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The effective discount varies somewhat between shops: 20%, 25% and 50% have all been noted (probably because barter modifiers are applied cumulatively and not sequentially). He'll give you $250 right away, and you get a chance to audition for a movie (same as usual). Comments: Pick up Sulik and Cassidy. Gets a bit tedious though. You can even get them to fight one another. This is all in the readme file, by the way. On the one hand he's big, carries a lot, and makes things go boom in the night... On the other hand, he's slow, he can't wear armour and he favours weaponry that kills party members. To prevent this you should put them on "stay close to me" or "stay where you are", so that you can pick off the opposition as they come to you and not the other way around. Most people have evil spirits. If you start by formatting the computer you won't be able to talk to Ken Lee later, and after you collect your reward for killing AHS-9 you won't be able to close this one by talking to AHS-7. If you have Fast Shot, Bonus Rate of Fire and Sniper you can take out most enemies. How appropriate that a small treasure hunter is just nearby! He can also put Redding on your world map, and the Stables if you talk to him after becoming a Made Man of the Mordinos. After you get caught by Grisham, grab a Dynamite, run to the chapel and drop it before he can catch up with you, then talk to him. This isn't very interesting, but you can kill Rooney, then use Sneak to talk to the sheriff (who will have turned hostile along with the rest of the town). Access the computer and initialize it using the codes containing the letters A, B and C in that order. Historically this has been observed for the pariah dog, the NPC that ends up being killed by the Chosen One more often than any of the others. If you didn't get the introduction from Little Jesus you first have to pass a Speech check, but you can try this any number of times as long as you don't start pleading. To the right inside the entrance there's a heap of rocks. In v1.0 when you took Here and Now you gained an amount of xp equal to the total amount needed to reach your current level; starting at level 6 you would gain more than one level as a result, with the number of levels gained increasing with your current level. Redding in league with NCR: Sell the chip to LeBarge, don't get ending 1. If you fail he'll run away when he wakes up, but you can end combat and he won't be hostile.). McClure in the western room is the sane person in this outfit. Making use of the first bug makes the second irrelevant. Using SEC or MFC on a party member will refuel the car. Wahoo. A clever variation of this is the concept of "satchel charges", as described by Corpse: "I found a cool way to assassinate people with explosives. Do this at the earliest convenience, and make sure to visit the Hubologist and get your Luck boost while you're there. Once Merk thinks more highly of you, he'll give you quest 1. There's a lot of stuff to say about this game. Loot the corpses for stuff like Combat Shotguns, H&K CAWS's or Assault Rifles, and from this point on you should be able to trade for anything you ever want in a shop, even with Barter at 30% or lower. Sharpened Pole, Pipe Rifle, 9mm Mauser, Molotov Cocktail, Gold Nugget, Wrench, XL70E3, Flamer, Rocket Launcher). "Oh, like: 'Why can't I use a sword or a chainsaw on my monitor?'". If you don't mind exploiting a bug this is probably the easiest way of quickly raising your karma by a large amount. Before you win the Prizefighter title it's actually possible to get infinite rematches, although this is the result of two bugs. (For the thieves in the Den, this is the norm rather than the exception.) The two "impregnation" endings take precedence over all others. Now your goal is to run to the exit grid in combat mode; do this by using all but one of your AP each time, ending combat manually and hitting A a lot. Actually I don't like the way they gang up on the poor spammer, so I just kill them all if I can. Good, cruel fun. If you have the car you won't be able to ask for party healing if you only have one NPC, but if you get the free healing he'll heal everyone anyway. Don't you know Rose uses dog in her dishes!? If you trade the armour for money or fuel for the Hubologists, Jing keeps it in his inventory so that you can steal it back from under his nose. Now for the finale. If this is your kind of work, tell her to scram, then collect the 1000 xp and $100 from the sheriff. You'll gain either 200 xp (if you succeed and get the message "You seem to have disabled the robot") or 75 xp (if you fail and get the message "You seem to have repaired the robot completely", which will heal the bot if it was damaged). Finally rich! The Sub-amenities shops will offer you lower prices if you're not a citizen. Doctor: Creates 2-4 Buffout, 1 Medical Supplies, 1 Poison, 2-4 Jet, 2-4 Super Stimpak, 2-4 Psycho, 1-2 Doctor's Bag and 2-4 Stimpak. However, there is a sure-fire way to avoid this. Not so good. This is actually a script that was originally going to be used for Hakunin's chest. Taxi Driver adds: "Tyler happens to be rendered with one of the 'player' animations, meaning he can use any weapon in the game. If you have IN<4, each trapper you talk to will give you a Gecko Pelt. With a Day Pass you can enter the compound during daytime only, but not enter the vault or use the biggest shop. On the floor of the first level of tunnels there are Rocks. If you tell her there. With the Sniper perk and a Luck of 9-10, the .44 Magnum becomes a lethal weapon against any foe (but then again, so does everything else). To enter the vault, use Zeke's keycard on the metal door in the cliff. Jet is mostly annoying because of the addiction rate and low duration, so I wouldn't bother with it. On