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Focus on losing body fat, because that’s the hard part. Cut abdominal muscles are often viewed as the pinnacle of success for bodybuilders. At the same time, focus on high-quality, nutrient dense food, so you're still getting the building blocks (like protein and amino acids) you need to maintain muscle, he said. In fact, eating a sufficient amount of protein each day is likely the most important part of your diet when it comes to losing fat without losing muscle. This prevents your metabolic rate from slowing down and helps spare muscle tissue. Diet. Says Douglas Kalman MS, RD, FACN], “When you do not eat sufficiently, weight loss and muscle loss can occur 24 hours per day. Cut Calories Gradually. Losing weight at a fast rate, greater than 2 pounds a week, results in loss of muscle and water weight. This is a very bad strategy if you want to maintain as much muscle as possible during a cut. Sikes, for instance, said he takes up to two years of calorie maintenance or surplus to recover from a six-month stint of competition cutting. which I hope at this point is obvious to you that that’s bad news for your muscles. It’s the midrange stuff that presents a problem for most people. It also is a good idea to cycle your calories and carbohydrates. Someone could want to lose muscle mass for any of the reasons listed above — say, they want to be more nimble on the soccer field. I love to share my knowledge through personal training, my online courses, and youtube channel now with over 3,000,000 subscribers! How do you do it then? When trying to transform your body, you may end up building muscle but not losing weight. That’s it guys I really hope this video has helped you guys out. This means gain weight slowly andlose weight slowly... otherwise you will encounter the bodybuilding friction and either gain extra fat … You can aim to target each muscle group a maximum of twice per week. No quick fix exists. Being in a slight caloric deficit (eating fewer calories than you burn) is necessary for you to lose unwanted body fat, but cutting your overall calories back too far will cause you to lose muscle mass. L-Glutamine will help spare muscle tissue while your body is low on dietary calories. If you’ve ever dieted consistently for an extended period of time you’ve most likely also experienced some muscle loss throughout that diet. This means that if you were working out 6 days a week before your diet. Even though losing muscle is inevitable when cutting there are some steps you can take to prevent muscle loss and keep it to a minimum. Another thing that you have to recognize is that cutting calories too much too fast is almost always going to result in more muscle being compromised. If you have a deficit larger than 25% of maintenance, you’re probably going … Going back to homeostasis, you can minimize the unwanted effects (either muscle loss or fat gain) by deviating from homeostasis very slightly. Once you've establish a balance, you can figure out how many calories you need to cut to be in a deficit — eating fewer calories than you burn is what prompts the body to burn fat. If the maintaining muscle is very important to you do not create larger than a 20 or 25 percent calorie deficit from maintenance. Conclusion. Eat More Lean Protein. I can happily say that we've helped over 15,000 people get in great shape over the years. BCAA’s, Glutamine, and fish oils are the three supplements that I would recommend. High protein diets have proven to not only be effective for burning fat but also are very effective for maintaining muscle mass. Something else that you may have to be aware of in regard to training on a diet is that not only will your energy levels suffer but your ability to recover will also suffer. Check out my client Matt’s transformation where he put on a whole bunch of muscle. Burning fat and maintaining muscle is both difficult and time-consuming. Eat to … Don’t Hit Your Deficit Too Aggressively. Do not cut calories drastically. Worrying about muscle loss is just counter-productive. You might be anxious to lose weight, but if retaining muscle is your goal, don't fall victim to a fad diet that promises quick results. And if you can somehow maintain the same weight load and intensity levels for your workouts for the entire cut then that would be ideal. (See notes for a general progression below.) but I think it is wise to lower training frequency on a cut to allow your muscles to fully recover in order to maintain strength. Subscribe to our daily newsletter to get more of it. All too often people will feel tired and weak while cutting so they allow that to dictate the intensity of their workout. A slow cut is preferred if you’re in no hurry because it results in the best body composition because even at a cut (if slow) will allow the retaining of most your muscle (some even gain muscle). Sikes recommends getting around 0.8 - 1.2 grams of protein per pound of body weight a day to start, and increasing as needed until you find what works for your body. Get it now