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11 Boaz replied to her, “All that you have done for your mother-in-law after the death of your husband has been fully reported to me, and how you left your father and your mother and the land of your birth, and came to a people that you did not previously know. BibliographyBenson, Joseph. BibliographyBarnes, Albert. The Lord recompense thy work - The dutiful respect which thou hast paid to thy husband, and thy tender and affectionate attachment to thy aged mother-in-law. Ruth 2:12 NIV. "Commentary on Ruth 2:12". Note the order of these three words for a spiritual application. The Targum adds, in this world; meaning the kind offices she had performed, and the good service she had done to her mother-in-law; nor is God unrighteous to forget the work and labour of love, which is shown by children to their parents; and though such works are not in themselves meritorious of any blessing from God here or hereafter, yet he is pleased of his own grace to recompence them, and return the good into their bosom manifold, it being acceptable in his … Copyright StatementThe New John Gill's Exposition of the Entire Bible Modernised and adapted for the computer by Larry Pierce of Online Bible. Though Ruth lacked the world’s wealth, yet she lacked not good works, such as God regarded and rewarded too. They have come to find a righteousness in Christ--aye, to find everything in Him. 1. This implied such a work of divine grace wrought in her, and such a work of righteousness wrought by her, as was sure to be crowned with a full reward. ), A military gentleman once said to an excellent old minister in the North of Scotland, who was becoming infirm, “Why, if I had power over the pension list, I would have you put on half-pay for your long and faithful services.” He replied, “Ah, my friend, your master may put you off with half-pay, but my Master will not serve me so meanly--He will give me full-pay. https: A metaphor usual in Scripture, from young birds hovering and covering under the dam’s wings. "Commentary on Ruth 2:12". warm nest! Ruth 2:12, NASB: "'May the LORD reward your work, and your wages be full from the LORD, the God of Israel, under whose wings you have come to seek refuge.'". Boaz’s appreciation of Ruth’s kindness strikes a similar chord in his own feelings. She was a genuine proselyte and as such one of the children of Israel by adoption (Exodus 12:48). "Commentary on Ruth 2:12". Many Papists, and some as silly, have shrunk up good works to a hand-breadth, to giving of alms. Under whose wings thou art come to trust —, The LORD recompense thy work, and a full reward be given thee of the LORD God of Israel, under whose, May Yahveh requite thy work, arid may thy recompense be complete from. (Worthington) --- Fled. The wings under which Ruth came to trust were strong wings. He will tell you what to do.” This shows the English words related to the source biblical texts along with brief definitions. He that has come to trust in God shall be “quiet from fear of evil.” What a blessing that must be! BibliographyGill, John. 3. There have been eagles shot on the Rocky Mountains with wings that were seven feet from tip to tip. Matthew Poole's English Annotations on the Holy Bible. Ruth's Initiative to Care for Naomi. Wonderful speed! 1865-1868. "Commentary on Ruth 2:12". Mighty to save. 12 k "The LORD repay your work, and a full reward be given you by the LORD God of Israel, l under whose wings you have come for refuge." There is nothing softer than a feather. [2 John 1:8], Under whose wings thou art come to trust.] This implied such a work of divine grace wrought in her, and such a work of righteousness wrought by her, as was sure to be crowned with a full reward. But even that figure does not fully set it forth; for I have sometimes looked into the bird’s nest and seen a dead bird, its life having been trampled out by the mother-bird. Nay, it is her own proposal. Ruth 2 Images and Notes Brief Summary: There is scarcely any chapter in all the sacred history that stoops so low as this to take cognizance of so mean a person as Ruth, a poor Moabitish widow, so mean an action as her gleaning corn in a neighbour's field, and the minute circumstances thereof. Cancel. Benson Commentary. Ruth 2:12 The LORD recompense thy work, and a full reward be given thee of the LORD God of Israel, under whose wings thou art come to trust. Bible Language English. Naomi said to her, “Go ahead, my daughter.” 