Select Page The composition of the university. In addition to low tuition fees the university provides the students with extra financial assistance in the form of scholarships. Prin continuarea navigării pe site confirmi acceptarea utilizării fişierelor de tip cookie. Contact us at the Contact Info details. are required. During the first 2 years students have to attend lectures of advanced studies and to elaborate 3 research reports. Faculty of Philosophy, University of Bucharest, ROMANIA | 27 de urmăritori pe LinkedIn | The Faculty of Philosophy was established on 1 September 1860, by the Budget Law, at Ion Maiorescu’s proposal. the Faculty of Engineering in Foreign Languages provides degree programmers in English and French; the Faculty of Building Services Engineering provides degree programmers in French. non-EU citizens: 2430 EUROS/academic year The applicants citizens of EU countries, European Economic Community and the Swiss Confederation may apply for admission to Bachelor/Master and PhD studies in the same conditions as Romanian citizens, after obtaining a diploma recognition certificate from the National Centre for Recognition and Equivalence of Diplomas (CNRED). To be enrolled in the first cycle, candidates should hold a Baccalaureate degree or equivalent. The research work is carried out by the teaching staff, a number of research employees and the Master and PhD students. Founded in 1864, the University of Bucharest (UB) was formed out of the former Saint Sava Academy, which itself was established in 1694. The University in Bucharest is one of the most important universities in Romania and in the South-East of Europe. Students can live in one of the 6 residence buildings (dormitories) with a total capacity of 2400 places; the campus has a student’s restaurant (cafeteria) with a capacity of 500 seats. It is a modern public research university and is the second oldest in Romania. Dacă urmați un link către oricare dintre aceste site-uri web, rețineți că acestea au propriile politici de confidențialitate. Wikimedia Commons has media related to University of Bucharest. Enhancing international cooperation, the University has … National University of Music Bucharest is a Romanian professional institution of higher education, research and music creation, founded in 1864. For this first step, the required documents and application procedure are available at Second cycle: 18 postgraduate programmes in Romanian, 2 Master programs in English and 2 in French, all leading to the Master degree (with 2 years duration, 120 credits ECTS); Third cycle: 2 domains of PhD studies with various specializations (with 3 years nominal duration, 180 credits ECTS). Degree programmes in foreign languages are provided as follows: Teaching and research activities are organized in 22 Academic Departments and 18 Research Centres. The university is hosted in 14 buildings covering an area of over 33000 m2. are required. Students are trained in non-literary translation and interpretation (scientific and technical field, economics, law, etc.). To be enrolled on subsidized places from the state budget, EU applicants must follow the standard procedure during the enrolment period according to the admission calendar and regulations of the respective cycle of study. Site-ul este deținut și administrat de Universitatea din București cu sediul în Bulevardul Mihail Kogălniceanu 36-46, București. Candidates for PhD studies should pass an admission exam in the chosen speciality, as well as a foreign language test. When you visit any web site, it may store or retrieve information on your browser, mostly in the form of cookies. The headquarters and the main campus of UTCB is located in Bucharest, 124 Lacul Tei Boulevard. Prin utilizarea acestui site web, sunteți de acord cu colectarea și utilizarea informațiilor dumneavoastră personale (în cazul în care acestea sunt furnizate) în conformitate cu această politică. Following the institutional evaluation performed by the Romanian Agency for Quality Assurance in Higher Education (ARACIS) – member of ENQA, UTCB received a High Confidence Rating. Post-1989 history. The University of Bucharest is the central university of Bucharest, the capital of Romania. Cum utilizăm datele personale pe care le furnizați sau le colectăm. The unconfirmed places by the deadline set will be vacated for a subsequent admission session. Overall admission average to all Bachelor study programs is calculated based on the results of the baccalaureate exam, without any other written or oral admission tests, except the language proficiency test. For the second cycle, candidates should hold al Bachelor degree with at least 240 credits ECTS. Informațiile generate de fișierele de tip cookie cu privire la utilizarea de către dumneavoastră a site-ului web vor fi transmise și stocate de Google pe servere care pot fi localizate în UE, SEE şi/sau Statele Unite. Informațiile colectate şi durata de stocare. Dacă nu mai doriți să primiți newsletter-ul, vă puteţi dezabona prin trimiterea unui e-mail la adresa sau prin folosirea linkului de dezabonare din cadrul newsletter-ului. Google nu va asocia adresa dumneavoastră IP cu alte date deținute de Google. NON-EU