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Major Miles then laments his condemning of a fellow Ishvalan and Scar has a flashback of his master, preaching that even though what the Amestrian military has done to them is unforgivable, as humans, they must endure it so as to sever the bond of hatred and keep their own dignity so they won't be the same as vengeful beasts, and that his brother's theory about the flow of energy in the world, will grow positive if people build positive feelings and become able to hold negative feelings. Envy - Himself Kiadony 08:10, February 17, 2010 (UTC), Unlike other major characters, Scar has this 'Profile' section that includes his appearance, personality and abilities. As a result, Scar's sleeve is destroyed, revealing his ornate tattoo to his enemies. The young man awoke some time later in an emergency clinic set up and maintained by married doctors Urey and Sara Rockbell, who had applied emergency surgery and bandages to heal the man's injuries. He is reasonably wise and a skilled rhetorician, though his misguided thirst for vengeance clouds his greater judgment and leads his arguments in circles. Having had his people and his family stolen from him, Scar sympathizes with those who care for their loved ones and looks after those who have lost their place in the world. Consequently, Scar has quite possibly developed the most of all the characters over the course of the series, as he was initially a serial killer but now works towards the common good. Kimblee, however, proved able to cling onto life long enough to transmute Alphonse's body into explosive material. One of the survivors of the massacre is Scar, an Ishvalan who forsook his own name to seek revenge on those who had all but destroyed his people. In the manga and 2009 anime storyline, this crown sticks up a bit, while the 2003 anime series depicts it as relatively flat and spread out. From Wikipedia: According to the novel series The Lion King: Six New Adventures, Scar's real name is Taka, which is Swahili for "dirt" or "trash", also "want". And I can't find any other pages where the text is seen like that, at least potentially. This page deals with the Main Characters of the series. In the first anime, Scar died without his name ever being revealed. Or if it is, absolutely nothing of his name has been confirmed yet. They encounter a young girl named May Chang who claims to be a traveler from the eastern nation of Xing and, as a practitioner of alkahestry (a native Xingese variant of alchemy), May recognizes the pattern on Scar's right arm as containing an alkahestric array known as the Dragon's Pulse. As a young warrior monk living in the Kanda region of Ishval during the Ishval Civil War, the man who would later be known as "Scar" personally opposed the assimilation of his homeland into greater Amestris and found his distrust of the central government cemented by the military atrocities that erupted around him each day. Scar's shock at having his past dug up is compounded when he discovers that Winry Rockbell, the Rockbells' orphaned teenage daughter, has appeared behind him in the alley. Fullmetal, apparently having investigated some of Scar's past, then demands to know why Scar murdered the Rockbell doctors during the Ishval Civil War. Olivier then told him that the reason she saved him was to work together with Miles to save the Ishvalan people and religion (and also to make Roy Mustang get into a bad position once he's found alive). He declares to the three young Amestrians that the cycle of hatred will never end until one side is destroyed, but reminds them that it was their people who drew first blood. Fullmetal and his younger brother Alphonse attempt to flee, but Scar gives chase and eventually corners them, forcing them to fight. You'll be able to see the arms from several angles. Ignis237 (talk) 22:29, November 30, 2013 (UTC). - See if you can answer this Full Metal Alchemist trivia question! Scar awakens to the sight of his new arm, and a new horror. Being a native Ishvalan, the man known as Scar carries the dark complexion and distinctive red irises of his people. Though Scar is unable to transmute past the deconstruction stage with this arm, the Alkahestric nature of the array makes his transmutations immune to Father's alchemy-sealing ability. This is a short summary page for characters from the Fullmetal Alchemist manga series and its anime adaptation Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood. He was, afterward, secretly rescued by Olivier Mira Armstrong. Still, for all the serial killer's anti-alchemical posturing, the fact that he is unable to deconstruct an object whose composition he does not comprehend suggests that Scar does have a fair bit of alchemical knowledge and must actively identify, or at least make educated guesses at, the makeup of objects he wishes to destroy; despite his repeated assertion that the arm (and not himself) is the one performing alchemy, Scar is an amateur alchemist by practice. This god is an all-powerful… Alchemy is the science of transmutation, which is the process of comprehension, deconstruction, and reconstruction in order to manipulate matter. Taking advantage of the confusion of Scar's sudden appearance, Edward informs the alchemist killer that these Homunculi are the ones who purposely orchestrated the Ishval Civil War and that Envy himself fired the shot that began the fighting. He is fairly tall with a muscular build and his hair is shaved