of human consciousness will provide a progressively more adequate natural and rational basis for such a practice. Indeed, the promise of a blissful afterlife can become the primary goal of following a religion. A case for the irrationality and immoral consequences of religious belief that draws primarily on evolutionary biology. Since the New Atheists have denied the existence of any supernatural reality, this moral standard has to have a purely natural and secular basis. To be clear: Atheism is not a disbelief in gods or a denial of gods; it is a lack of belief in gods. Eagleton, Terry. The moral component is the assumption that there is a universal and objective secular moral standard. had anything of interest to say. How can there be this horrific evil? Berlinski, David. McGrath, Alister and Joanna Collicutt McGrath. Actually to sit down and have conversations about how to do that. As for metaphysics, Dawkins has been criticized for engaging in an overly cursory evaluation of theistic arguments and for ignoring the philosophical literature in natural theology. The New Atheists seem to be generally agreed that theistic belief has generally worse attitudinal and behavioral moral consequences than atheistic belief. The New Atheism, Contemporary Philosophy of Religion, and Philosophical Confusion,” in Religion and the New Atheism: A Critical Appraisal, ed. Other works include both positive and negative evaluations of the New Atheism. So, Glenn, I appreciate you – or, Dr. Kreider – coming in, being a part of our podcast. In old England, it was defined as "a system of morality, veiled in allegory (or a story) and illustrated by symbols." Those kinds of questions. Dawkins provides “four good Darwinian reasons” that purport to explain why some animals (including, of course human beings) engage in moral behavior. Second, if the content of morality is not made accessible to human beings by means of a revelation of God’s will, then how do humans know what the one moral standard is? The New Atheists appeal to the deliverances of the empirical sciences as their criterion for rational religious belief. We have a group of writers who have been dubbed – I don't know if it's affectionately or not – the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse. The Greeks all worshipped the gods of Olympus. Dawkins, Richard. One of these is a conference presented by the Center for Philosophy of Religion at the University of Notre Dame, entitled, “My Ways are not Your Ways: The Character of the God of the Hebrew Bible” (held September 10-12, 2009). Dennett, Daniel. What’s So Great About Christianity (Carol Stream, IL: Tyndale House Publishers, 2007). Of course, the Early Church reflected this, and actually generated much sympathy for what it was that they believed, because they didn't respond, oftentimes, in kind. Okay, let's turn our attention to these four. Moreover, given the New Atheist epistemological assumptions (and their consequences for religious epistemology), some criticism of their views has included questions about whether their reliance on empirical science is scientifically justified and whether there is adequate evidence to support their thesis of evidentialism. And for whatever reason – which is the third category – many of them come from former theists, they come from Christians, professing Christians. We live in a scary world. What he appears to mean by this charge is that this intelligent design hypothesis claims to provide an ultimate explanation for all existing improbable complexity and yet cannot provide an explanation of its own improbable complexity. There is this impulse not to respond out of the normal human impulse, that is central to Christian teaching. His book, God Is Not Great: How Religion Poisons Everything, took a great deal of pleasure in criticizing Jerry Falwell, and then celebrated Falwell's death, when he was on a speaking tour, for that book. As I think you've heard me say before, we can't ignore that those texts are in the Scripture. In doing so, he employs the concept of a “culturally based replicator,” which Dawkins had previously labeled a “meme” (on analogy with “gene,” which refers to biologically based replicators). Finally, the challenges to religion posed by the New Atheists have also prompted a number of seminars and conferences. Where –". A review of and expansion upon the principles of the New Atheism with responses to many of its critics. Because the answers to all the fundamental questions – Where do we come from? Sam Harris might be the most accessible popularizer of the group. And that religion, in all of its forms – he's every bit as vitriolic in his criticism of Islam, and every other religion, as he is Christianity. If I may summarize at least these four, the New Atheists say, "There is no God. He says that any subsequent more moderate Christian migration away from these biblical legal requirements is a result of taking scripture less and less seriously. That leads Nietzsche to a real crisis, because he realizes the implications of the world view, he realizes the implications of what he's believing. An interdisciplinary discussion of issues raised by the sort of naturalistic account of religion promoted in Dennett 