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In "Father Crime," Tong Fo enlisted Fung and his Croc Bandits in a plot to capture Master Shifu. Song feels guilty for what she did to Po and tries to apologize but he refused to accept it. Po learned about Qinchu's takeover of the city as well as his goal to find the key to Mount Penglai, which was the reason for the hijacking of so many mail carts, as the key was always passed from one location to another so none could ever know its exact whereabouts. Po and Fung had to infiltrate Jong's castle with Po having to pull off a diversion. In his early adventures, he became legendary in his own right by slaying the Ten Thousand Serpents in the Valley of Woe. Rules: OV Ben Master control Ben doesn't have… Without the trump cards, we got Upchuck, who could eat him, Toepick, who could scare Kai away, Pesky Dust, who can make Kai fall asleep, Feedback, who can absorb the chi that powers Kai, Chromastone, who might be able to do the same, and more. The Lao Shu are a band of renegade rats that number in the hundreds, possibly the thousands. He later told his son years later that he left Shifu at the Palace because he himself was a jerk. In the accompanying film Secrets of the Masters, it is revealed that Oogway was responsible for uniting the masters Thundering Rhino, Storming Ox, and Croc for the first time. Constable Hu helps Po fend off Lidong and the pig criminals. Lord Shen (Chinese for "Divinity") is the main antagonist of Kung Fu Panda 2. He appeared in the episode "Monkey in the Middle", where he came to the Valley of Peace and went on a crime spree across the village's market. He would subsequently return in "Kung Fu Club," where he captured Peng's girlfriend Lian in order to force Peng to kill Po for him quoting Peng is Tai Lung's "bad-boy" nephew. Also, Wolf Boss obviously cares for his pack a lot, sharing a code of honor towards them. In "Bosom Enemies," Taotie uses a knife stand machine to attack Po which ends up failed. Po flees the scene during Peng's battle. Although highly doubted as such, the giant panda proved himself worthy as a formidable warrior in unexpected ways. Tonight, his voice over talents are on display in NBC‘s, Kung Fu Panda Holiday Special. Master Junjie (Chinese for "Elite") is a red fox Kung Fu Master exclusive to Kung Fu Panda: Legends of Awesomeness. However, the entire town except Mr. Ping was infected, and Tsin quickly joined the ranks of the infected. voiced by Jackie Chan … It is assumed that around this point, Mr. Ping named the baby panda Po. She is very strict and greatly dislikes Po as she believes that he is undisciplined and was chosen by a random quirk of fate. However, in the first two films, Crane usually uses his talo… Heilang and the Lin Kuei were defeated by Master Crane. The antics of Peng's students ended up thwarting the robberies of criminals who were working for Tong Fo. The Furious Five once visited her place to get rice and had to defend it from the Lao Shu. In "Royal Pain," Meng Tao freed Hundun from Chorh-Gom Prison to help him make Lu Kang fail in exchange for his freedom. In 'Kung Fu Day Care', she takes care of and teaches kung fu to Zan, a young boy who is actually the Emperor's nephew, and she realises that Shifu, while being cold towards her, had actually taken some time to look after her and had played checkers with her. The irony is that, while visiting the prison, one of Zeng's feathers falls near Tai Lung, who uses it to pick the lock on his restraints and escape, echoing one of Oogway's statements that "one often meets his destiny on the road he takes to avoid it". Kung Fu Panda boasts a heavy-duty lineup of voice performers, so how do you know them? This plan was thwarted, however, and Po saved both siblings from Junjie and defeated him. In the Hall of Warriors, he has his own painting with a caption under the portrait that says "Beware his Musical Mayhem Attack. However, this changed when Po came after him, begging for his help in order to defeat Temutai, whom had empowered himself with the Gong Lu Medallion, an amulet that enhanced his strength and his darkest crazed emotions. When satisfied that he is ready for war, he marches upon Gongmen City with his wolf and gorilla armies and challenges the Masters' Council to a duel. He is the self-proclaimed supreme warlord of all China, with titles such as Jade Slayer, Master of Pain, Beast of Vengeance and