close on the back and sides, leaving a silver-colored crown on top. When he woke up, he commented that this was the second time he nearly died, but both times rescued by Amestrians. Additionally, he sports a pair of black slacks with a white cross on the left leg and a white stripe running down the right. This is the author not explcitly showing stuff and admittedly messing up the perspective. Aware that they will be pursued by the enemy, Scar splits the quartet into two groups for their travel to the north - with May and Marcoh heading to East City by rail before heading to the Briggs mountain range while Scar heads directly north with a disguised Yoki by stowing away aboard freight trains. When the Elrics later broke into the military's Laboratory Five, to uncover the twisted alchemic experiments that had been conducted there, Scar followed them, saving Alphonse from serial killer Barry the Chopper and battling the Homunculi Lust and Gluttony. Marcoh hopes that Scar, as a warrior priest, can understand them to help their research. In episode Episode 42: His Name is Unknown , Scar has this to say about his real name: "Long ago this body did have a holy name given by god, but that person died years ago from a life of sin, malice and retribution." Scar. Again, find a really clean version of the Ishval flashbacks involving Sar's brother. From then on Scar was set to take revenge for his people, and his brother against The State Alchemists. And back in the heart of Liore, Scar, Kimbley and Al are enmeshed in a climactic battle that none of them may survive. Greed - Father Scar had to live with that ever since. Fanpop quiz: What is Scar's real name? Scar's brother (real name unknown) was an Ishvalan scholar who studied Alchemy and, in the manga and the 2009 anime, Alkahestry. roy, havoc, mustang. Not long thereafter, while ruminating in an alleyway, Scar was approached by Nina Tucker, a young girl who had been turned into a chimera by her father, and discovered the power within his arm when he deconstructed her body, killing her out of mercy. Scar is a rather aloof person who, while he's willing to ally himself with others, he rarely vocalizes his feelings or even really contemplates the relationships, so, I don't think it's prudent on his page. Scar's brother had been mystified as to why the National Library contained no books on the subject and was forced to rely on caravans from Xing to learn about alkahestry. Jolted back to the present by an attack by Alphonse, Scar flees the alley while the armor boy gives chase. I see 'Helmen' now too. They never mention what Scar's real name was in the film universe. Agree As the three youngsters scramble to trap the man's swelling body in a strong metal cable, Scar begins to understand why his powers were useless against the creature overhears them refer to the creature as a Homunculus - an artificial human. I know he got it from his brother, and it is the 'Right Arm of Destruction', but what does the actual symbol mean? In Chapter 64, as they sneak onto a train headed for Briggs in the dead of night, Scar and Yoki find themselves accosted by a mysterious assailant. Enraged by the truth, Scar aims his hand of vengeance at the new enemy, attacking Father with his Destruction Alchemy, but narrowly escapes death when he discovers that the strange old man is both immune to his deconstruction and able to perform powerful transmutations without circulating his energy or even moving at all. As observed by those who have seen it in action and lived to tell the tale, Scar's method follows the cyclical flow of transmutation, but only takes into account the first two steps - comprehension and deconstruction. By studying both Amestrian alchemy and Xingese alkahestry, Scar's elder brother was able to find similarities between the two and combine them into an array that incorporated their strengths. Finally, he got Lust to take Kimblee's dead body into the sight of the military amassed around the city, prompting them to attack. However, instead of being conical, Scar's spikes take the form of hexagonal pyramids. Scar claims he has no legitimate reason and that Winry has every right to take her revenge. Scar's real name is unknown, so he is referred to by the X- shaped scar on his face. while an arabic word similar to it caelas means, stop it/ break it up. Major Miles and his soldiers arrive and order back-up, while Winry questions Scar as to why he killed her parents. Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike License, Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood Episode #4, mentor from his days as a warrior monk in Ishval, Fullmetal Alchemist the Movie: Conqueror of Shamballa, Test your knowledge of FullMetal Alchemist: Brotherhood(FMA: B) with this simple yet challenging quiz. Personally, I'd love it if he and his brother had Ishvalan versions of Edward and Alphonse as names and it would be incredibly fitting...but until such time as this is confirmed, it can't be included as canon here. Miles asks Scar to swear upon his Ishvalan blood to give himself over after his part is done, which Scar agrees, and Miles lets him go, although Ed strongly opposes it. Using a rudimentary description of his appearance, the military police profile him with the name "Scar" due to the large X-shaped scar across his forehead, however, having hidden his right arm and red eyes, he manages to avoid being identified as an Ishvalan refugee and a user of alchemy. If anyone wants to expand Scar's 2003 story background, they're welcome to it and, when that happens, an image of the young Scar from that timeline will be accepted. The other words are tricky. Scars real name is was said only once in a flashback when his brother died and he got his arm. 16:59, 27 May 2009 (UTC), No, it isn't. Near the end of his recuperation, Scar is visited by his mentor from his days as a warrior monk in Ishval, who lectures him about the cycle of hatred that his senseless spree of violence is perpetuating, but they are interrupted by a pair of bounty hunters who have been alerted to the Scarred Man's location by Yoki - an ex-officer of the State Military now living in the slums as a beggar. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Apparently the first motorcycle was invented in 1867, and other than auto-mail and guns, all the stuff in FMA seems about the same for the time as our world. And these are just direct and from the manga. It appears that his arm is able to reconstruct, but is not allowed to by Scar's religious ideology. ... "If you were a real Soul Reaper I would say no because Soul Reapers and Quincy's are enemies." "terra a ndan, colla" translates to "Life in Death, contributes" this is in reference to the philosophers stones nature in that in order to create the stone living souls must be taken and with every soul the stone becomes more powerful. FMA is about how everyone comes together to challenge the overwhelming might of a singular enemy, working in such perfect harmony that their actions piece together a transmutation circle of hope, dreams, love. Scar then activates the Alkahestric Reverse Circle, giving Amestris its alchemy back. Scar reveals in Chapter 103 that he had, at some point in the previous several months, deciphered the deconstruction array enough to accurately recreate the reconstruction array that had been on his brother's left arm. With the last of his strength, his brother had attached his own arm, through means of alchemy, to Scar. He refuses to tell anyone what his real name is because he doesn't feel he deserves it anymore. When Olivier asked him what his real name was, he answered that since he's died twice he does not exist and thus doesn't need a name. Wrath - Scar He is responsible for saving his brother's life during the war in Ishval, sacrificing himself and giving away his right arm, which allows Scar to kill state alchemists. Olivier then realizes that it was Buccaneer who had wounded Wrath. Only when his backstory is needed, it's an entirely different canon, so don't add that pic.Tommy-Vercetti 18:59, November 27, 2011 (UTC), Tommy's right. Survivor Guilt: After Kimblee blows off his arm, Scar's brother uses his own arm as a transplant and dies as a result. anybody have any better picture of the tattoo. Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood is an alternate retelling of Hiromu Arakawa's Fullmetal Alchemist manga that is closer to the source material than the previous 2003 adaptation, this time covering the entire story. In the manga and Brotherhood, however, she suffers a fiery death at the hands of Roy Mustang and dies without any redemption. He accepted this position and thought to himself that this was the reason he was still alive. A brown-skinned man with white hair and a x-shaped scar on his forehead looked down on the Elric brothers who were sitting on the steps and wallowing in self-pity. When they find out that Kimblee is near, to cover all of them, Winry then proposes herself to being used as a "hostage" by Scar to provide cover for the Briggs army and Elric brothers, and to secure herself from Central's grasp. Although not appearing canonically until the second volume of the manga, a shadowy Scar is seen breaking into Arakawa's office (presumably to attack her) with a document labelled "photo typesetting" in the omake section of volume 1. A guest commented nicely and said that Scar can only decompose and not reconstruct. Being a native Ishvalan, the man known as Scar carries the dark complexion and distinctive red irises of his people. An Ishvalan survivor of the Ishval Civil War, Scar's moniker comes from the large X-shaped scar on his forehead and sports a conspicuous and intricate alchemical tattoo on his right arm, which he uses as his murder weapon of choice. In a flash of inspiration, Scar deconstructs a nearby sewer pipe into free-floating ash, hydrogen and oxygen before igniting them with a spark from Alphonse's steel helmet. Scar Biographical information Characteristics Powers and Abilities Background information Scar, is a nameless lone serial killer and revolutionary who targets State Alchemists for his of brand of justice for the revenge of his slaughtered people and family. FMA Question: What does Scar's tattoo mean? Is this something that should be used on other articles or should *this* article be changed to match others? He is shown to be sympathic towards small children, as he expresses his sorrow that Nina cannot be returned into her original form. After an attack by State Alchemist Solf J. Kimblee left the young Scar dying from exsanguination due to the loss of his right arm, his older brother used the Alkahestric properties to transfer his own right arm to his brother's body in exchange for his life. As is the way of such things, the attempt failed (leading to the creation of the Homunculus, Lust), causing Scar's brother to be outcast by his people. And, while the FMA world is much more advanced technology-wise, (1940's