3 So she went out, entered a field and began to glean behind the harvesters. Many other items make up the full of the reward; but perhaps the chief of all is communion with God. Ah! what figure sets forth this full reward? High spirits will rather starve than stoop; not so Ruth. Ruth had … https: The LORD recompense thy work, and a full reward be given thee of the LORD God of Israel, under whose wings thou art come to trust. 1905. The young birds are not afraid of having their lives trampled out by the mother-bird; the old whip-poor-will drops into its nest of leaves, the oriole into its casket of bark, the humming-bird into its hammock of moss, gentle as the light. Ruth Gleans in the Field of Boaz. 2. Ruth 2 New King James Version (NKJV) Ruth Meets Boaz. And a full reward be given thee.] This figurative expression is derived from Deuteronomy 32:11, and we can compare Psalms 91:4; Psalms 36:7; Psalms 57:1. Boaz’s appreciation of Ruth’s kindness strikes a similar chord in his own feelings. (Amplified Bible - Lockman) "Scofield Reference Notes (1917 Edition)". Ruth 2 – Ruth’s Work as a Gleaner A. Ruth gleans in Boaz’s field. wings. Oh, the gentleness of God! Under whose wings thou art come to trust — That is, under whose protection and care. This similitude frequently occurs, (Psalm xxxv. Ruth gleans in the field of Boaz. Once more, the young convert is like Ruth because he has come to trust under the wings of Jehovah, the God of Israel. Chapter 2. Chuck Smith :: Sermon Notes for Ruth 2:12 ← Back to Chuck Smith's Bio & Resources Intro: Ten years earlier, Naomi (God is sweetness) with her husband Elimelech and their two sons, because of a famine, went to Moab to live, not long after their arrival, Elimelech died, sons married Moabites, but … Ruth had no alms to give, and yet her work was with the Lord, who heard this good man’s prayer for her, and gave her a full reward, yet not of merit, but of free grace and fatherly love, as a father rewardeth his son that serveth him. 8., and Matthew xxiii. The meaning of Ruth is unknown. Compare Joshua 14:14, where, as here, the force of the addition, the God of Israel, lies in the person spoken of being a foreigner (see Judges 11:21 note). Ruth 2 Images and Notes Brief Summary: There is scarcely any chapter in all the sacred history that stoops so low as this to take cognizance of so mean a person as Ruth, a poor Moabitish widow, so mean an action as her gleaning corn in a neighbour's field, and the minute circumstances thereof. what is the full reward of those who come to trust under the wings of God? Ruth 2:12. Barnes's Ruth 2:12 Bible Commentary The similarity of expression here to Genesis 15:1, and in Ruth 2:11 to Genesis 12:1, makes it probable that Boaz had the case of Abraham in his mind. Ruth Name Meaning. Bullinger's Companion bible Notes". To take refuge under the wings of YHWH indicated a commitment to the covenant. Ruth 2:2-12 New International Version (NIV). Ruth 2:12 Context. (4-16) Ruth returns to her mother-in-law. Let us help her to feel at home in Immanuel’s land. Copyright StatementThese files are public domain and are a derivative of an electronic edition that is available on the Christian Classics Ethereal Library Website. (1-3) The kindness of Boaz to Ruth. (17-23) Commentary on Ruth 2:1-3 (Read Ruth 2:1-3) Observe Ruth's humility. The metaphor is taken from the young of fowls, who, seeing a bird of prey, run to their mother to be covered by her wings from danger, and also to take shelter from storms, tempests, cold, etc. 2 There was a relative of Naomi’s husband, a man of great wealth, of the family of Elimelech. 1:5). The word for “wings” there is the same used for “cloak” here. There is scarcely any chapter in all the sacred history that stoops so low as this to take cognizance of so mean a person as Ruth, a poor Moabitish widow, so mean an action as her gleaning corn in a neighbour’s field, and the minute circumstances thereof. It is evident from this that Ruth had already attached herself to the Jewish religion. 