the ground level there are plasma turrets which can make fighting here troublesome. Zuger's patented leveling technique: "The easiest way to get xp from stealing is from the drugged-up geckos in Arroyo. While for a game of this size and complexity that's sort of understandable, lots of remaining scripting bugs would be extremely easy to correct, and many fixes in the patch either didn't work or introduced new problems that are just as bad. If an NPC has a higher Outdoorsman value than yours it will be used automatically while travelling. This only works for the in-dialogue trading, not the formal barter interface.". If you approach from behind the fence you'll have a hard time keeping the raiders from sniping you with their FN FALs. Dogmeat, the old mutt, will join your party if you remove any armour you're wearing so that your vault suit shows, or if you're wearing the Bridgekeeper's Robes (bug). Sneaky way: go along the top of the screen (Sneak isn't necessary, but it helps), disarm the trap on the door on the north side of the building (you need to use Traps twice, once to find the trap and again to disarm it), pick the lock, do the same thing with the door to the northeast, and there's Chrissy. I don't see your naaaame on it.") However, when I switched Cassidy to a gun he would fire on Horrigan, and after a couple of turns of this Goris and Sulik joined in as well. If you've won the game, Little's dialogue will always go as if you're talking to him for the first time, meaning you can ask about boxing, negotiate a deal and get your "first" match (though the game keeps track of how many opponents you have defeated). This happens automatically if you talk to him with IN<4. Hit Point progression by level: 98, 108, 118, 128, 141, 151. He'll give characters of evil alignment (karma -250 or less) exactly the same kind of training as the Dragon. The first thing you should do is take Sulik's Leather Jacket and wear it yourself to look cool. A few critters have gender problems. Red! You'll then be safe from these specific thieves for 1-5 minutes (usually enough time to be in and out of the building). You can also get free healing if you ask what he does and banter a little, but you can only do that once, whereas you can get him to talk about his life over and over again. If your safe-cracking skills aren't what they should be, you can place some Dynamite in front of the safe to set off the trap and unlock the safe. Lenny is just obnoxious. 20% (see Character Design for a note on Pathfinder). If you become Captain of the Guard and talk to Stark with Cassidy in your party, you can order him to pardon Cassidy and pay him restitution. If your Science level is excessively high, around 200%, you won't cause the terminal to shut down if you try to hack it, but neither will you succeed in your attempt (because the script is incomplete), so you're stuck in dialogue with only one option which loops back to itself. Run the game and play as usual, starting a new game or loading an old one. Basically there are three ways to do this: 1) Feed your victim a number of Super Stimpaks in quick succession (put one in an active item slot and use them from there for convenience). duration of the Mutated Toe, Jet and Cookie, Molotov Cocktail does not do fire damage, the true power of Antidote and RadAway, Solar Scorcher does laser damage), added prices for selling NPCs (in the Den, Vault City and New Reno) and what happens to their equipment, added you can tell Doofus to give you his stuff, fixed the recommendation on stats to beat Francis, added a note in Encounters about where to go for xp, added that you need to kill two children to be treated as a Childkiller, cleared up the "Cassidy bug" in Navarro which is actually exactly the same as in the Enclave and a few other places, added data on the mysterious stranger in Encounters, added that Tubby will put Redding on the map, added a trick to finish Klamath quest 3 and still get quest 6, added note on getting double xp for Sulik, cleared up the Salvatore assassination requirements, cleared up the VC armoury bug, added 90-day time limit on Arroyo quests, added more details on NPCs (weapon skills, animations, armour, leave conditions), cleared up the conditions for slave runs, added that you need Combat Armor for implants (I knew that, really) and clarified that you must know of the implants to get them in Redding or SF, fixed incorrect statement that Bonus Ranged Damage only adds to maximum damage, added all ways to put a city on the world map, added you can get xp from Dave Handy for fuel, added that you can't heal the Brain Bot using medical skills or items, corrected information on Lenny's Doctor limitation, removed incorrect statement that the Brain Bot uses Science, added Lenny's dialogue stopping you from getting Harold's reward, removed several incorrect or unverified notes relating to second-hand information (opening the Enclave blast doors, Myron being addicted to Jet, New Reno bosses disliking mutants, feeding dogs in Modoc, pre-patch Chitsa stats, deathclaw fights in Redding, Goris and NCR cops), added the vent bug in Navarro, cleared up the requirements to get the "find Jonny" quest, found the cause and effect of the infinite encounter bug in the brahmin drive quest, added Eldridge's upgrade cost bug and noted he gives no discount if you're a Made Man, added you can loot more containers in Vault City if you're Captain, cleared up killing the inert bots on SAD level 2, added Bishop getting Super Stimpaks from Moore's briefcase, added choice items in robber chests, ascertained that the best Gecko ending is only unattainable due to a bug, removed note on randomly losing Radiation Level which can be attributed to the delayed effects of RadAway, moved the Vault 13 Holodisk to the useless items list, added note on getting Moore's quest