CITIZENS – ADMISSION TO BACHELOR, MASTER AND PhD STUDIES Admission process is based on a Diploma or equivalent document, certifying the completion of studies and passing of a final exam at a accredited high school, respectively university. De asemenea, aveţi dreptului de a vă retrage consimţământul în orice moment, fără a afecta legalitatea prelucrării efectuate pe baza acestuia, înainte de retragere. EU, SEE and Swiss Confederation citizens: 4500 lei/academic year (except the bachelor programme for applied modern languages for which the fee is 3600 lei/academic year). Bachelor and Master, ADMISSION CALENDAR SESSION 2 (ONLY IF THERE ARE ANY REMAINING PLACES) NON-EU CITIZENS – ADMISSION TO BACHELOR, MASTER AND PhD STUDIES. informațiile tehnice pe care le colectăm prin utilizarea cookie-urilor vor fi utilizate în scopurile stabilite în “Informarea privind cookie-urile”. Universitatea Tehnica de Constructii Bucuresti., ADMISSION PROCEDURE OF NON-UE MEMBER STATES CITIZENS (BACHELOR and MASTER) To be enrolled, the candidates for PhD studies have to previously accumulate the equivalent of 300 credits ECTS (as graduates of a Master degree in engineering or as graduates of a long-duration programme of 5 years). Gabriela Moise. Other websites. (, Medical certificate (in Romanian, English or French) to certify that the candidate does not suffer from contagious diseases or from conditions that are incompatible with the prospective profession, High School/Bachelor/Master diplomas (as the case may be) or theirs equivalents in original and a copy – that will be certified by the admissions committee, Medical certificate (in Romanian, English or French) to certify that the candidate does not suffer from contagious diseases or conditions that are incompatible with the prospective profession, Birth Certificate and a copy – that will be certified by the admission committee, ID and a copy – that will be certified by the admission committee, Faculty of Civil, Industrial and Agricultural Buildings, Faculty of Engineering in Foreign Languages. Out of these, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. The PhD admission procedure for applicants citizens of EU countries, European Economic Community and the Swiss Confederation is available at:, ADMISSION CALENDAR SESSION 2 (ONLY IF THERE ARE ANY REMAINING PLACES) Universitatea București nu are nicio responsabilitate sau răspundere pentru aceste politici sau modul în care aceste site-uri web își gestionează datele. Students in the Japanese Language and Literature Department, University of Bucharest Contact Person Prof. Anca Focseneanu Professor, Japanese Language and Literature Department, University of Bucharest Address University of Bucharest Bulevardul Regina Elisabeta 4-12, București 030018, Romania De asemenea, Google poate transfera aceste informații către terți în cazul în care are această obligaţie conform legii sau în cazul în care acești terți prelucrează informațiile în numele Google. Acest site folosește cookie-uri pentru a-ți îmbunătăți experiența și a asigura funcționarea optimă. Informații detaliate cu privire la Google și protecția datelor cu caracter personal (inclusiv modul în care puteți controla informațiile trimise către Google) pot fi găsite la: Din site-ul nostru web puteţi să distribuiţi un articol utilizând un buton de distribuire în reţelele de socializare (de exemplu: Facebook, Twitter, Youtube). At the time, it was called The Philosophical Faculty and its curriculum would include philosophy, history of Romania, classical literature, Latin and Greek. Wednesday, 2 December 2020, at 15 p. m the Faculty of Political Science of the University of Bucharest will host a discussion on enlargement of Europe with the participation of Jean-Michel de Waele (Free University of Brussels ), Antony Todorov (New Bulgarian University in Sofia) and Cristian Preda (Bucharest University). University of Bucharest is among the largest universities that educates more then 31 thousand students. The appli… 9-11, […] Having its roots in the “School for Land Surveyors” and in the “The School of Bridges, Roads and Mines” founded in Bucharest in 1818 and 1867, respectively, UTCB’s actual basic structure was established in 1948. Activities within the doctoral programme can be carried out either in Romanian or in a foreign language (English or French). The University of Bucharest offers numerous study programs, from Bachelor degrees to PhD programmes, as well as lifelong learning programmes and Erasmus programmes. Please visit instead to be in touch with our latest news and information regarding the University of Bucharest. The University of Bucharest expects its prospective students at RIUF fair, the biggest international academic fair Read More Transdisciplinary research for the reactive control and proactive risk assessment of zoonotic epidemics | Virgil Iordache În vederea oferirii serviciului de newsletter, datele dumneavoastră de identificare și contact sunt transmise către MailerLite, cu sediul în Lituania. Detalii privind măsurile de protectie a datelor adoptate de către MailerLite se găsesc la adresa. Tuition fees – Bachelor and Master studies To be enrolled in the first cycle, candidates should hold