on using the button below. Protein isn’t just important when you’re bulking and trying to build muscle. Try to have at least 1 gram of protein for every pound you weigh. A leading-edge research firm focused on digital transformation. A cut is only successful when calories are reduced over time. since, “No Rules Rules: Netflix and the Culture of Reinvention”. On high-intensity days, acquire or preserve muscle by eating more and including carbohydrates. Also if your recovery is really slowing down take a day to reload on calories and carbs. Common mistakes people make when trying to lose weight are not creating a personalized plan, cutting calories too quickly, and staying on a diet for too long, Sikes said in a recent presentation for KetoCon Online. One major thing that’s very critical for maintaining muscle is to eat enough protein while cutting. Give your muscle groups time to recover. The first reason people lose muscle is that they cut calories too much too fast. "So many people come to me and they're wanting to have this short-term fix. These means increasing your calories back to maintenance or even a slight surplus to let your body recover and go back to building and maintaining lean muscle. Well this is an interesting one. When dieting you will feel like you have less energy because you will most likely be taking in a limited amount of calories per day in order to burn body fat. How Do I Know If I’m Losing Fat Rather Than Muscle? Your body uses a combination of fuels at all times. you may want to lower that to 3 or 4 times a week if you feel like you are not fully recovering between workouts. To help build muscle, do your HIIT exercises at a 1:1 ratio—in other words, give yourself 1 second of rest for every second you spend exercising. To help your recovery you should also avoid excessive cardio. I'm up at about 190 lbs and I want to cut to about 180 or so to really get some definition for the summer. First of all, in order to lose fat mass you’ll need to be taking … The more lean muscle tissue you have, the better your metabolic rate is going to be in the first place. The first major thing you can do to slow muscle loss is to give your muscles a reason to stay. And Fish oils will help reduce inflammation and will help your joints recover between workouts. These are some of the factors which will influence your body’s metabolic processes. Account active then do it, but don’t do it without a fight. Cut the Fat by Eating Enough. On day one of your new cutting program, it's easy to do too much too soon. Now, what about the diet. If weight loss is one of your goals, there are strategies to help. To cut fat, you can also incorporate … The challenge that many of these athletes face in developing visible abs is reducing body fat to levels low enough to reveal them, without losing the muscle mass they've worked so hard to develop. "It's hard to build muscle when you're in a chronic deficit. "This is the hardest phase and the most boring phase," Sikes said. I know that might sound kind of silly, but what I mean is that you have to continue to lift heavy and challenge yourself with the weight load that you use. Maintain Or Increase Strength Levels. That includes how many calories you need per day to maintain your current weight, as well as how many calories you typically eat in a day, and what percentage of that is carbs, fat, and protein. The answer is not really. When you absolutely have to drop the weight because your rep range went from 8 reps at the start of the diet to 3 or 4 reps 4 weeks into it. Looking for smart ways to get more from life? Too much protein, especially on a keto diet, can cause bloating, digestive issues, and higher blood sugar, as well as other long-term health issues. The last thing you want to do is drop your calories to minimal rations. You need to have a surplus of energy, building blocks, amino acids acids to build lean muscle tissue," Sikes said. " One major thing that’s very critical for maintaining muscle is to eat enough protein while cutting. This might be a little challenging at first, but you’ll get the hang of it after a while. During the cutting phase, Sikes said it's crucial to maintain your muscle and metabolism by having at least one higher-calorie day a week so your body can refuel. It depends on three highly influencable factors: Duration, information, steroids. I naturally fell in love with training and haven’t stopped since. I am not a big fan of decreasing training volume (which would mean lower sets, reps, or the number of exercises). After bulking, you should reduce your calories intake about 500 from your daily maintenance calorie so that you start losing weight in the form of fat not muscle! For healthy fat loss, be patient, take your time, and don't rely on a quick fix … At 18 years I acquired my first personal training certification from ACE after which I opened my first of 3 transformation studios in 2011. The ones who say you can't lose fat without losing muscle are using some hidden assumptions about deficits, work … Obviously, there are ways to structure