as a Slaver, added that fixing the oil tanker triggers the destruction of Arroyo, cleared up the post-Enclave Eldridge bugs, added info on all doctors (what and who they heal and how much it costs), added radiation treatment bug in Vault 13, added the vorpal rat encounter in Addenda, added you must pass a LK check to find robber caves, added you can kill Big Jesus with Nuka-Cola, added free omelets in Modoc for stupid characters, corrected that fishermen may have Laser Pistols, verified that you always have to fight the raiders, cleared up the fake RadAway addiction bug triggered by a SAD terminal, added that you can't talk to Myron about a cure if you blackmailed Dr Troy, added you can get double xp for Klamath quest 3, added that stupid characters don't get any starting money, added Becky rebuilding her still, added you can open all Bishop safes with Dynamite or by chance, added getting the Masticator's Ear and added it to the Items list, cleared up the requirements to get Salvatore's last quest, added Skeeter's upgrade cost bug, added Gecko emptying if you disable the plant, cleared up severals details in Dr Troy's Jet quest, added in Endings that attacking the Wrights sets the murder quest to failed, noted that only explosive damage can destroy most doors, added a weapon progression section in Combat (integrating some existing content), upgraded Mutate!, added the Lo Pan getting stuck in the ring and Vikki/Juan going unresponsive bugs in SF, added the Big Jesus slave bug, added Nuka-Cola machines restocking, added you can use Iguana-on-a-stick on Dogmeat (even though it most often crashes the game), cleaned up the general notes on special encounters, cleared up what the emergency defensive systems shutdown does, added the doorway bug in the Horrigan fight, added Laddie going into woofing mode, added how to kill the Duntons and get away with it (thanks to Sebastian Cassten) and spawning infinite Spiked Knuckles, verified that Pathfinder lowers fuel usage, noted that Grave Digger doesn't have any effect in itself, added shadowing Lloyd to Golgotha, added that some shopkeepers give you different prices depending on if you hit barter or ask them to trade, added a note on the Cafe of Broken Dreams repopping bug and how to fix it, moved the "too many items" bug remedy to Addenda, noted that Tag! One is that I'm assuming you play the areas in the "proper" order. In the rare event that this happens, press 0 (zero) to exit dialogue. When you come back in again, the turrets won't be hostile, so shoot them some more. Leave your party members behind before going into Dusty's Cantina. Early Energy Weapons aren't all that good: the Plasma Pistol (Toxic Caves, SAD), for instance, is clearly inferior to the .223 Pistol, and you simply don't want to go around dispensing laser damage. When you enter random encounter caves with lots of robbers, these may all run up to you and try to punch you instead of equipping their deadly Gauss Rifles. You can get to the area behind the large building if you go to the top of the screen, just left of the exit grid, then click on the ground on the other side of the fence (if you don't position your character correctly you might step on the exit grid trying to get there). have karma -1 or lower or are a Childkiller or Berserker, Gruthar casts Detect Evil and won't let you inside the vault. Psycho is even more effective.) If you assassinate Jo (or if he died fighting the Slags) the game will freeze as it tries to arrange the wedding ceremony. When you return to Salvatore and give him $1000, you get $250 back ($100 if he doesn't like your manners) and 750 xp, so in the end you get several thousand bucks' worth of equipment for $751. You can buy Booze from Mira in the Rawhide Saloon, and ask her for information. Repeat until they're all gone. Still, it's your first firearm. Next head out to the farm. You don't have to fight Curling, Murray or the President (see below), and you can talk to them as if nothing happened even if you fought on those levels. What a dork. If you succeed, you earn 6000 xp. Please stay as faithful to the original as possible, meaning you shouldn't omit or move about paragraphs or information, work your own opinions into the text, or make "updates" of your own without clearly labelling them as such. It's a good idea to do this as early as possible when you come to Klamath, so you can have Sulik tag along. Tell the AHS-7 you have a letter for the AHS-9, if you have the quest from NCR. For each new map you can choose whether to leave your path of violence or grab the good stuff then attack again. Also if you don't have IN 4 you usually can't use them no matter how high your Science skill. You can turn him in to Wallace, but this requires giving up your False Citizenship Papers (with Speech 75% you can ask for a Day Pass in exchange). I mean, it opens the yellow doors in the Gecko power plant! Enemies who start running will often spend all their AP for that round moving if they can, only attacking when they're right next to you even if they have ranged weapons. The "throw" animation is used for Grenades, Rocks, Flares and such; Spears and Throwing Knives use the animation frames of those weapons when thrown. New posts Search forums Non-stemming search. The only quirk is you don't get the toxic meltdown animation. It should be noted that karma and reputations all have a much smaller general impact on the game than one might think. You'll have to fork out $1000 but you earn 500 xp. System you fallout 2 combat build stumble upon are corrupted giving you the same way. ). )... Get back in mainland, prepare for your team one first and then fallout 2 combat build accept they gang up on,... Safe as well he stands up and thanks you you heard about them from a distance drug Myron have... 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