Maker of Widows. In "My Favorite Yao," Temutai and his Qidan troops set out to capture Master Yao to interrogate him for his secrets. Kai (Tambien reconocido como el Recolector)Es el principal antagonista en la pelicula de Kung Fu Panda 3. Po has wanted to be friends with her since he was five, and often tries to encourage his friendship with her. Po puts out the fuse. It is known that Oogway made his departure from his home in the Galápagos Islands on a journey of discovery almost a thousand years ago, traveling all around the world and visiting every country until he arrived in China. Master Snow Leopard appears in person in the episode "The First Five" where Po organizes a reunion of the original Furious Five as part of a party that Po throws for Master Shifu. Though his nerve faltered at first, Crane accidentally wandered into the obstacle course when ordered to clean it up for the next batch of students. Hundun manages to trap Po as he and his acommplices start to leave. Randall Duk Kim, Actor: The Matrix Reloaded. "The Break Up" saw Gahri temporarily resign from Fung's gang due to Fung's mistreatment of him, but Fung and Po teamed up to try to get Gahri back and Gahri later realized that he preferred being a bandit-though he wanted Fung to work on his temper. Po and Mr. Ping encounter Tsin, who is hunting the Qilin. Mr. Ping is also shown to be a shrewd, if a bit opportunistic, businessman, despite seeming silly other times. When Master Shifu hoped that Superintendent Chang would promote Constable Hu and reassign him, Superintendent Chang instead renews Constable Hu's position for another 10 years. Eventually, Po caught onto Sanzu's plans where he was able to free the orphans from his control. Po uses a trick knife to fool Fenghuang into thinking that he had actually killed Master Shifu and then placed Fenghuang into the owl-shaped cage. Po attempted to hide by disguising himself as Zeng via a shift-stone, and was revealed by Shifu. When Tigress went to acknowledge the compliment, Mugan stated that it wasn't a compliment. Voiced most times by Peter McHugh. Tigress however, stayed to fight, pretending to be Shifu, and after initially being defeated, found herself aided by Crane, Mantis, Viper and Monkey, who had stayed out of loyalty to their friend. In the third film, it is revealed that 500 years ago, Oogway was once best friends and brothers-in-arms with a powerful general named Kai. Kung Fu Panda: Secrets of the Scroll is an animated short film officially released as a bonus feature in the Kung Fu Panda: Ultimate Edition of Awesomeness Blu-ray pack in January 2016. The two of them ran by Jong while on their way out. Po, Tsin, and Mr. Ping armed themselves with the weevil's only weakness, copper bowls. One day, she stumbled upon a hypnosis potion and injected herself with it, poisoning her body and mind. After the passing of Oogway and news that Tai Lung had escaped prison, Tigress overheard Po protesting to Shifu that he would never be able to defeat Tai Lung. However, it is later revealed that Tai Lung is Shifu's adoptive son, whom he had trained, loved, and raised as if he were his own. While Po and Master Shifu are away, Taotie took the opportunity to use this to his advantage by having them attack Master Shifu and Po upon their return. They ravaged all of China until Grand Master Oogway defeated the demons and sealed them away. Chunlun is a water buffalo who is exclusive to Kung Fu Panda: Legends of Awesomeness. The Queen Crocodile is the leader of the Imperial Golden Croc Gang. Furthermore, at the end, when the Furious Five visit, Mr. Ping mentions to Po that Mantis, despite his size, must pay full price for his soup. Constable Hu then lifts the ban on Kung Fu as he plans to have Lidong and the pig criminals remanded to Chor-Gom Prison. Master Rhino's Cloud Hammer was left mounted in the palace's center square by Lord Shen as both a warning to anyone who opposes him and as a victory trophy. When it came to a stalemate between Po and Taotie, Bian Zao ends up using a flying contraption to pick up Taotie and ends up knocking off the lubrication hose. The Great Master hoped she would carry on his legacy once she was born, but she was without fangs and never developed them as she grew up, much to the dismay of her father. She challenged Oogway to a fight for the Palace; Oogway anticipated this and had an owl-shaped cage built for this occasion. NOTE: Because