a Baccalaureate degree or equivalent. Since 2001 UTCB has a Double Diploma agreement with l’École des Ponts – ParisTech (ENPC), being the only technical university in Romania that benefits on such a protocol. For the second cycle, candidates should hold al Bachelor degree with at least 180 ECTS. Ranks 3rd among universities in Bucharest with an acceptance rate of 75%. Dreptul de a depune o plângere în faţa Autorităţii de supraveghere. Departamentul de Management al Cercetării, Dezvoltării și Inovării, Concursuri posturi didactice auxiliare și nedidactice, Premiile de excelență în educație și cercetare, Facultatea de Construcții Civile Industriale și Agricole, Facultatea de Căi Ferate Drumuri și Poduri, Departamentul pentru Pregătirea Personalului Didactic,,, Aplicarea regulamentului UE 679/2016 în cadrul UTCB, Birth certificate – copy (if it is issued in Romanian, English or French) and legalized translation (if it is not issued in Romanian, English or French), Copy of the ID document or certificate which states the permanent residence in a foreign country, The Application for the issuance of the letter of acceptance to studies whose fields are all mandatory to be filled in with capital letters and the colour photo, Legalized copy of High School/Bachelor/Master (as the case may be) or its equivalent authenticated by the authorities in the issuing country, in Romanian, English or French, Transcript of Records covering all fulfield studies – copy and legalized translation in Romanian, English or French, Language proficiency certificate (minimum level required for the instruction language is B2/CEFR) or the document proving the fulfilling of the preparatory year in Romania language. Această politică descrie informațiile pe care le colectăm atunci când vizitați Google Analytics utilizează fișiere de tip cookie pentru a ajuta un anumit site web să analizeze modul în care utilizați respectivul site web. Control your personal Cookie Services here. non-EU citizens: 2610 EUROS/academic year The University of Bucharest is a very important and influential player within the community, within the sphere of higher education and research. Students have free internet access, provided in all academic activity areas and residential halls. Mai multe detalii se pot obține accesȃnd adresa The infrastructure mainly consists in the laboratories assigned to the following 18 research centres: The academic year starts on Monday 1st of October and continues through the year until mid July, with holiday breaks in December (for Christmas), February (between the semesters) and April (for Easter). Official site This page was last changed on 25 November 2016, at 05:12. In addition, a number of other documents testifying the citizenship, nationality, health status etc. Tuition fees – PhD studies The composition of the university. with research subjects as: Fundamental sciences in civil engineering, Mechanic of structures, Earthquake engineering and safety of structures, Urban engineering and regional development, Civil engineering, Communication ways, Bridges and tunnels, Railways, roads and airfields, Reinforced concrete structures, Steel structures, Geotechnical and foundation engineering, Water Supply and sewerage, Water treatment, Waste water treatment, Hydraulic structures, Land reclamation, Hydraulics and fluid mechanics, Hydrology, hydrogeology and water management, Investment project management, Construction investment efficiency, Indoor environmental quality, Acoustics of buildings and installations, Energy of buildings and installations, Geodesy, cartography, photogrammetry and remote sensing. Today, UB caters for both undergraduate and postgraduate students with degrees offered in social sciences, humanities and natural sciences. Conform Regulamentului 679/2016 - GDPR, aveţi dreptul de a solicita Universitaţii din București, în calitate de operator de date de natură personală, rectificarea, ştergerea sau restricţionarea prelucrării datelor personale referitoare la dumneavoastră. For Bucharest natives, the phrase "see you at the Clock, at the University" is well known. This website is no longer available. Prin continuarea navigării, ești de acord cu modul de utilizare a acestor informații. UTCB enrols in the academic year 2018 – 2019 over 6000 students, divided among the 3 cycles, Bachelor, Master and PhD. CIVIS – European Civic University Alliance, The Research Institute of the University of Bucharest, Summer courses in Romanian language, culture and civilization, Preparatory Year Romanian Language Course,,, Address: 90 Panduri Street, Sector 5, 050663, Bucharest, ROMANIA. Each semester has 14 weeks of didactic activities followed by 4 weeks exams sessions. admission_eng_non_eu_2018, PhD STUDIES ADMISSION PROCEDURE The University of Bucharest offers numerous study programs, from Bachelor degrees to PhD programmes, as well as lifelong learning programmes and Erasmus programmes. ASE Bucuresti - Academia de Studii Economice din Bucuresti este cea mai prestigioasa institutie de invatamant economic superior din Romania Informații detaliate cu privire la protecția datelor cu caracter personal oferită de aceste organizatii pot fi gasite la adresele:, Aveți dreptul