1909-1922. Copyright StatementThese files are public domain.Text Courtesy of "Commentary on Ruth 2:12". How swift were the carrier-pigeons in the time of Anthony and at the siege of Jerusalem! She felt herself to be a very inconsiderable person, to whom any kindness was a great favour; and so do young converts, if they are real and true. They spread out laterally to provide protection for their young. You have noticed when a bird returns from flight how gently it stoops over the nest. https: But no one that ever came under the feathers of the Almighty was trodden on. Share. And so, says the psalmist, He shall cover thee with His wing. This was especially important at the time of David’s greatness when many foreigners would have been considering the claims of YHWH. His name was Boaz. BibliographyPett, Peter. They cover up all our wants, all our sorrows, all our sufferings. "Peter Pett's Commentary on the Bible ". An emblem of loyalty and unselfishness, in allusion to the Biblical character who said to Naomi: Whither thou goest, 1 will go; and where thou lodgest, I will lodge; thy people shall be my people, and thy Lord my Lord;. Ruth 2:12 German Bible Alphabetical: and be by come done for from full God have Israel LORD May of refuge repay reward rewarded richly seek take the to under wages what whose wings work you your OT History: Ruth 2:12 Yahweh recompense your work and a full (Ru Rut.) 2021 promises to be polarizing as individuals dig into their own personal opinions concerning the virus, masks, the vaccine, our Presidential election and the list goes on. Other Regions Australia (NSW) Canada (BC) Catalonia, Spain. We have an interesting year coming up. "The Treasury of Scripture Knowledge". Answer: In Ruth 3:4, Naomi encouraged Ruth to go to Boaz at night, saying, “When he lies down, note the place where he is lying. Do you ask me, “How shall we be rewarded for trusting in the Lord?”. https: … An allusion, either to hens, which protect and cherish their young ones under their wings; or to the wings of the cherubim, between which God dwelt. By Figure of speech Anthropopatheia (App-6) attributed to Jehovah; denoting His tender care. Sometimes it is a very hard nest, like that of the eagle, spread on the rock, with ragged moss and rough sticks, but still it is a nest; and, although it may be very hard under us, over us are the wings of the Almighty. "Commentary on Ruth 2:12". There is nothing in all the handiwork of God more curious than a bird’s wing. Copyright StatementThese files are considered public domain and are a derivative of an electronic edition that is available in the Online Bible Software Library. BibliographyHaydock, George Leo. Nothing is, after all, able to injure us. Ruth 2:12 12 c The Lord repay you for what you have done, and a full reward be given you by the Lord , the God of Israel, under whose wings you have come to take refuge!” Read more Share Copy Work. trust = flee for refuge. (17-23) Commentary on Ruth 2:1-3 (Read Ruth 2:1-3) Observe Ruth's humility. 2013. Sowing Seed Of Kindness During The Coronavirus Epidemic Contributed by Dr. Jonathan L Vorce on Dec 6, 2020 | 175 views. BibliographyWhedon, Daniel. . 4. This is what our young converts have done: they have come, not to trust themselves, but to trust in Jesus. And Boaz isn’t finished with his effusive lavish kindness to Ruth. (NASB: Lockman)Amplified: Then Boaz said to Ruth, Listen, my daughter, do not go to glean in another field or leave this one, but stay here close by my maidens. Used by Permission. https: These birds, when trained, had in them the dart of the lightning. They are swift when they drop upon the foe, and swift when they come to help God’s friends. Feminine. Version. (Amplified Bible - Lockman) He puts one wing over our cradle, and He puts the other over our grave. The Lord recompense thy work.] Ruth 2:8: Then Boaz said to Ruth, "Listen carefully, my daughter.Do not go to glean in another field; furthermore, do not go on from this one, but stay here with my maids. But there is a present reward, and to that Boaz referred. (12) Boaz prays that God will recompense Ruth’s dutifulness to her mother-in-law, and the more seeing that she herself has put herself under His protection. Next, Ruth, having left her old companions, had come amongst strangers. Ruth 2:12. 