2006 and elsewhere. So we have this long history of religious conflict. For instance, our symbols for the Entered Apprentice Degree are … A defense of the God and ethics of the Old Testament against the New Atheists’ criticisms of them. A number of essays and books have been written in response to the New Atheists (see the “Works about the New Atheism” sub-section of the “References and Further Reading” section below for some titles). And he's a Veteran of Foreign Wars, he's been with us before, so he knows the dance. A scientific case against the existence of God by a physicist who also taught philosophy and who is often classified as a New Atheist. Is Religion Dangerous? Dawkins labels his argument for God’s non-existence “the Ultimate Boeing 747 gambit,” because he thinks that God’s existence is at least as improbable as the chance that a hurricane, sweeping through a scrap yard, would have the luck to assemble a Boeing 747 (an image that he borrows from Fred Hoyle, who used it for a different purpose). The New Atheists observe that if there is no supernatural reality, then religion and religious belief must have purely natural explanations. So they're dealing with the "science versus faith" question. Given this, Dennett questions whether any of the people who claim to believe in God actually do believe God exists. The Dawkins Delusion? 837 thoughts on “ New Atheism: The Godlessness That Failed ” darovas November 18, 2019 at 10:40 am. And let's celebrate the freedom, let's look forward to the day when we don't have to wrestle with these questions, anymore.". They're dealing with the "reason versus faith" question. Dawkins argues that the “God Hypothesis,” the claim that there exists a superhuman, supernatural intelligence who deliberately designed and created the universe, is “founded on local traditions of private revelation rather than evidence” (2006, pp. So we don't need religion, at all. He follows up in The God Delusion with the claim that faith is an evil because it does not require justification and does not tolerate argument. But actually went out of His way to command that people love their enemies, and pray for them, et cetera – things like turning the cheek, et cetera. This absence of belief generally comes about either through deliberate choice, or from an inherent inability to believe religious teachings which seem literally incredible. He is not trained in science or in philosophy, and he is the most strident. “Is Yahweh a Moral Monster? Dawkins replies to the critic who asks, “If there’s no God, why be good?” by questioning the necessity, desirability, and efficacy of a desire for divine approval as a motivator for moral behavior. These moral objections to religion presuppose a moral standard. The Soviet atheists argued that by being “conscious”, Soviet atheism differs essentially from “bourgeois” atheism, which was a secondary result, a mere outcome of materialism, rationalism, and so on, while the Soviet ideologists considered atheism primary, a “conscious” starting point, which leads to a scientific worldview. Though Hitchens mentions Dennett’s naturalistic approach to religion in his chapter on “religion’s corrupt beginnings,” he focuses primarily on the interplay between a pervasive gullibility he takes to be characteristic of human beings and the exploitation of this credulity that he attributes to the founders of religions and religious movements. After considering the standard arguments for God’s existence and rehearsing standard objections to them, Dennett argues that the concept of God is insufficiently determinate for it to be possible to know what proposition is at issue in the debate over God’s existence. I mean, the horror of a disobedient child must be taken out and stoned. Prior to teaching at DTS, Dr. Kreider served as Director of Christian Education and then as Senior Pastor in Cedar Hill, TX. Note that some religions may be practiced—or understood—in various categories. These debates are accessible in a number of places on the Internet. The New Atheist movement made a splash in the early 2000s with its brash assertion that the existence of God was a hypothesis that can be examined, … A revised edition of his 2006 response to Christian reactions to his 2004 book. Dawkins agrees with Harris that the God of the Bible and the Qur’an is not a moderate. But he writes his Letter to a Christian Nation/The End of Faith, which was published in 2004, which he started writing September 12, 2001. They believe empirical science is the only (or at least the best) basis for genuine knowledge of the world, and they insist that a belief can be epistemically justified only if it is based on adequate evidence. Here’s where the New Atheists (including Richard Dawkins and Christopher Hitchens) are so puzzling. Whether there is any value in any religion, anywhere, and at any time. Though he says that “Jesus is a huge improvement over the cruel ogre of the Old Testament” (Dawkins 2006, p. 25), he argues that the doctrine of atonement, “which lies at the heart of New Testament theology, is almost as morally obnoxious as the story of Abraham setting out to barbecue Isaac” (Dawkins 2006, p. 251). 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