styled cars 30 years prior, automail, all that) I can't help but think that if they did exist in this world, we would have seen one somewhere in the manga, sometime. Some background information about the symbol on the arm: within the symbols on the arm are two statements of Latin origin, one running horizontal and one vertical. Scar (Japanese: スカー, Hepburn: Sukā), also known as Scarred Man (傷の男, Kizu no Otoko), is a fictional character from the Fullmetal Alchemist manga series and its adaptations created by Hiromu Arakawa. Seriously injured by their inhuman tenacity, Scar collapses the tunnel and escapes into the water before losing consciousness. Having discovered the power of the tattoo on his new right arm, he begins assassinating State Alchemists, slaying five in Central City and five more in different places around the country before making his way back east. CorbeauKarasu 18:13, 27 May 2009 (UTC), Exactly what is it that suggests Scar can throw a man over fourteen feet? When Scar hears multiple reports soon afterward of the Fullmetal Alchemist's presence in Central City, he sets out in search of his prey, finding Fullmetal and Flame together in an alley. They reach a nearby train yard to continue their fight just as Fullmetal catches up, but are interrupted when the mysterious large man from East City suddenly appears on the scene, followed immediately by a young Xingese man whom the Elrics call "Ling". Saige soon began waking up, remembering that she was currently with Nina and was without her voice in the Full Metal Alchemist world. In chapter 102-103 Scar engages in a battle to the death with Wrath, who is still majorly wounded from his previous battle with Fu, Buccaneer, and Greed/Lin. While hiding from the military police, May heals Scar's battle wounds and reveals that she has lost her pet panda Xiao-Mei, her only "family" in Amestris. Please can anyone explain this to me? In addition, Scar proves himself capable of taking down inhuman beasts such as chimeras and Homunculi. Although quite harsh and cruel, Scar has an affinity for cute animals, similarly to Alphonse Elric. Possible spoilers: Scar is a refugee from the nation of Ishbal. That's not his real name, but rather, a nickname inspired by the X-shaped scar on his forehead. Scar is a survivor of the genocide campaign during the Ishbalan Rebellion. 0 0. In the 2003 anime, Kimblee personally gave Scar the X-shaped scar on his face and removed his arm. As Scar moves in to deconstruct Fullmetal's body, young Edward asks him to spare Alphonse's life in exchange. That's not his real name, but rather, a nickname inspired by the X-shaped scar on his forehead. Scar also learned from Ed that the hair in the locket is Lust's weakness, due to Homunculus being weak against the remains of the human they were modeled after. They are named after Seven Deadly Sins from Christian doctrine. As they breach the underground, Scar and May are attacked by a veritable horde of monstrous chimeras tasked with guarding the Homunculi's inner sanctum from intruders, but are able to use their transmutation skills to hold their own against the unending horde as they make their way further downward. When I think Fullmetal Alchemist, nearly the last thing that comes to mind is "motorcycle".Tommy-Vercetti 22:23, July 14, 2011 (UTC). In the film that concluded the story of the 2003 anime series, Fullmetal Alchemist the Movie: Conqueror of Shamballa, a parallel universe version of Scar is seen near the end driving a truck next to an alternate version of Lust, probably suggesting they developed a relationship in our world. Also, Greed taking out his Ultimate Eye is a BIG help. Scar is a decidedly brooding and angry man, almost totally consumed by hatred toward the people who destroyed his homeland. Scar kills one of the bounty hunters and maims the other before setting out from the ghetto, telling his mentor that he cannot turn back from his path of blood. this page has the best pic of it ive seen. Scar clashed with Ed and Al more than once, and the second (and slightly less exciting) fight took place in a northern mining town as a blizzard was sweeping in. "dop la terra sie ca" in this context translates to "In the end everything will return" meaning that eventually everything will return back to the cycle of matter. Scar escaped with two children and an Ishvalan elder, and promptly ran into Alphonse once again, who was at the time separated from his brother after a disagreement. By chapter 103, however, things look to be going Wrath's way as Scar is pinned to the ground, with Wrath about to deliver the finishing blow. The right arm, marked with "TERRA" and "AER", carries an array incorporating twin snakes in a Caduceus pattern surrounded by reptilian scales which may represent the "Dragon's Pulse" of alkahestric origin and a series of tribal arrows leading down to the wrist, representing an outward flow. Scar's real name is never revealed, as he states that he no longer deserves one. Each pair is contradictory and the four together represent the four classical elements. In chapter 84, he shows incredible growth in his character by stating, although he is not here to save Amestris, he is here to change it and destroy the corruption, along with his tribe leader and most of the refugee village. His indignation reached a head when he discovered that his older brother had taken up the study of Amestris' craft of alchemy - a practice forbidden by the teachings of Ishvala. Completed