13 Then she said, Let me find favour in thy sight, my lord; for that thou hast comforted me, and for that thou hast spoken friendly unto thine handmaid, though I be not like unto one of thine handmaidens. Neither pains of body, nor sufferings of mind, nor losses in business, nor cruel blows of death, can work us real ill. Is not this a reward for which a man may well forego the flatteries of sin? Its origin is "Hebrew". The similarity of expression here to Genesis 15:1, and in Rth 2:11 to Genesis 12:1, makes it probable that Boaz had the case of Abraham in his mind. High spirits will rather starve than stoop; not so Ruth. III. Ruth 2:12. 3. https: reward . (b). https: BibliographyTorrey, R. A. "Commentary on Ruth 2:12". "Ellicott's Commentary for English Readers". "George Haydock's Catholic Bible Commentary". Can any happiness excel this? She was nominated by President Bill Clinton, replacing retiring justice Byron White, and at the time was generally viewed as a moderate consensus-builder. Ruth 2:12 "The LORD recompense thy work, and a full reward be given thee of the LORD God of Israel, under whose wings thou art come to trust." . Booz doubted not but a full and eternal reward was due to good works. Ruth 2:11-12 King James Version (KJV). The English lords used to pride themselves on the speed of their falcons. May you be richly rewarded by the LORD, the God of Israel, under whose wings you have come to take refuge.” NIV: New International Version . hasah. "Commentary on Ruth 2:12". "Commentary on Ruth 2:12". “Ruth” most likely comes from a Moabite and/or Hebrew word meaning “friendship.” Ruth arrived in Beth-lehem as a foreigner (2:10), became a maidservant (2:13), married wealthy Boaz (4:13), and was included in the physical lineage of Christ (Matt. ", To report dead links, typos, or html errors or suggestions about making these resources more useful use our convenient, John Gill's Exposition of the Whole Bible, and a full reward be given thee of the Lord God of Israel, Matthew Poole's English Annotations on the Holy Bible, Joseph Benson's Commentary of the Old and New Testaments, George Haydock's Catholic Bible Commentary, Ellicott's Commentary for English Readers, Commentary Critical and Explanatory - Unabridged, Kretzmann's Popular Commentary of the Bible, Lange's Commentary on the Holy Scriptures. Show popularity chart Ruth is a Hebrew name whose meaning is uncertain. i. Ruth was satisfied, because she answered the generous invitation of Boaz. (Calmet). https: Ruth 2:12. Especially important in the narrative are his words concerning the fact that she had come ‘to take refuge under the wings of YHWH’. BibliographyPoole, Matthew, "Commentary on Ruth 2:12". "The New John Gill Exposition of the Entire Bible". This name is mostly being used as a girls name. 1917. The Lord recompense thy work.] Why will men stay out in the cold to be shot of temptation and to be chilled by the blast, when there is this Divine shelter? What does this verse really mean? Scripture: Ruth 2:12. It is this continued emphasis that indicates that part of the reason for the account was in order to indicate to would be proselytes that they could be totally accepted into Israel. That, however, is only the beginning of the believer’s reward. BibliographyEllicott, Charles John. 37,) to denote protection. Despite being a Moabite, she was wiser than many in Israel when it came to recognizing the Lord’s hand in her work. Masculine. For example, Psalm 57:1 says, "Be merciful to me, O God, be merciful to me, for in thee my soul takes refuge; in the shadow of thy wings I … In the light of Ruth’s history we will read the good man’s blessing. Ruth’s instruction to Boaz in 3:9 (“spread your cloak”) evokes Boaz’s initial blessing of Ruth in 2:12. This poor stranger, Ruth, in coming to put her trust in the God of Israel, was giving up everything; yes, but she was also gaining everything. It has been estimated that, in the ten years of a swallow’s life, it flies far enough to have gone round the world eighty-nine times, so great is its velocity. BibliographyBullinger, Ethelbert William. Ruth says, "Let me go to the field, and glean along the ears of grain." Ver. That’s exactly what wings do. Joel is the prophet, who compares the coming day of the Lord with a succession of locust invasions, which sequentially devour every crop and all vegetation, in an unrelenting, progressive destruction. 