dragons are considered beneficent deities in oriental culture, it is made clear that Ke-Pa was not a true dragon, but a maniacal demon that could change his shape to any creature, including a monster. After years of being cooped in constant meditation and isolated from the rest of the world, Yao was cheerful and glad to experience life again. Thus her father's legacy was secure with his daughter becoming a mighty warrior on her own terms. While he seems childish, overenthusiastic, and mildly dim-witted, he has a deep appreciation of the martial arts and can genuinely be a brave, intelligent panda. Kung Fu Panda 3 (2016 Movie) Kai. Two of the Vultures are voiced by Steven Blum and Andrew Kishino. Before the franchise, Shifu was used throughout his childhood as a shill by his father, Shirong, an incorrigible con artist and master thief who he accompanied to other villages to sell fake amulets. When Superintendent Chang gets bored, Constable Hu has Master Shifu and the Furious Five perform something that Superintendent Chang hasn't seen until the banquet was crashed by Temutai. Master Tigress mentioned that his Kung Fu was strong enough to rip his opponents in half without even touching them. He humbly admits he is in the wrong - "Having you in Po's life doesn't mean less for me. He is defeated by the player's character. Po, alarmed at his mistake and the cub's murderous overreaction, attempted to intervene, but the fight drifted into the festivities and provoked a riot. Master Leopard is a Kung Fu Master who is briefly featured in the digital comic "Legend of the Legendary Warrior." Yet instead of regaining his balance, he let his imbalance control his life. Po ended up learning about this and had to keep this info private from Master Shifu. When Po, Master Shifu, and Constable Hu arrived, Superintendent Woo had to reinstate Constable Hu and reopen the Jade Palace to get them to rescue him from Bao, Lao, and Tsao. The Alien Rice Weevils were a group of evil alien weevil conquerors, all named Hong that go into ears and take over their victim's mind. In "The Goosefather" Tong Fo learns that many of his minions have left his side to form a new gang under Po's father, whom Tong Fo initially perceives as a rival, and then a potential partner. He is known for his wall-eye condition, and like the other bandits – besides Fung and Gahri – is rather unintelligent. As they danced however, one of them grabbed the Dragon Chalice which Tigress noticed and she leaped in to attack. He is voiced by J. K. Simmons. When preventing the gorillas from destroying a temple, Master Shifu ends up having to protect the relics as well. He is a fast-talking giant panda who was improbably chosen as the Dragon Warrior, champion of the Valley of Peace. Bian Zao would eventually discover the paralyzed Mantis and became intrigued when he spotted the "figure's" eyes moving. Things weren't looking good for the panda, but in the nick of time, Master Shifu arrived and fooled Junjie by assuming the form of Oogway. Isolated in her room for the safety of the other children, she began to see herself as a monster, as everyone else did. Hundun revealed to Mr. Ping that he tricked Po and that he will invade the Jade Palace and blow it up with his fireworks. Before the franchise, Shen was a prince of Gongmen City who became interested in the power of gunpowder, wondering if it and the technology behind fireworks could be used for warfare. Po gave into this every night until Master Shifu and the Furious Five caught on to this. Taotie's Iron Claws of Doom fails when Bian Zao fails to lubricate the claws. When they met Po, who stopped a thief from stealing their luggage, and learn that he lives in the Jade Palace, Su decides to make a plan to steal the Dragon Chalice. As a token of their gratitude, the ladies performed a dance for Po and the Furious Five. The Lin Kuei are expert assassins and thieves who were trained from birth to steal priceful and powerful artifacts from Kung Fu Masters. His past forged in him the notion that he had been wronged, and that the world owed him something, and he sought to do everything in his power to take it. voiced by Jackie Chan and 6 others. He is the ruler of a portion of land in China in which trespassers are severely dealt with where they "have their heads boiled with cabbage and their ear lobes stretched around their heads" as described by one of his warning signs. In the Kung Fu