să cereți o copie a informațiilor deținute de noi  prin formularea unei solicitări de acces. The allocation of places for both categories subsidized or with fee is made within the limits of the places approved by the Ministry of National Education for each study program. University of Bucharest is ranked #959 in Best Global Universities. University of Bucharest Rankings. Universitatea Politehnica din București este cea mai mare universitate tehnică din țară, având 15 facultăți și aproximativ 25.000 de studenți. Acest site folosește cookie-uri pentru o mai bună experiență de vizitare. All candidates must complete the application form and submit by e-mail a complete application file to: © Copyright 2019 The University of Bucharest reserves the copyright for the written content and for the images displayed on this site. Edmonton, Canada Area Project Manager, IT at EPCOR Computer Software Education University of Alberta 2003 — 2008 PhD, Computing Science University of Alberta 2001 — 2003 MSc, Computing Science University of Bucharest 1996 — 2000 BSc, Computing Science, Mathematics Experience EPCOR October 2013 - Present EPCOR November 2010 - October 2013 EPCOR April 2009 - … UTCB applies the European Credits Transfer System (ECTS) with 60 credits assigned to each academic year. Pentru a urmări mai ușor informațiile, trebuie să știţi că ne putem referi la instituția noastră folosind termenii „Universitatea din București”, „nouă”, „nostru” etc, iar la tine, ca utilizator și vizitator al site-ului, folosind termenii „utilizator”, „dumneavoastră”, etc. It is important to check for current tuition fees on ( with the desirable faculty in mind. Verificați aceste politici înainte de a trimite orice informații personale acestor site-uri. Admission process is based on a Diploma or equivalent document, certifying the completion of studies and passing of a final exam at a accredited high school, respectively university. Up to now a total of 52 UTCB’s graduates hold the ENPC diploma. Google va utiliza aceste informații în scopul evaluării utilizării de către dumneavoastră a site-ului web, elaborând rapoarte cu privire la activitatea site-ului web și furnizând alte servicii referitoare la activitatea site-ului web și la utilizarea internetului. The first 6 are providing degree programmes in Romanian language, a preparatory year for language proficiency being compulsory. UTCB has seven faculties covering all specialties related to the construction industry. Site-ul poate conține legături către și de pe site-uri web. The teaching staff counts over 330 members scattered between the 22 Academic Departments. Politehnica University of Bucharest is in the top 12% of universities in the world, ranking 13th in Romania and 1873rd globally. The classification of candidates is done in descending order of admission overall average. Bachelor. First cycle: 16 undergraduate programmes in Romanian, 1 undergraduate programme in English and 2 in French, all leading to the Bachelor degree (with 4 years duration, 240 credits ECTS). The area around the old University building (the University Square), adjacent to the C. A. Rosetti, Roman, Kogălniceanu, and Union Squares was the scene of many riots, protests and clashes with the security forces during the Romanian Revolution of 1989.During the months of April–June 1990, the University of Bucharest was the centre of anti-communist protests. This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. The registration to the admission contest is done personally or by a representative on the basis of a power of attorney. Dacă urmați un link către oricare dintre aceste site-uri web, rețineți că acestea au propriile politici de confidențialitate. Marina Popescu Bucharest, Romania Ecommerce Manager at Management Consulting Education Academia de Studii Economice din București 2009 — 2011 Project Management University of Bucharest 2006 — 2009 economics - business administration Experience September 2014 - Present Machteamsoft June 2013 - August 2014 Machteam Soft & Acasa Media (NCH Group) March … In case of Master programmes, the average between marks gotten at Bachelor level, marks at the graduation exam and marks for a vocational interview with a commission are considered. 현대 한국 문학 번역 워크샵 Time: September 2-6, 2013 Place: University of Bucharest, Faculty of Foreign Languages and Literatures, Department of Korean Language and Literature, Pitar Moş Street, no. This place was traditionally, the easiest spot to find, known by everybody living in the city. în cazul în care sunteți de acord cu primirea de informații prin newsletter, vă vom trimite noutǎți despre următoarele subiecte: informații despre evenimentele şi activităţile organizate în cadrul Universităţii din Bucureşti. Civil, industrial and agricultural buildings, Urban engineering and regional development, Sanitary engineering and environmental protection, Appliances and equipments for atmospheric protection, Civil Engineering (in English and French) – both programmes are EUR-ACE® labeled by ENAEE (European Network for Accreditation of Engineering Education), Design of civil and industrial buildings in seismic regions, Technology and management of construction works, Energetic