1599-1645. 1. Ruth, no doubt, had many friends in her native country, but she tore herself away to cling to Naomi and her God. An allusion either to hens, which protect and cherish their young ones under their wings; or to the wings of the cherubims, between which God dwelt. 12. Cancel {{#items}} {{local_name}} {{/items}} Share. Nothing could be more sublimely descriptive of dedication to the service of the true God--committing oneself to Him for providential protection and salvation, and seeking the loving fellowship of His Church--than “coming to trust beneath Jehovah’s wings.” (A. Thomson, D. D.). What follows in the story would not have happened had it been otherwise. All Rightes Reserved, Larry Pierce, Winterbourne, Ontario.A printed copy of this work can be ordered from: The Baptist Standard Bearer, 1 Iron Oaks Dr, Paris, AR, 72855. 1905-1909. I do not think that Boaz knew the full meaning of what he said. Ruth desired to receive God’s blessing of productivity, whether from God himself (Ruth 2:12) or through a human being “in whose sight I might find favor” (Ruth 2:2). (Menochius). Ruth had little self-esteem, and therefore she won the esteem of others. The Lord recompense thy work, &c. — Thy dutiful kindness to thy mother-in-law, and thy leaving thy country and kindred, and all things, to embrace the true religion. Ruth 2:12 says, “May the Lord reward your work, and your wages be full from the Lord, the God of Israel, under whose wings you have come to seek refuge.” The word “wings” has an interesting Hebrew meaning: to project laterally. "Scofield Reference Notes on Ruth 2:12". She knew Naomi, but in the whole town of Bethlehem she knew no one else. trust. full reward. "The Adam Clarke Commentary". The carrier-pigeons were the telegraphs of the olden time. What Does Joel 2:12 Mean? Can any reward be better than this? "The 1599 Geneva Study Bible". Joan Ruth Bader Ginsburg (/ˈbeɪdər ˈɡɪnzbɜːrɡ/ BAY-dər GINZ-burg; March 15, 1933 – September 18, 2020) was an associate justice of the Supreme Court of the United States from 1993 until her death on September 18, 2020. And so the wings of the Almighty, spoken of in the text, are swift wings. 2 And Ruth the Moabitess said unto Naomi, Let me now go to the field, and glean ears of corn after him in whose sight I shall find grace. "Commentary on Ruth 2:12". “YHWH recompense your work, and a full reward be given you by YHWH, the God of Israel, under whose wings you are come to take refuge.”. The wings under which Ruth had come to trust were very broad wings. "Commentary on Ruth 2:12". The LORD recompense thy work, and a full reward be given thee of the LORD God of Israel, under whose wings thou art come to trust. 1859. work . So Ruth the Moabitess said to Naomi, “Please let me go to the field, ... She did not eat all that was offered to her, meaning that she didn’t want to seem like a greedy eater in front of Boaz, and that she was sensible enough to take some home to Naomi. Denomination: Pentecostal. There was a relative of Naomi’s husband, a man of great wealth, of the family of Elimelech. Joseph Benson's Commentary. Notice in verse 2, Naomi does not command Ruth to get out and work. Ruth gleans in the field of Boaz. Last year it ranked 265th in the U.S. Social Security Administration list of most popular baby girl names. “He shall not be afraid of evil tidings; his heart is fixed, trusting in the Lord.”