your diet to prevent muscle loss. For Sikes, this can mean up to six months total of slow, consistent cutting for a bodybuilding competition. That doesn’t mean they want to be weaker overall. Eating very little calories. To burn fat without losing muscle there are two options when it comes to cardio and they’re at extreme opposite ends of the spectrum. A common misconception about weight loss is that there's a "quick fix," but burning body fat and building muscle sustainably takes time, patience, and dedication, according to Robert Sikes, a bodybuilder who has six years of experience on the keto diet. You can either do very high intensity cardio (sprint). If you are dieting for six weeks I very highly doubt that you will be able to lift the same amount of weight for the same reps at the end of your diet as you did at the beginning of your diet. Would you be surprised if I told you that using a well-designed … It’s the mindset of “Oh I should eat more food because I’ll lose muscle… Add on those environmental facto… The last thing you can do to prevent muscle loss is to take certain supplements. High protein diets have proven to not only be effective for burning fat but also are very effective for maintaining muscle mass. Now, increase the amount of Protien and fat, and decrease amount of Carbohydrates and manage these macros by your calories intake! "If you don't know where you're starting from, you can't optimize for where you're going," Sikes said. To lose weight, you have to maintain a calorie deficit, meaning that you use … How to cut without losing muscle Ok so this will be my first time cutting, i've always just tried to add lean muscle but this time I went for the bulking. “Conditioning is the tool to improve your cardiovascular system, and it’s viable to do this without losing muscle,” Holder says. The key to burning fat, not muscle, is gradually decreasing calories and periodically "refeeding" to keep your metabolism healthy, according to keto body builder Robert Sikes. First, I need to be clear what the term “losing … On low-intensity days, burn fat without losing muscle by truly keeping the workout intensity low and by avoiding carbohydrates, especially simple carbs. Many people do tons of cardio while dieting because they think it’ll help them burn more fat. I'm always here for my customers so if you need help don't hesitate to send your questions to, How to Cut Without Losing Muscle | Gravity Transformation, Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window), Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window), Click to share on Reddit (Opens in new window). Obviously, there are ways to structure your diet to prevent muscle loss. The result is more muscle gained, more fat burned, and more ripples on your body. Also, do your best to have the majority of your carbs with a serving of protein both before and after your workout. Finally, Sikes said that once you've reached a target body fat percentage, or spent a certain amount of type in a deficit, it's time for the "reverse dieting" phase. As you drop the weights your muscles will get weaker and weaker throughout the cut and you will have to drop the weight again and again and again. In turn, your weight loss doesn't come primarily from fat. How to lose muscle without losing strength. Sikes recommends doing this gradually, tapering off proportional amounts of fat and protein (and carbs if you aren't keto) each week so you're slowly getting fewer calories. HIIT training can protect you from muscle loss. Visit Insider's homepage for more stories. You can also be strategic and plan these days for when you have more intensive workouts. Doing so not only prevents the health risks of chronic dieting (like losing muscle and disrupting hormones or metabolism) but it also allow you to build more lean muscle and increase your calorie-and-fat-burning potential overall. Give your body a reason to maintain that muscle and it will. Many people also still believe in the widespread myth that when you’re trying to cut and get lean you should go for high reps with the lightweight. It’s just as important – if not more so – when you’re cutting and trying to maintain it. If you want to maintain as much as possible (if not, grow it) during a cutting … However, this doesn’t mean that you should just drop the weight without fighting for every last pound. Like what you see here? Some fuels are used more than others depending on what you eat, when, and how much you eat, your hydration levels and your physical activities. Many people automatically will just give in to this lack of energy and start dropping the weights they are using every week. You should still focus on balanced, nutritious food, but eating more calories provides a break that keeps weight loss sustainable both mentally and physically. Losing weight can be challenging, and trying to cut calories too quickly can have side effects for your health, including loss of hard-earned muscle mass. A much better approach for most dieters is to stick with only a moderate calorie deficit of about 500 calories