efficiency of building services, Competitive technologies for urban environment protection, Energy, comfort and sustainable development, Machineries for construction dismantling and material recycling, Systems’ design, research and experimentation, Information systems in land surveying and land register, Analysis and processing of geospatial data, Structural engineering (in English and French), Energetic efficiency of buildings (in French), Research Centre for Mathematics and Computer Science, Hydraulic Developments and Water Management Research Centre (AQUA), Research Centre in Geotechnical Engineering, Research Centre of Mineral Waste Valorisation into Construction Materials, Advanced Research Centre in Strength of Materials Professor Panaite Mazilu (CAREM), Professor Dan Ghiocel Research Centre for Structural Engineering and Risk Evaluation, Energy Efficiency in Buildings Research Centre, Advanced Research Centre for Ambient Quality and Building Physics, Research Centre in Electrical Engineering and Lighting, Research Centre for Space Geodesy, Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and GIS, Research Centre for Geodetic Engineering Measurements and Spatial Data Infrastructures, Research Centre: Technological Equipment Engineering in Civil Engineering, Research Centre for Specialised Translation and Intercultural Communication. Bachelor and Master, * only for candidates who do not hold a recognized certificate, EU MEMBER STATES, EEA AND SWISS CONFEDERATION CITIZENS. Please visit the official website of Politehnica University of Bucharest to make sure the University information provided is up-to-date. The University in Bucharest is one of the most important universities in Romania and in the South-East of Europe. Prin trimiterea solicitării sunteți de acord cu prelucrarea datelor dumneavoastră de către Universitatea din București. Keep in Touch. Details of the academic schedule are given here. University of Bucharest | 81,191 followers on LinkedIn | The University of Bucharest is one the leading higher education institutions in Romania and Southeast Europe. Conform Regulamentului 679 /2016 - GDPR, aveți dreptul de a depune o plângere la Autoritatea Naţională de Supraveghere a Prelucrării Datelor cu Caracter Personal. In addition, a number of other documents testifying the citizenship, nationality, health status etc. partner in 15 TEMPUS Joint European Projects and the coordinator of 7 of them; participant in the ERASMUS programme since 1998; initiator and coordinator of the European Civil Engineering Education Thematic Network(EUCEET), which included 132 partner institutions from 29 European countries; runs mobilities under Erasmus+ within over 70 bilateral agreements concluded with prestigious European universities from France, Germany, Italy, Spain, Portugal, United Kingdom, Greece, Belgium, Netherlands, Austria, Sweden and Finland; concluded new Double Diploma agreements with University of La Rochelle, INSA Group and University of Liege, all at Master level; hosts the General Secretariat of the EUCEET Association, as an expression of the sustainable strategy promoted by the Thematic Network EUCEET; is member of Agence Universitaire de la Francophonie (AUF) and the «n+i» professional network which includes 50 French universities. Bioterra University of Bucharest Strada Gârlei 81 013722 Bucharest Romania. Thus, at the end of the 3-year Bachelor studies or 2-year Master studies, our students can integrate themselves into their professional life, having the opportunity to choose to work either as freelancers or to be employed by other types of companies from various fields. With a competitive and well recognised academic staff, UTCB is a major actor in Romanian higher education, research, consultancy and design codes regulations. Politehnica University of Bucharest is classified by the Ministry of Education as an advanced research and education university and is a member of … UTCB offers PhD studies in the following domains: 1. Site-ul nostru web utilizează Google Analytics, un serviciu pentru analiza web, precum şi Google Adwords, furnizate de Google. 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For PhD studies in the top 12 % of universities in Romania and in the domains! Information provided is up-to-date candidates is done personally or by a representative on the basis a. Equipment, Technical mechanics and vibrations solicitării sunteți de acord cu prelucrarea dumneavoastră... Unconfirmed places by the deadline set will be vacated for a place with tuition fees last on. Please visit the official website of Politehnica University of Bucharest reserves the Copyright for the images displayed this... Site-Ul poate conține legături către și de pe site-uri web covering an area over. Be vacated for a subsequent admission session candidates should hold al Bachelor degree with at least 180 ECTS offers. Has 14 weeks of didactic activities followed by 4 weeks exams sessions degrees offered in sciences! Can be carried out by the deadline set will be vacated for a place with tuition.! Experience while you navigate through the website area of over 33000 m2 with at 180... 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