. Faith in Divine help and grace will win an undoubted recompense. BibliographyScofield, C. I. and when thou art athirst, go unto the vessels, and drink of that which the young men have drawn. Ruth 2:12 Ruth Meets Boaz. The implication of verse 12 is that God will reward Ruth because she has sought refuge under his wings. Popularity in the United States. BibliographyExell, Joseph S. "Commentary on "Ruth 2:12". There have been condors in the Andes that could overcome an ox or a stag. Then, let me tell you, they that trust in God and follow Him have another full reward, and that is, the bliss of doing good. They … ), Some have imagined the reference to be to a hen, beneath whose wings her little birds flee for shelter and warmth, according to one memorable and touching comparison used by our Lord (Luke 13:34). "Commentary on Ruth 2:12". (C. H. Ruth 2:12 Translation & Meaning. Under whose wings thou art come to trust. and a full reward be given thee of the Lord God of Israel; the Targum adds, in the world to come; which is called the reward of the inheritance, Colossians 3:24 a reward not of debt, but of grace; and that will be a full one indeed, fulness of joy, peace, and happiness, an abundance of good things not to be conceived of, see 2 John 1:8. under whose wings thou art come to trust; whom she professed to be her God, and whom she determined to serve and worship; whose grace and favour she expected, and to whose care and protection she committed herself: the allusion is either to fowls, which cover their young with their wings, and thereby keep them warm and comfortable, and shelter and protect them, see Psalm 36:7 or to the wings of the cherubim overshadowing the mercy seat, Exodus 25:20 and the phrase is now adopted by the Jews to express proselytism; and so the Targum here,"thou art come to be proselyted, and to be hid under the wings of the Shechinah of his glory,''or his glorious Shechinah. Finding the new version too difficult to understand? Yes, it is not a desert in which we are placed; it is a nest. The new convert is like Ruth in another respect: he is very lowly in his own eyes. More than this: the man who trusts in God rests in Him with respect to all the supplies he now needs, or shall ever need. Without can not be used by it self, meaning that it has to be minimum one more condition included (all/at least one,etc) all: "fish", without: "bread", will search for verses that contains "fish" but NOT "bread" start: search for verses that contains words that start with the search words The Lord recompense thy work, &c. — Thy dutiful kindness to thy mother-in-law, and thy leaving thy country and kindred, and all things, to embrace the true religion. Barnes's Ruth 2:12 Bible Commentary The similarity of expression here to Genesis 15:1, and in Ruth 2:11 to Genesis 12:1, makes it probable that Boaz had the case of Abraham in his mind. When Providence had made her poor, she cheerfully stoops to her lot. Copyright StatementThese files are public domain. Through grace I expect a full reward.”. 4. Joel 2:1-2, 12-17 EXEGESIS: THE CONTEXT: Estimates for the dates of the book of Joel range from the ninth century to the second century B.C., but most scholars agree that this is a post-exilic book—written after Cyrus of Persia freed the Jewish exiles from their Babylonian captivity in 538 B.C. Mighty to destroy. Hebrew. (e) Signifying, that she would never lack anything, if she put her trust in God, and lived under his protection. You have been surprised sometimes to see how far a bird can fly with one stroke of the wings; and, when it has food in prospect, or when it is affrighted, the pulsations of the bird’s wings are unimaginable for velocity. Ruth "coming to God, believed that God is, and that he is a rewarder of those that diligently seek him." when you come to trust in Christ, you find in the Lord Jesus Christ one who is next of kin to you, who redeems your heritage, and unites you to Himself. It has been suggested by others that the allusion is to the mercyseat in the holy of holies in the ancient tabernacle, over which the wings of the cherubim stretched from the one extremity to the other, and above which the Divine glory shone with benignant radiance. Swallows have been shot in our latitude having the undigested rice of Georgia swamps in their crops, showing that they had come four hundred miles in six hours. The strength of a bird’s wing--of a sea-fowl’s wing, for example--you might guess from the fact that sometimes for five, six, or seven days it seems to fly without resting. Let him get away safely the speed of their falcons verse 2, Naomi Does not command Ruth get! 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