below maintenance level, with a focus on losing fat at a gradual pace of about 1-2 pounds per week. The way to lose fat without losing muscle is to balance your workouts and food so you burn more than you eat, keep lifting heavy while eating a slight deficit, and do it slowly! From there, you can figure out what balance of macronutrients works best for your body by experimenting with different ratios of carbs, fat, and protein. If you maintain your weight at2500 kcal (no weight change) then instead of cutting calories by 500 to lose 3500 kcal by week or 1 pound(could be muscle and fat) instead add 250-500 calories of exercise per day. To avoid these, Sikes offers simple steps — be strategic, don't overdo it, and give your body a chance to recover — to help people burn fat without losing muscle, whether or not you're on a keto diet. The first step to burning fat while maintaining muscle is to understand your metabolic baseline, according to Sikes. If you’re willing to try some new things and go the extra mile, then you’ll achieve great success burning fat without losing muscle. While this may be true you will be hurting your recovery speed which will ultimately hurt your strength during your workouts. Is there a special formula to stop your body from using anything else but fat? But it makes sense if you think about it. In an effort to speed up results, they lose muscle and end up stalling their fat loss. Once you’re at your desired level of leanness, gaining back any lost muscle will be a relatively easy thing to do. Do train your abs 2 times with cardio per week! Moderately decreasing your calorie intake, cutting out processed foods and increasing protein and fiber intake are the best ways to lose fat while preserving muscle mass. Or you can very low intensity cardio (walk). ", Exercising before breakfast could double your ability to burn fat, The founder of Adele's rumored sirtfood diet wants people to stop obsessing over calories, A woman successfully used the keto diet and intermittent fasting to control her diabetes without medication. For healthy fat loss, be patient, take your time, and don't rely on a quick fix or yo-yo dieting. This means try to keep the weight as heavy as usual, perform as many sets and exercises as usual, and don’t do half-ass workouts. Because remember maintaining strength during a cut equals maintaining muscle mass during a cut. Drastic and sudden drops in caloric intake will result in a higher percentage of muscle loss. This can help prevent your body from starting to burn muscle or slow your metabolism, both of which are survival mechanisms used in response to an abrupt or severe calorie deficit. Remember this…” the primary training stimulus required for maintaining muscle is maintaining your current levels of strength.”. By doing it consistently with discipline and concerted effort, you're going to get so much better a return on that investment than if you just jump from one crash diet to the next.". This will help you maintain strength and in turn muscle mass throughout your cut. so that the day before your heavy weight training sessions you have higher calories and carbs, and the day before your rest day you have fewer calories and carbs. Sikes recommends eating about 30 to 40% more calories on refeeding days, and experimenting with having one or two of them each week. The key to burning fat, not muscle, is gradually decreasing calories and periodically "refeeding" to keep your metabolism healthy, according to keto body builder Robert Sikes. So to solve this problem I recommend lowering your training frequency. If you enjoyed this video make sure you leave it a big thumbs up, comment below, My passion for fitness began when I was 14 years old. Unlike traditional cardio, HIIT training uses type-2 muscle fibers, which specifically protect you from any muscle loss. Many bodybuilders use carb cycling to maintain strength and muscle throughout a cut, and I have a video on this topic that i’ll leave a link to in the description. Try as hard as you can to not lower the intensity of your workouts when you are cutting. Incorporating this dramatic change at one time will help you drop weight quickly, but will almost certainly sacrifice some of that hard-earned lean muscle mass.Begin by dropping calories by as little as 200 per day for the first week, and build from there. Structure your diet plan. Bcaa’s will help you recover faster between workouts. Subscriber Muscle when you ’ re at your desired level of leanness, gaining any. Transformation where he put on a quick fix or yo-yo dieting need to have the majority of your carbs a! You can very low intensity cardio ( walk ) cardio while dieting because they think it ’ just! By your calories intake 's hard to build muscle when you 're in a chronic.! Between workouts cardio per week not more so – when you have more intensive.... Maintain it will influence your body ’ s bad news for your muscles a reason to maintain muscle! T stopped since haven ’ t just important when you ’ ll need be! 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