August 17, 2015 괴물 . I don't know. Lust isn't. Fullmetal Alchemist Wiki is a FANDOM Anime Community. The Elrics refute Scar's claim to righteous judgment, asking if the teachings of Ishvala would advocate his slaughter of the defenseless Nina Tucker back in East City, but Scar replies by asking if the alchemy they taut as the ultimate truth could have returned her to normal after it had made her into an abomination. This arm is designated for deconstruction. Clearly at a disadvantage, Scar attempts to flee, but with his fresh injuries hindering him and Envy and Gluttony out to kill him, his escape seems dubious. I think the brief seconds of the 2003 series is adequate because it matches what the series itself presented. Swearing vengeance and abandoning his name, he would become known as "Scar" after the distinguishing markings on his forehead. When I was on Google Images, I noticed almost every time Scar was mentioned, it was written as 傷の男(スカー). The statements are "dop la TERRA sie ca" and "TERRA A Ndan, colla" both using the main word "terra" which contains multiple meanings; The earth/life/us/everything. Scar's arm array is the deconstruction half of a two-piece complementary set designed by his older brother. What is Scar's real name in Fullmetal Alchemist? Unaware that this was the purpose of his arm (and that it appeared to cause him pain as it was absorbed), a suffering Scar fled. (lower left panel). In the manga, both injuries were inadvertently caused by the explosion that Kimblee set off to murder the surrounding group of Ishvalans. His brother, afraid that his discoveries would die with him if he were killed while fleeing, entrusted his notebook of discoveries to the young man in the hopes that a warrior monk would have a higher chance of survival than himself. Since there isn't enough space in the 2003 anime canon section for a picture of Scar in his youth. Wrath is pleased with this, as Wrath himself does not have a name and the battle is between two nameless warriors. Caught in one of Kimblee's signature explosions, the young man was mortally injured, bleeding profusely from a wound on his face and the loss of his right arm. The people who wear these tattoos are force to be reckoned with. 2012-01-17 00:08:21 ... Will there be a live action full metal alchemist movie? Additionally, because of its differing origins, it carries a different meaning. but another word i saw, "celas", is esperanto meaning to aim, or with intent. Arriving in East City, Scar tracks down Shou Tucker, the State Alchemist known as the "Sewing-Life Alchemist" at his home and kills him. Scar swears on his Ishvalan blood to protect her, and Ed begrudgingly accepts it. I edited my Ch 4 with one that made sense. The circle would destroy the barrier and allow the alchemists to put an end to Father. Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood (2009 anime), Fullmetal Alchemist: Conqueror of Shamballa (2005), Fullmetal Alchemist: Sacred Star of Milos (2011), Episode 25: Words of Farewell (2003 series), In the last episode he was in Lust asked him what his name was, and he replied by saying he had abandoned his real name along time ago. No one knows his true name, but he goes by Scar because of the large X-shaped scar across his face. Some time later, as he wanders beneath the city, Scar finds himself accosted by a mysterious duo - a large man and a beautiful woman - who seem inexplicably unaffected by his body destruction attacks. The primary anti-hero of the series, Scar is one of the few survivors of a race of people known as the Ishvalans - a group of people recognized by their blood red eyes. The following day, as he wanders through East City, Scar coincidentally comes across the Fullmetal Alchemist Edward Elric on the street and attacks. its been said. To his surprise, the man introduces himself as former State Alchemist Dr. Tim Marcoh and explains that he was largely involved with the massacre in Ishval and is being forced to cooperate with the Homunculi's greater plan while a small village is held hostage. Anyway, I'd at least make Destruction Alchemy a subsection of Abilities. He demands that the doctor reveal all his knowledge regarding the State Alchemist known as Solf J. Kimblee as well as aid him in deciphering the more confusing parts of his brother's research notes - citing his brother's assertion during the war that something about Amestrian alchemy did not make sense. After picking up a locket that belonged to his brother's fiancee in Ishval, Scar traveled to the war-torn desert city of Reole and inscribed a gigantic transmutation array around the city itself by dragging a rock through its dirt streets. Scar attempts to flee, but Scar gives chase and eventually corners them, forcing to..., we have 6 different feats genocide campaign during the Ishbalan Rebellion complementary designed... Clean version of the Ishval Civil War its anime adaptation Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood ( FMA B! Additionally, because of this tattooed arm, through a combination of luck and skill, commented..., helps the weakened Scar move to the transmutation circle during the scar fma real name Rebellion preparations. A warrior priest, can understand them to help their research Japanese, 's! Right to take him yet she 's only in that 2003 series they. She suffers a fiery death at the time, the young man reemerges on his face to deconstruct Fullmetal body... 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