Panda: Legends of Awesomeness episode "Monkey in the Middle," it is revealed that Master Monkey has a criminal older brother named Wu Kong who is the self-proclaimed "King of Thieves." The Furious Five defeated Tsin, and planned to use the Zu Chao Powder on him. She is frequently shown around Tigress. Shifu later assumed the form of the ghost of Grand Master Oogway to fool Junjie, who had also studied under Oogway in his youth. Mantis was locked in a cage for days and forced to sit and wait for something to happen, and he entered a trance that allowed him to survey the world moving faster than he did. When their task was completed, he began hunting down and stealing the chi of every Kung Fu Master in China. When Po returned, he found the Furious Five tied up as Junjie sheds his disguise. Bataar is the son of Temutai, the brother of Chunlun, and the cousin of Jing Mei. Eavesdropping on this divination, Shen correctly assumed that the warrior would be a panda and decided to take action in an attempt to avert the prophecy, thus leading his wolf guards in a massacre against China's entire panda population. He was placed in charge of the prison at the recommendation of Master Flying Rhino. He then made two life-altering decisions: He would never use radishes for noodle soup, and he would keep the child as his own son. He would eventually return in "Mind Over Manners," which would expand on his family history: his grandfather Tong Lo once ruled China with the magical ability to read minds, but was driven insane by this talent. Frustrated, Shen orders that the barrage be maintained, only to find out that he enabled the Dragon Warrior to destroy his forces with his own fired ammunition. Upon the three of them being pinned down by the Jiangshi, Po snatches the mystical staff from the Undertaker and orders the Jiangshi to return to the Earth to be at peace forever. Shen responds by quickly throwing five daggers to kill Wolf Boss and fires the Weapon himself. The Grand Twin Weasels are two venerated Kung Fu Masters. Po and Fung managed to escape from Jong's castle. However, to his surprise, he is chosen to be the legendary Dragon Warrior seemingly by accident; therefore, Oogway's selection of him is doubted by all until Po defeats Tai Lung. This extends to Po who was dubbed the Dragon Warrior against all logic from Shifu's point of view. Mantis. Shifu, who was a friend of Taotie's back then, is shown helping him up. Po and Tigress were able to exorcise Ding's ghost from Po's body and return the Spirit Orbs to the Jade Palace. Wo Hop is a renowned chef who was among the first to audition for the honor to cook for the Kung Fu Masters Winter Festival banquet, which was hosted that year by Po. Kung Fu Panda Legends of Awesomeness: Master and the Panda, Learn how and when to remove these template messages, explain the fiction more clearly and provide non-fictional perspective, Learn how and when to remove this template message, Kung Fu Panda: Showdown of Legendary Legends. When the tree dies, Ke-Pa regains his full powers and because he learned that Po was the Dragon Warrior, Ke-Pa decides the most appropriate to take to defeat him would be an actual beast and assumes his true form of a huge, colorful Dragon. a spoof of Kung Fu Panda 3. Inspired by her faith in him, Crane agreed to make the attempt and she made sure his application was recognized at the induction challenge. This page lists all characters in the Kung Fu Panda series who have shown to be villainous in some way, such as intentionally fighting against a hero. In Kung Fu Panda 2, Crane is shown to be the one responsible for carrying Po around. In "The Midnight Stranger," the pig criminals that manipulated Constable Hu into banning Kung Fu enlisted Lidong to fight the Midnight Stranger. When the leopard quickly defeated the young water buffalo, the deeply impressed Po persuaded Master Shifu to consider taking him in as a student. In Kung Fu Panda 3, Viper is among the members of the Jade Palace who meet Po's father, Li Shan and fight the Jombies (jade statues possessing the chi of Kung Fu master past and present) controlled by Kai when he attacks them. , Monkey continues to provide much of the Jade Palace 's Messengers,. Kuo then threatens him with her hypnosis potion and injected herself with it to mortal... Of Mr. Ping and the cousin of Po, but he is still a dedicated and! 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